A liberal darling?

Big Money

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Mills was involved in a traffic incident in Washington, DC at 2 a.m. on October 9, 1974. His car was stopped by U.S. Park Police late at night because the driver had not turned on the lights. Mills was intoxicated, and his face was injured from a scuffle with Annabelle Battistella, better known as Fanne Foxe, a stripper from Argentina.

When police approached the car, Foxe leapt from the car and jumped into the nearby Tidal Basin in an attempt to escape. She was taken to St. Elizabeth's Mental Hospital for treatment.

Despite the scandal, Mills was re-elected to Congress in November 1974 in a heavily Democratic year. On November 30, 1974, Mills, seemingly drunk, was accompanied by Fanne Foxe's husband onstage at The Pilgrim Theatre in Boston, a burlesque house where Foxe was performing. He held a press conference from Foxe's dressing room.

True. But Edwards ranks as a perfect example of the cheating Dem slimeball. His wife was dying.

You see the cheating. I saw a politician basically goading the press at the time to investigate. They did. He was totally destroyed. If the same media we have today was then, he'd probably have been president.

I don't expect from politicians what I do from my husband regarding behaviors. However, when the politicians appetites propel them towards self-destruction, seems the press should report and put in context. Doesn't happen much nowadays.
Another liberal slimeball:

LOLOLOL All you can do is bring up "dead men" when asked to identify racist or criminal elements. And this is supposed to distinguish you as an opponent, worthy of debating, on a given topic????? Juvenile and pedestrian, at best.
I wonder what would happen if I posted a thread every two minutes pointing out the thousands of republican sex scandals?
You see the cheating. I saw a politician basically goading the press at the time to investigate. They did. He was totally destroyed. If the same media we have today was then, he'd probably have been president.

I don't expect from politicians what I do from my husband regarding behaviors. However, when the politicians appetites propel them towards self-destruction, seems the press should report and put in context. Doesn't happen much nowadays.


You think today's media is too lax on candidates who cheat on their spouse?

Tell that to Anthony Weiner whose career was destroyed despite the fact he didn't even have an affair.

The media helped bring down that cheater Mark Sanford...who said he was hiking the Appalachain trail when he was really banging his Brazilian mistress.

Then there was Nevada Senator John Ensign who was drummed out of Congress due to stories in the press about his affair.

...and those are just the biggies!

You think today's media is too lax on candidates who cheat on their spouse?

Tell that to Anthony Weiner whose career was destroyed despite the fact he didn't even have an affair.

The media helped bring down that cheater Mark Sanford...who said he was hiking the Appalachain trail when he was really banging his Brazilian mistress.

Then there was Nevada Senator John Ensign who was drummed out of Congress due to stories in the press about his affair.

...and those are just the biggies!

Yeah, was thinking the same thing. It seems back in the day the press was more likely to keep affairs they knew about under the table. Now in the 24/7 world of the internet nothing is really kept under the wraps. It will be exposed.