A New Species Of Poisonous Serpent


Verified User

FOX is becoming the Garden Of Eden for political snakes who are far from antitoxic.

Listen closely and you will hear Bret Baier say “No American colluded or conspired with the Russians” when, in fact, Hillary Clinton did just that with the Steele Dossier. The serpent, Donna Brazile, saw Bret Baier’s opening and ran with it —— the snake went further when she injected democracy’s poison:

In case you missed it the first time, go back and move the cursor to 3:10 and listen to the snake call it “our democracy” —— meaning democracy for reptiles like Brazile. The following observations barely touches on the contempt I have for democracy, and people like Donna Brazile:

There is another aspect of the Statue of Liberty that needs to be examined. Lady liberty became a symbol for promoting democracy around the world. Unfortunately, symbols that begin life as monuments often come to represent the opposite of their original intent. Lady Liberty standing for democracy is the sickest perversion of all.

According to the democracy index there are only 19 full democracies. The U.S. is listed as a flawed democracy whatever that is. No matter. Parasites are working to correct the flaw.

"In a democracy, we do not put children in cages. Period."

Woman who climbed Statue of Liberty in anti-Trump protest says Michelle Obama inspired her
By Molly Crane-Newman, Victoria Bekiempis, Elizabeth Elizalde and JANON FISHER
Jul 05, 2018 | 8:40 PM


Why is it that touchy-feely freaks always preach democracy while they never preach property Rights:

Throughout history every generation produced a legion of fools and parasites who believed that a benign totalitarian government is possible. Throughout history democracy has been the parasite’s preferred form of government. Throughout history democracy failed.

Democracy is the road to socialism. Karl Marx

More socialism means more democracy, openness and collectivism in everyday life. Mikhail Gorbachev

Regardless of how democracy starts out it ends in tyrannical government. To be precise, democracy is always going towards something worse; never towards liberty guarded by property Rights.


Finally, it was my gal Judi who called my attention to the snake’s latest poisonous bite:

Warning: The Deep State has managed to slither its way out of the filthy swamp right onto the front page of Fox News.

While half of the country is celebrating ‘The News Impossible to Suppress’: the fact that the Robert Mueller Report concedes it found no Trump-Russia collusion and that no future indictments will be forthcoming, Fox News gave its last word over to the likes of—duplicitous Donna Brazile!

Donna Brazile: ‘What we really need to learn from the Mueller report’. (Fox News, March 25, 2019).

…”However, Barr’s letter to members of Congress Sunday summarizing the Mueller report shows Trump did not receive a complete exoneration. Moreover, the report contains information we need to see in order to safeguard our election process from interference from foreign entities.

“Regarding Mueller’s investigation into whether the president obstructed justice, Barr quoted Mueller as writing: “While this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

This is the byline Fox News ran under Under her massive front page photo: “By Donna Brazile | Fox News”.

Yo, Fox News: Why do we need Donna Brazile to tell us ‘What “WE” really need to learn from the Mueller report’ when “We” already knew before Mueller tabled his report?!

According to the newly-Fox-minted Brazile—the then CNN ‘contributor’ who passed questions ahead of time to Hillary Clinton in the last 2016 presidential debate: “We have the right to see all the facts so we can judge for ourselves if there has been significant wrongdoing beyond a reasonable doubt and equally – if not more importantly – what we can do to prevent future interference in our elections from foreign entities.”

Fox’s latest ‘contributor’ added that (AG) Barr “should release as much of the Mueller report as possible, as soon as possible”.

“Redactions should cover only sources and methods that need to be protected for national security reasons.”

“Security reasons” mattered diddly-squat to Brazile back in the 2016 presidential race, it says here.

Brazile continued: “House Republicans joined Democrats in a 420-0 vote calling for the entirety of the special counsel’s report on Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election to be made public. We have infinitely more to fear from secrecy than from sunshine.

“Foreign interference in our election process is nothing short of an existential threat to our democracy. Beyond having the right to read the Mueller report, we as citizens have a civic duty to read it.

“For once in our national discourse, the phrase “our democracy depends upon it” is literally true. We must learn the full extent of Russian interference during the 2016 election, what tricks are in the Russian playbook, what they are doing now, and what they are likely to do over the next 19 months to interfere in the 2020 election.”

But the Mueller Report concluded that there was no Trump-Russia collusion in the 2016 presidential election, Ms. Brazile..

And get this:

“There is a pattern of secretive contacts between Trump’s inner circle, Russian agents and their allies, and WikiLeaks, Brazile stated.

“Four of Trump’s top aides have lied to federal officials about their Russian contacts: Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn; Deputy Campaign Chairman Rick Gates; campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos; and Michael Cohen, who was Trump’s lawyer and “fixer” since 2006. (Brazile, Fox News)

“They lied to federal investigators. They lied to Congress. They even lied on their applications for security clearances. If there was nothing to hide, why did they lie so repeatedly and so pervasively?

“We know for certain that the Russian government has been hacking into the American political process. Twenty-five Russian intelligence operatives and experts in social media manipulation – as well as three Russian business entities – are among those indicted in the Mueller probe.

“I know something about those cyberattacks firsthand, since I was the chair of the Democratic National Committee when it was the Kremlin’s Target No. 1.”

And yet it was the DNC via Hillary Clinton who paid for the salacious Christopher Steele dirty dossier—and the same DNC who refused to hand over their supposedly “hacked” servers to the FBI so they could continue their investigation.

This blah-blah-blah diatribe from a woman who lied about giving Hillary Clinton the questions ahead of the last 2016 presidential debate, telling the truth—only when she had no choice.

