A Message from a Lifelong, Dyed-in-the-Wool Democrat


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This article, originally printed in WSJ, has now appeared on MS-NBC, the most BLATANTLY Liberal, and Obamized Cable "News", and CNN, another News Organ that can HARDLY be called a "Bastion of Conservative Thinking". Lanny Davis is not ONLY a smart Political Operator. In this case, he happens to be RIGHT. There is NO WAY Obama can ever become President, if he does not REBUKE this "Black Racist", and Anti-American "Pastor", and STOP taking HIMSELF, and HIS DAUGHTERS, to continue the "Indoctrination of Hate". But then again, most Americans probably believe, after Twenty Years, it's a little too late to change Barack's Way of Thinking. I am attempting, here, to have an honest discussion with Liberal Democrats, to see what you believe. I have not attacked anyone, this is merely a reprint of a Famous and Well-Respected Liberal Democrat, and what he thinks. (Ed. Note)

Obama's Problem
April 9, 2008; Page A15

I have tried to get over my unease surrounding Barack Obama's response to the sermons and writings of his pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. But the unanswered questions remain.

I am a strong supporter of and a substantial fundraiser for Hillary Clinton for president (though in this column I speak only for myself). I still believe she should and will be the Democratic nominee. But if Sen. Obama wins the nomination, he needs to understand that this issue goes well beyond Clinton partisans. Now is the time to address these questions, not later.

Clearly Mr. Obama does not share the extremist views of Rev. Wright. He is a tolerant and honorable person. But that is not the issue. The questions remain: Why did he stay a member of the congregation? Why didn't he speak up earlier? And why did he reward Rev. Wright with a campaign position even after knowing of his comments?

My concerns were retriggered when I read for the first time three excerpts from Rev. Wright's sermons published several weeks ago in a national news magazine:

- "We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye. We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost."
-- Sept. 16, 2001 (the first Sunday after 9/11)

- "The government . . . wants us to sing God Bless America. No, no, no. God damn America; that's in the bible, for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human."
-- 2003

- "The United States of White America."
-- July 22, 2007

As I read and reread these words, I keep thinking: If my rabbi ever uttered such hateful words from the pulpit about America and declared all Palestinians to be terrorists, I have no doubt I would have withdrawn immediately from his congregation.

In his eloquent Philadelphia speech, Mr. Obama likened Rev. Wright to a beloved, but politically extremist, family member with whom one profoundly disagrees but whose rage one understands.

But this comparison just doesn't work for me.(or America) I don't get a chance to choose my family members.(Right ON, Lanny!) I do get a chance to choose my spiritual or religious leader, and my congregation. And I do not have to remain silent or, more importantly, expose my children to the spiritual leader of my congregation who spews hate that offends my conscience.
(WHY doesn't the Media cover this intelligent, thoughtful man MORE?)

Mr. Obama made a choice to join the church and to ask Rev. Wright to marry him and his bride, (and BAPTIZE his children, he CONTINUES the HATE to progress another generation, by taking his CHILDREN to listen to this man, who OBVIOUSLY hates America, and White People. If he doesn't BELEIVE these things, then WHY does he not only CONTINUE his membership, but take his DAUGHTERS?)(ed. note) He said for the first time a few weeks ago that had Rev. Wright not recently resigned as pastor of the church, he would have withdrawn. But that only reraised the same questions: Why didn't he act before the resignation?

If he did not want to withdraw from the church – and I truly try to understand his personal difficulty doing so – then why not at least speak out publicly and say, in the famous phrase of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy: "No – this is unacceptable."

Furthermore, after knowing about some of these sermons and having serious problems with some of their messages, why did Mr. Obama still decide to appoint Rev. Wright to his official presidential campaign religious advisory committee?

Some have suggested that any Clinton supporters who continue to raise this issue are "playing the race card" or taking the "low" road.

When I said on CNN recently that concerns about the Wright-Obama issue were "appropriate" to continue to be discussed, my friend Joe Klein of Time Magazine said, "Lanny, Lanny, you're spreading the poison right now" and that an "honorable person" would "stay away from this stuff."

