A Lesson in Geopolitics for George W. Bush


"Cypress you motherfucking whore!"
Note to George W. Bush and his ill-informed fans: Deep profound divisions between sunni jihadists, shia theocrats, and socialist secular arab dictators in the arab islamic world give you the opportunity to manipulate and exploit those divisions. The sunni jihaddists like Al Qaeda, literally hate the shia theocratic nationalists like hezbollah and iran. Syria, a socialist secular state hates all of them, but may be willing to form alliances of convenience with Hezbollah.

A smart, clever president would know this, and pursue a clever, nuanced approach to exploit the divisions in the muslim world:

Talk of a unified Qaeda/Iran/Hezbollah/Syria menace is nonsense as a casual scan of actual Sunni jihadist views will make clear. As Fred Kaplan notes, if Churchill and FDR had operated with the Bush mentality, "they might not have formed an alliance with the Soviet Union (out of a refusal to negotiate with evil Communists), and they might have therefore lost the war."

It's worse than that, though -- they might have proposed attacking the Soviet Union in the middle of the war because Bolshevism and Nazism were both species of Eurofascism.-- Josh Marshall

Al-Qaeda member: Hizbullah backed by evil

'Hizbullah not fighting for Allah'

-Website quotes al-Qaeda senior figure as saying: 'Hizbullah are infidels, it and Israel are enemies of Allah'

A speech allegedly made by Sheikh Abu Abdul Rahman has surfaced on a jihadi pro al-Qaeda website in which Rahman is cited as condemning the "infidel Hizbullah" and "the most corrupted regimes of Syria and Iran."

The speech was posted on the Islamist Muntada internet forum, frequently used by British Muslim al-Qaeda sympathizers, and was described as being a "summary of an address by Sheikh Abu Abdul Rahman speaking from Lebanon."

....he then turns his wrath to Hizbullah, Iran, and Syria, calling them "infidel entities," and arguing that they are preventing Sunni jihadis from attacking Israel.

"We need to know the reality, and we already know how Hizbullah do not fight for the sake of Allah. They declare themselves that they fight for the sake of Lebanon, are backed by the most corrupted regimes – Syria and Iran – and backed by the most evil people," Abdul Rahman was cited as saying.

"We cannot be fools to die for nationalism and tribalism, if two entities of Kuffar (infidels) fight that does not bother us. What bothers us is if we side with any one of them," he added.

"Hizbullah has been the shield for the northern border of Israel, just like the eastern and southern shield is Jordan and the western shield is Egypt. These shields are all to prevent any Mujahideen (holy warriors) from entering Israel or to attack them," the message said.

But on the other hand; Bravo! Finally, he has fulfilled a key campaign promise and become a uniter, not a divider.

Let's not be picky, he never did say that he was going to unite Americans specifically.
But on the other hand; Bravo! Finally, he has fulfilled a key campaign promise and become a uniter, not a divider.

Let's not be picky, he never did say that he was going to unite Americans specifically.
LOL, a very good point Darla. :clink:

Just like the campaign promises of our Republican gov to get rid of the Demoncrat good ol boy system. He left off the part about replacing it with a Rebutliken good ol boy system.
But on the other hand; Bravo! Finally, he has fulfilled a key campaign promise and become a uniter, not a divider.

Let's not be picky, he never did say that he was going to unite Americans specifically.


Seriously, is bush trying to lose this war on purpose, by conflating sunni jihadists, shia theocrats, and secular dictators together under the ridiculous umbrella "islamo-fascism"?
I dunno, if you saw his speech yesterday , bush seems to be pouring gasoline on the fire. Bush's stupidity appears to be growing and I did not think that possible.
I dunno, if you saw his speech yesterday , bush seems to be pouring gasoline on the fire. Bush's stupidity appears to be growing and I did not think that possible.

For the past four years, I've been lectured by bush fans, about why its "a waste of time" to understand our enemies motivations and goals.

Bush and his fans have the pedal to the metal, and are careening us over the cliff. They really need to educate themselves about the nuances of the middle east. Just last week a Bush fan lectured me the "Iran" was Bin Ladin's biggest ally, and if we took out iran we would "find" bin ladin.
I thought Bush said catching OBL was not important any more. I wonder if anyone can make sense of bushbabble ?