A NEW Revelation!


New member
Obama was on "Nightline", last night, and FINALLY, a journalist asked him, "You will not denounce Rev. Wright, or quit this "church"(even though Oprah Winfrey was once a member, she QUIT, the first time she HEARD the viscious lies and "White Hate" from Rev. Wright's mouth, unlike Barack and Michelle. I wonder WHY, because they AGREE?)

The reporter then asked "Would you have a problem with any Candidate who went to a "White Supremacist" Church, who preached HATRED AGAINST
Obama got visibly upset, he didn't LIKE, and wasn't EXPECTING that question. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair, his eyebrows furrowed, and he said "No, no, that's not fair, that's not the same thing......Rev. Wright isn't talking about "black supremacy". No, he just says that they should be "Wiped out, by any means neccesary", and "White Gods must be killed off. If they're not FOR Blacks, which means AGAINST Whites, then they must be killed off."
Yeah, Rev. Wright is a bundle of joy! He's a SWEETHEART! :blowup:

BTW, THIS is the Latest Revelation, that will be in All the News Shows, the next few Days! It's the BASIS for Barack's, Michelle's, and Rev.Wright's "theology". Until someone here addresses it, and stops IGNORING it, we will continue to PRESENT IT.
From the Wall Street Journal:

"Barack Obama's suddenly radioactive pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has defended himself against charges of anti-Americanism and racism by referring to his foundational philosophy, the "black liberation theology" of scholars such as James Cone, who regard Jesus Christ as a "black messiah" and blacks as "the chosen people" who will only accept a god who assists their aim of destroying the "white enemy."

"If God is not for us and against white people," writes Cone, "then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods who do not belong to the black community."

I CARE about a man who is trying to hide his true nature, because he wants to become the Most Powerful Man on Earth. And these Liberal Morons want us to "just hand him the job, and don't ask questions". EVERY TIME someone discovers something about his History(Friend Tony Rezco, Friend Bill Ayers, Pentagon Bomber for Weather Underground, 20 yr. membership in Racist Church, Wife's Salary TRIPLED, 2 months after Barack voted a $1 Million Grant to HER University), we are told, "Well, that doesn't matter, because you're just Right-Wing Racists, who listen to Talk-Radio.

I'm SORRY to disenchant you, Liberals, but this is MAINSTREAM. MAJOR NEWSPAPERS breaking these stories, also. Do you REALLY think we should just hand this guy the most important job in the world, because he's multi-racial, or he gives airy, flowery, nice-sounding, but EMPTY speeches?

I don't want a man sitting in the Oval Office, if he has very BAD judgement, or very BAD ideas on how to treat ALL people equally. I no more want Barack Obama in there, than I would want David Duke, Louis Farrakhan, Yasser Arafat, or James Cone. Who's James Cone, you ask? James Cone is a man who is the mentor and inspriration of the "black liberation theology".
Nice "theology", Barack and his wife listens to, huh? The ONLY other "church" I've ever even heard anything CLOSE to this stuff, is a RADICAL ISLAMIST MOSQUE, where they preach Mohammed told them to KILL ALL JEWS, KILL ALL CHRISTIANS, THEY ARE THE INFIDEL. The "nicer" Islamists say you can first offer them the CHOICE, with the Sword over their Head: "Will you Convert to Islam? No? Well, then......CHOP!!!!

I think a Black Woman said it best, on C-Span, I believe. She said " I am ASHAMED. Not for Obama, or even Rev. Wright, but at that WHOLE CHURCH CONGRAGATION, that they would be CHEERING AND YELLING, at such HATEFUL, ANTI-BIBLICAL, ANTI-CHRISTIAN STATEMENTS. If I ever heard such nonsense, or even KNEW THAT MY PASTOR SAID IT WHEN I WASN'T THERE, I would IMMEDIATELY walk out, and give that "Pastor" a Piece of my Mind."
A reporterette on Cable News said this morning, "Obama is DAMAGED by this, and it CANNOT BE REVERSED. He has made his Entire Campaign about RACE."
Where are all the Heroic African-Americans, like THIS woman, who I KNOW are out there?
I don't want a man sitting in the Oval Office, if he has very BAD judgement

You voted for Bush....Twice.
Oh, yeah, all the shows are playing clips of Obama saying, "No I will never go on Imus' show again, I have daughters who may become atheletes, and I don't want to be an "enabler", by going on HIS(Imus') SHOW."

No, but you will sit, for 20 YEARS, and listen to a man who said:


THAT, he will "enable". He is TOAST. Even if he WASN'T an Ultra-Left Socialist/Collectivist, against capitalism, he would STILL be an "illegitimate" candidate.
"If God is not for us and against white people," writes Cone, "then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods who do not belong to the black community."

