A must see to feel free


A very good movie based on a true story (the best kind). "The world fastest Indian" is a amazing movie, that is great for the whole family. No cuss words, no violence, just a story of a man named Burt Monro from the South Island of New Zeeland that had a dream of coming to USA to race his 1920 Indian scout motorcycle on the Bonnivile salt flats. He made it to the states in 1960 something with the old iron that he crafted himself from the old bike over the years.

Meeting the street hustling chick in LA, and the cross dresser balck man (which they became friends), the incident at the Edwards air force base, him telling the doctor he will die in his car before paying 40 bucks a night for a few nights in the hospital (he had a heart problem--but lived a long time still). The compassion and comradely of the racers at the salt is very true. I know, I used to race bikes. Racers have more of a free mentality more than anyone in the states today (IMO)----and it was almost---utopian.

Freedom works

It will remind you of some of the freedom we used to have, and even if you don't know anytning about motorcycles (there is not much racing in it), it is a fantastic story that shows what a common man can do---if he is allowed to.

There is nobody in the USA that should say they did not like the movie.

On the special features, there is a lengthy open field interview with the real McCoy Munro (Anthony Hopkins played Munro in the movie). And there is some awsome footage of the South Island of NZ near Envercargill. That footage alone is worth the rental.

I don't know folks---they seem like nice honest hard working people over there in paradise with a free type market right next to ours on the list. A very adventuresome group of people that live and let live----instead of trying to rule evrybody like the bunch of commie fachist libs we have here. If the commies take over here (and they are doing it now)--I might as well move to a country that is more free.

I wish I had relitives there and vicit them to check it out. This dump of self serving elite running USA is getting old for me.