A "Holy" Candidate?


New member
For his LATEST Trick/Deception for America's voters, Obama is NOW paasing out flyers and posters with beautiful Religious Quotes, metioning Jesus and God, with BIG pictures of churches and crosses on them, statements about "he found Jesus", and how "he is doing God's Work"! What a LAUGH!

And YET, Mike Huckabee was BASHED, LAMPOONED, BERATED, AND BELITTLED, by DEMOCRATS, just for having a BOOKCASE BEHIND HIM IN A PHOTOGRAPH, that just "LOOKED like" a Cross! And NOW, Democrats are saying "Theres nothing WRONG with "talking about your faith"!

First, will Liberals on THIS site, who I have SEEN talk against Religion, and Christians ESPECIALLY, will they NOW speak out against Obama? Where are you NOW, Hmmmmmmm?

2.) Did Obama read the part of the New Testament where Jesus was upset and condemned HYPOCRITES, ABOVE ALL? Where he chased the Hypocrites from the temple, shouting "MOneychangers! Get out of My Father's House" ? Like Obama is now exchanging Political Capital?

And if Obama "found Jesus", and he's doing "Gods work", as his flyers say, does befreinding Terrorist Bombers, Racist "False Prophet" Preachers with a lot of "HATE for Whitey", and Crooked Real Estate Swindlers "COUNT, as God's Work"? I've seen HYPOCRACY before, but THIS guy shoud get an AWARD, Haaaaaaaahahahaha!!!

Oh, and BTW, I saw where NARAL, the Group that STILL SUPPORTS Partial Birth Abortion, the procedure where they pull out the baby, except for half its head, then stab the baby's head, crush its skull, and suck its brains out, all in order to "make things easier" for the "mother", THIS group had a spokeswoman on PBS, giving Rave Reviews to Obama, and saying how her Group of Murderers