A letter to America: You Cannot be Serious


You Cannot be Serious by Ian Bell


"...Ms Palin is a symbol of deep American introversion, of the fact that you have ceased to take yourselves seriously and, more important, don't much care who knows it. Arguments over the relationship between the wider world and your choices have become irrelevant. You have detached yourself, finally, from the global community. This is isolationism as never before conceived. "American" in my life has been lingua franca, for better or ill. Now you talk to yourself.

And you talk, my friends, in the sort of gibberish that once you spurned. It's not about Ms Palin, as such. It is about the process that creates a candidate-grin manipulated to serve darkness, ignorance, fear, a war economy, and the flaunting of stupidity.

Nice going."

America for Dummies: A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote to further marginalize science and progress in America by supporting creationism (religion) as science.
wow that's a good one upon retrospect. I'm going to have to use that on sr the next time i see him around.

I just hope he doesn't figure out the classic retort of justplain lolitics
wow that's a good one upon retrospect. I'm going to have to use that on sr the next time i see him around.

I just hope he doesn't figure out the classic retort of justplain lolitics
He'll just claim he invented it.
This is not, historically speaking, a big deal. The American Century may well be at an end, with only the debts - unfeasibly big debts - to be settled. The Chinese, the Arabs, the Europeans, even the Russians hold your IOUs. When the money runs out, aircraft carriers are window dressing. Besides, no-one in the British islands is in a position to talk. Our empire was far more reckless than yours has ever been, and we could not hold a blood-red candle to Spain, France, Germany, Holland or even little Belgium. No-one ever gave thanks for having the Russians or the Chinese in charge. These things come and go.

Let's be clear about that, too. I am not one of those Europeans who succumb to the charisma of Mr Obama. I have watched Mr Blair work a room. Unfashionably, I thought the Democrats should have stuck with a deplorable Clinton. I also thought the Obama Berlin gig an absurdity. I do not trust anyone who answers "hope" and "change" to every hard question. And I have no belief in an "anti-war" candidate who proposes dusty death without end in Afghanistan.

The rest of planet earth must be laughing their asses off and wondering how in the hell did they follow us for so many years.

The Emperor has no clothes and we've been exposed as the idiot nation we have become.
This is not, historically speaking, a big deal. The American Century may well be at an end, with only the debts - unfeasibly big debts - to be settled. The Chinese, the Arabs, the Europeans, even the Russians hold your IOUs. When the money runs out, aircraft carriers are window dressing. Besides, no-one in the British islands is in a position to talk. Our empire was far more reckless than yours has ever been, and we could not hold a blood-red candle to Spain, France, Germany, Holland or even little Belgium. No-one ever gave thanks for having the Russians or the Chinese in charge. These things come and go.

Let's be clear about that, too. I am not one of those Europeans who succumb to the charisma of Mr Obama. I have watched Mr Blair work a room. Unfashionably, I thought the Democrats should have stuck with a deplorable Clinton. I also thought the Obama Berlin gig an absurdity. I do not trust anyone who answers "hope" and "change" to every hard question. And I have no belief in an "anti-war" candidate who proposes dusty death without end in Afghanistan.

The rest of planet earth must be laughing their asses off and wondering how in the hell did they follow us for so many years.

The Emperor has no clothes and we've been exposed as the idiot nation we have become.
Europeans are the dumbasses who committed ritualistic suicide from 1914-1945. Nothing can be sillier than that, but I agree that it is naive to think that other nations really care for your well-being or status in the world. We need to help ourselves more and let these people revert back to being the fools on the block.
Europeans are the dumbasses who committed ritualistic suicide from 1914-1945. Nothing can be sillier than that, but I agree that it is naive to think that other nations really care for your well-being or status in the world. We need to help ourselves more and let these people revert back to being the fools on the block.

Now America is the barbaric state and they are true civilization. How things change.
Now America is the barbaric state and they are true civilization. How things change.

Sadly I agree, we are becoming a nation of dummies. Another four years of republican backdoor politics and judicial fools and we'll seal the deal.

"This is the Bush-McCain economy. Senator McCain may have forgotten, but President Bush already tried his economic policies and the results are not good. We have just been through a business cycle in which the wage of the typical worker and the typical working family fell. This is the first time that has ever happened."

Sadly I agree, we are becoming a nation of dummies. Another four years of republican backdoor politics and judicial fools and we'll seal the deal.

"This is the Bush-McCain economy. Senator McCain may have forgotten, but President Bush already tried his economic policies and the results are not good. We have just been through a business cycle in which the wage of the typical worker and the typical working family fell. This is the first time that has ever happened."


That's where they get you. If you believe there is any real difference in republicans and democrats then you've been had my friend.

Start from here .. America is a plutocracy.

Definition: Plutocracy
Domain: Politics/Sociology
Context: The corruption of democracy, sources of political corruption, class conflict, corporations and politics, the mass media and politics

The term "plutocracy" is formally defined as government by the wealthy, and is also sometimes used to refer to a wealthy class that controls a government, often from behind the scenes. More generally, a plutocracy is any form of government in which the wealthy exercise the preponderance of political power, whether directly or indirectly.

Once you realize and accept that truth then the answers become clearer.

You cannot defeat a plutocracy with the mechanisms of a democracy.

A plutocracy owns and controls the vote.

Americans are a conditioned people and their cognitive dissonance will not allow them to recognize the truth of their condition.

We are a nation of dummies.