So you think this is a GOOD thing, for a President of the U.S. to believe, Blackflag?
I am extremely disappointed. I had come to respect you as a cynical, intelligent person, not a Party Hack, who will vote for ANYBODY with a "D" after their name. THIS guy is BAD NEWS FOR AMERICA, all the way around. Great speaker, maybe a decnt husband and father(except fot the closet "White Hate"), but he's a DISASTER as Leader of Democracy and Capitalism.
"Barack Obama's suddenly radioactive pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has defended himself against charges of anti-Americanism and racism by referring to his foundational philosophy, the "black liberation theology" of scholars such as James Cone, who regard Jesus Christ as a "black messiah" and blacks as "the chosen people" who will only accept a god who assists their aim of destroying the "white enemy."

"If God is not for us and against white people," writes Cone, "then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods who do not belong to the black community."

You know, Desh, I used to wonder the SAME thing myself. A lot of it just leftover stupidity, from when Blacks had no power, unlike today. But even back then, before they had Sharpton and Jackson to Threaten Corporations(who finally got smart and told Jackson and Sharpton to GET A JOB, haha), Blacks incorrectly thought that Dems were their "savior". The poor people listened to Liberal Propaganda, they didn't KNOW that DEMOCRATS, LIKE ROBERT BYRD, A KU KLUX KLAN MEMBER WHO WITNESSED LYNCHINGS IN THE SOUTH, or Al Gore's father, voted AGAINST THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT of 1964. It was with REPUBLICANS HELP that Lyndon Johnson passed it.

But I guess NOW, it's a moot point. If Democrats will STILL support a WHITE-HATING RACIST, then I guess they will always have Black Support. But at what COST? How to you people LOOK at yourselves in the mirror? After your YEARS or crying and whining about "racism". You are all very sad excuses for Americans.
this is a very positive sign that the hardcore republicans are scared of obama.

they must be pretty sure he is going to win the nomination and run against a racist mccain:

"I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live."
"Barack Obama's suddenly radioactive pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, has defended himself against charges of anti-Americanism and racism by referring to his foundational philosophy, the "black liberation theology" of scholars such as James Cone, who regard Jesus Christ as a "black messiah" and blacks as "the chosen people" who will only accept a god who assists their aim of destroying the "white enemy."

"If God is not for us and against white people," writes Cone, "then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods who do not belong to the black community."

You know, Desh, I used to wonder the SAME thing myself. A lot of it just leftover stupidity, from when Blacks had no power, unlike today. But even back then, before they had Sharpton and Jackson to Threaten Corporations(who finally got smart and told Jackson and Sharpton to GET A JOB, haha), Blacks incorrectly thought that Dems were their "savior". The poor people listened to Liberal Propaganda, they didn't KNOW that DEMOCRATS, LIKE ROBERT BYRD, A KU KLUX KLAN MEMBER WHO WITNESSED LYNCHINGS IN THE SOUTH, or Al Gore's father, voted AGAINST THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT of 1964. It was with REPUBLICANS HELP that Lyndon Johnson passed it.

But I guess NOW, it's a moot point. If Democrats will STILL support a WHITE-HATING RACIST, then I guess they will always have Black Support. But at what COST? How to you people LOOK at yourselves in the mirror? After your YEARS or crying and whining about "racism". You are all very sad excuses for Americans.

If Democrats will STILL support a WHITE-HATING RACIST, then I guess they will always have Black Support

So you contend they vote for dems at a 90 % rate because democrats hate whites?

So you think 90% of blacks in this country hate whites?

How many white dems hate whites?
"If God is not for us and against white people," writes Cone, "then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill gods who do not belong to the black community."

So you think this is a GOOD thing, for a President of the U.S. to believe, Blackflag?
I am extremely disappointed. I had come to respect you as a cynical, intelligent person, not a Party Hack, who will vote for ANYBODY with a "D" after their name. THIS guy is BAD NEWS FOR AMERICA, all the way around. Great speaker, maybe a decnt husband and father(except fot the closet "White Hate"), but he's a DISASTER as Leader of Democracy and Capitalism.

I won't vote for any D. I'd never vote for Hillary haha
"but he's a DISASTER as Leader of Democracy and Capitalism.:

Yeah - the last thing we want is a leader who might take us headlong into war & recession....
this is a very positive sign that the hardcore republicans are scared of obama.

they must be pretty sure he is going to win the nomination and run against a racist mccain:

"I hated the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live."

this is a very positive sign that the hardcore republicans are scared of obama.

As evidenced by the fact that all they have, is to spread rumours that he's a muslim, or to flog a lame story that he belongs to a "racist" inner city church.