Attacking the motives of those who feel this discomfort about Senator Obama's response or nonresponse to Reverend Wright's comments is not just unfair and wrong. It also misses the important electoral point about winning the general election in November: This issue is not going away. If many loyal, progressive Democrats remain troubled by this issue, then there must be even more unease among key swing voters – soft "Reagan Democrats," independents and moderate Republicans – who will decide the 2008 election.

One thing is for sure: If Mr. Obama doesn't show a willingness to try to answer all the questions now, John McCain and the Republican attack machine will not waste a minute pressuring him to do so if he is the Democratic Party's choice in the fall.

But by then, it may be too late.
If anyone bases their vote for President, during a time of war & recession & in the aftermath of 7+ years of failed policies, on the fact that Obama can't explain "why he sat in that church for so long," they can split on the Democrats for all I care. As a matter of fact, they should probably surrender their voter registration, and not re-register until such a time as they are able to make logical decisions about who should lead the country.

I keep wondering if there is some test they could put together to determine that....
Oh, BTW, I almost forgot: It has recently come out, that the Rev. Jerimiah Wright was formerly a Muslim. Obviously, that is not a crime, no matter HOW many passages of the Q'ouran tells devotees that Mohammed ordered them to "Kill the Infidels"(anyone who is not Muslim), to put ANYONE to the sword, who even SPEAKS against Islam, or who will not CONVERT. But the fundamental problems with Islam aside, it explains now, alittle more clearly, Rev. Wrights "comments" of Anti-Americanism, and "White Hate". It ALSO explains his trips overseas to meet and embrace Mohamar Khaddafi, and his Great Love and Lifetime Achievment(HA!) Award to Calypso Louie Farrakhan, the man who preached from the pulpit that he "has been aboard the Mother Wheel, in space, and "they" have given him Great Knowledge, and he has SEEN the future". Ok, Louie, just keep taking that Prozac and Haldol, you'll be OK.

Anyway, now that we know a little more about Rev. Wright's past, his "unusual" actions become clearer. But what about BARACK? What are we supposed to think about HIS reasoning? Like Lanny Davis asked, WHY did he STAY in an environment he KNEW was full of "White Hate", and Anti-American sentiment? WHY did he stay for TWENTY YEARS? Even after people like OPRAH WINFREY heard Rev. Wright, and got RIGHT out of that church. And WHY did he not only get MARRIED there, but bring his CHILDREN into that environment, if he did not AGREE WITH REV. WRIGHT? Hmmmmmm?
Is this still about Obama's preacher ? sheesh. many democrats are rascist too. Republicans do not have a monopoly on rascism.
Onceler, I have a question for you- do YOU think it's TOO MUCH to ASK, in a time of TERRORISM, and STRAY SOVIET NUCLEAR DEVICES UNACCOUNTED FOR, that we have a President who truly LOVES his country, America, and does NOT think, that at its Heart, it is an EVIL, RACIST GROUP OF PEOPLE?

A man who thinks that his Nation, that he wants to LEAD, does not CARE about ANYONE OR ANTHING, except MONEY, and STEPPING ON MINORITIES? A country which at present, is run by a President who has saved HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS, PERHAPS MILLIONS, of African Lives, giving FREE Health Care, prevention of AIDS, and FOOD, given charity ALL OVER THE WORLD, just as we have SINCE OUR INCEPTION? Do YOU think, Onceler, that a Man who listened to Rev. Wright for TWENTY YEARS, VOLUNTARILY, and brought his CHILDREN, does not AGREE with him?
I think it's pretty stupid to say that Obama agrees with Wright on everything, particularly the "controversial" comments. Even Lanny Davis - who you seem to love now - doesn't insinuate that. That's why this whole thing is such a false outrage/non-issue.

Bush claimed to love this country, but he has made us weaker, economically & militarily, and probably laid the foundation for our decline as a superpower. When he invaded Iraq, he did exactly what Bin Laden wanted him to do. If that's what people who "love the country" are going to do, no thanks.
election trolling?

Dear Lord,

Please make these threads end and while you're at it remove Reverend Wright from the biased person's mind as they are so obsessed with the reverend they are forgetting all about important issues facing Americans such as jobs, healthcare, the war, the environment, and even taxes - Lord, I never thought I'd see that day. Thank you Lord, and if you can fit it in can you help me with that lottery ticket I am buying. Thanks and hope all is well with you, I'm doing OK by the way.

Later, Midcan

Bring em Home and go Obama