A House Of Lies


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My gal Judi is correct when she calls Obama “. . . the biggest American political tragedy of all time.”

The lying sack of shit is also the biggest liar to ever live in the White House. That says a lot when you recall the Democrat liars he surpassed.

I said this about the filthy piece of garbage:

It is fair to say that the “constitutional scholar” made no pretense of defending the Constitution. Indeed, swearing his oath of office was the first lie Obama told as president. That is why I do not believe any of the spin talking heads spout about his so-called legacy. The lying sack of shit was aiming at bigger things than the ACA or the Iran Deal. He wanted to be remembered as the Father of Global Government. On top of his father fantasy he was positive his conduct as president would eventually elevate him to ‘Saint of Islam’ for all time in the eyes of Muslims. Obama’s contribution to enslaving the American people in a Muslim theocracy will make him a major Saint of Islam on par with Saint Peter in Roman Catholicism.


Forget Obama’s treasonous polices for a moment. Obama began his presidency with a lie —— Judi topped her article with an image that told me the lying sack of shit left office on a lie:



Fumigating the White House every day will never get rid of the stench Obama left behind. The White House must be razed; the land turned into a landfill. (Swamp creatures living and working close by a garbage dump will not notice the difference when the smell mixes with the foul order coming from the Senate and the House.)

A new White House can be rebuilt far away from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Finally, Judi’s piece is more merciful to the lying sack of shit than I:

It wasn’t until the coronavirus wreaked havoc forcing the entire nation on lockdown, that anti-American, covert snake-in-the-grass lifelong “community organizer” Barack Obama came out of hiding to blame the spread of a media-touted raging pandemic on President Donald Trump.

The timing of this latest monumental move by a two term former president—defiantly refusing to go away—is absolutely jaw dropping!

Obama strutted off the stage to become ‘Resistance Leader Incognito’

Other than boring media reports of his business and campus speeches, the last time we saw Obama was the day he shook hands with new President Donald Trump in the White House.

Leaving behind the deceitful impression that he was duly part of a “smooth transition”, Obama strutted off the stage to become ‘Resistance Leader Incognito’.

His parting words?

“I want to emphasize to you, Mr. President-elect, that we now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed because if you succeed, then the country succeeds,” Obama told Trump.

With a handsome advance for a book that somehow never got published, the one time do-nothing Illinois senator whose main mission in political life was to “Fundamentally Transform America”, wended himself into the bowels of Netflix, producing ‘documentaries’ with his activist wife, having learned the ropes from his then 18-year-old daughter who had learned them at Harvey Weinstein’s New York production company.

Like a deadly pathogen mutating itself in a petri dish

, Obama kept his silence during all of the cooked-up ‘Russiagate’ and during two back-to-back Democrat televised hearing and Impeachment trial.

Working silently and stealthily in the background, the America resenting community organizer wanted “folk” to believe he was no threat to a Republic that was much better off without him while he holed up in a multi-million dollar mansion with activist wife, Michelle and activist former advisor Valerie Jarrett, all working in a lavish abode within easy walking distance of the White House.

But the Man from Nowhere, sprung on the world as a Messiah from that faux Greek stage by the DNC—the president who refuses to go away even as a private citizen—remains in every dark corner, in every nook and cranny of the the Peoples’ White House.

There’s a mini Obama behind every leak at the present day White House going back over nearly the past four years.

Obama’s wild accusation that President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic is an “absolute chaotic disaster,” and his reaction to the Justice Department dropping its criminal case against Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, claiming that he’s worried that the “basic understanding of rule of law is at risk,” is an ongoing part of the coup d’état he unleashed on President Trump in the first place!

Obama’s outlandish remarks

Obama’s outlandish remarks came during a Friday call with 3,000 “ex-members” of the Obama Alumni Association, AP-described as “people who served in his administration”.

Calling Obama’s Alumni Association people “ex members” is Fake News 101.

This is how the Obama Alumni Association describes itself off their website:

“Shortly after President Obama’s historic 2008 election, a group of campaign alumni came together around the question of how to sustain the community of people who had, and would continue to, dedicate their time to perfecting our union. The answer became the Obama Alumni Association, which over the past decade has connected, engaged, and mobilized the thousands of alumni from President Obama’s campaigns, Administration, and OFA.

“Our work continues. Now more than ever, it’s critical that we come together as a family — to organize and mobilize, to communicate, plan, and share opportunities with each other. This website was created to enable just that — as a forum to connect alumni to each other, share the inspiring work alumni are doing across the country, share job opportunities, and highlight important actions that we can all take to move our country forward.”

God protect the president and his family’s physical safety!

Some of the alumni still have hooks into the White House doing Obama’s bidding and still working feverishly to bring down the Trump administration.

Now that their frustration has reached desperado peak, God protect the president and his family’s physical safety!

Now that he’s back at the front rather than the back of the battle lines, this is where Obama is coming from:

“What we’re fighting against is these long-term trends in which being selfish, being tribal, being divided, and seeing others as an enemy — that has become a stronger impulse in American life. And by the way, we’re seeing that internationally as well. It’s part of the reason why the response to this global crisis has been so anemic and spotty,” Obama said, according to Yahoo News. (AP, May 9, 2020 )

“It would have been bad even with the best of governments. It has been an absolute chaotic disaster when that mindset — of ‘what’s in it for me’ and ‘to heck with everybody else’ — when that mindset is operationalized in our government,” he said.

A resentful ex-president who bears ill will toward America

“White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany did not mention Obama directly in her response to his remarks.

“President Trump’s coronavirus response has been unprecedented and saved American lives,” she said.

“While Democrats were pursuing a sham witch hunt against President Trump, President Trump was shutting down travel from China.”

Meanwhile, that a resentful ex-president who bears ill will toward America—even fomenting for its “fundamental transformation”—and including staging a coup d’état against his replacement while still in office— is working out to be the biggest American political tragedy of all time.

Barack Obama’s Ongoing Brazen Coup d'état
By Judi McLeod
May 10, 2020

Only the American extreme-right shares this ludicrous nonsense - the rest of the world longs to be back in those decent, grown-up days.