“Mueller’s report contains invaluable information. Our salvation lies in what we do with the information contained in the report. And the only vindication anyone will get is if we can use that information to prevent future election interference from Russia or any foreign entity. (Fox)

“Yes, the Mueller report is about the 2016 election. But, more importantly, it’s about our upcoming elections. We can’t stop anything from happening again if we don’t know what happened before.”

For the sake of recognizing propaganda when we see it, a closer look is needed at how Brazile landed, kerplunk at Fox News.

The road leads straight back to ex-President Barack Obama’s longtime senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, who joined forces with Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch on immigration reform back in 2014.

“The two dined at the posh Blue Duck Tavern on Tuesday night in Washington’s Foggy Bottom, and Jarrett described the evening as “very enjoyable.” (Washington Examiner, June 20, 2014)

“Good policy sometimes makes strange bedfellows,” she told reporters at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor Friday, adding that she was impressed by Murdoch’s passion for passing comprehensive immigration reform.

“He is an immigrant himself and he understands from a business perspective how important immigration reform would be to our economy,” she said. “... Sometimes decisions are tough but it’s time for Congress to step up and act now — and that’s something he said privately to me, and I was heartened to see him express it publicly.”

“The next morning, Wall Street Journal readers awoke to an editorial by Murdoch, the paper’s owner, calling on Congress to take action and pass comprehensive immigration reform and stressing its benefits to the business community and the economy.”

Murdoch’s uber-Liberal son, Lachlan Murdoch now has the final say at ‘Fair and Balanced’ Fox News.

Did Jarrett press them to make room for Donna Brazile as a Fox News contributor?

Meanwhile, Brazile’s front page Fox diatribe notwithstanding, the Mueller Report made it clear there was no collusion in its findings.

Best of all in the more than two years of Progressive lies that followed the election of Donald J. Trump as president, it’s the kind of news impossible to suppress

Deep State Slithers Onto Fox News Front Page
By Judi McLeod
March 25, 2019

The serpent, Donna Brazile, saw Bret Baier’s opening and ran with it —— the snake went further when she injected democracy’s poison:
Not only do network owners and CEOs hire serpents, I am convinced they no longer have the authority to fire atrocious liars:


Taxpayers who pay the serpents from top to bottom have the least authority of all because they are powerless.

Television’s hatred of Donald Trump is nothing compared to what media parasites will do to a candidate for office who threatens their tax dollar incomes. Television, print press, Wall Street, and Madison Avenue, created, and maintain, the most vicious cycle ever imposed on a free people:



FOX is becoming the Garden Of Eden for political snakes who are far from antitoxic.

Listen closely and you will hear Bret Baier say “No American colluded or conspired with the Russians” when, in fact, Hillary Clinton did just that with the Steele Dossier. The serpent, Donna Brazile, saw Bret Baier’s opening and ran with it —— the snake went further when she injected democracy’s poison:

In case you missed it the first time, go back and move the cursor to 3:10 and listen to the snake call it “our democracy” —— meaning democracy for reptiles like Brazile. The following observations barely touches on the contempt I have for democracy, and people like Donna Brazile:

There is another aspect of the Statue of Liberty that needs to be examined. Lady liberty became a symbol for promoting democracy around the world. Unfortunately, symbols that begin life as monuments often come to represent the opposite of their original intent. Lady Liberty standing for democracy is the sickest perversion of all.

According to the democracy index there are only 19 full democracies. The U.S. is listed as a flawed democracy whatever that is. No matter. Parasites are working to correct the flaw.

"In a democracy, we do not put children in cages. Period."

Woman who climbed Statue of Liberty in anti-Trump protest says Michelle Obama inspired her
By Molly Crane-Newman, Victoria Bekiempis, Elizabeth Elizalde and JANON FISHER
Jul 05, 2018 | 8:40 PM


Why is it that touchy-feely freaks always preach democracy while they never preach property Rights:

Throughout history every generation produced a legion of fools and parasites who believed that a benign totalitarian government is possible. Throughout history democracy has been the parasite’s preferred form of government. Throughout history democracy failed.

Democracy is the road to socialism. Karl Marx

More socialism means more democracy, openness and collectivism in everyday life. Mikhail Gorbachev

Regardless of how democracy starts out it ends in tyrannical government. To be precise, democracy is always going towards something worse; never towards liberty guarded by property Rights.


Finally, it was my gal Judi who called my attention to the snake’s latest poisonous bite:

Warning: The Deep State has managed to slither its way out of the filthy swamp right onto the front page of Fox News.

While half of the country is celebrating ‘The News Impossible to Suppress’: the fact that the Robert Mueller Report concedes it found no Trump-Russia collusion and that no future indictments will be forthcoming, Fox News gave its last word over to the likes of—duplicitous Donna Brazile!

Donna Brazile: ‘What we really need to learn from the Mueller report’. (Fox News, March 25, 2019).

…”However, Barr’s letter to members of Congress Sunday summarizing the Mueller report shows Trump did not receive a complete exoneration. Moreover, the report contains information we need to see in order to safeguard our election process from interference from foreign entities.

“Regarding Mueller’s investigation into whether the president obstructed justice, Barr quoted Mueller as writing: “While this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

This is the byline Fox News ran under Under her massive front page photo: “By Donna Brazile | Fox News”.

Yo, Fox News: Why do we need Donna Brazile to tell us ‘What “WE” really need to learn from the Mueller report’ when “We” already knew before Mueller tabled his report?!

According to the newly-Fox-minted Brazile—the then CNN ‘contributor’ who passed questions ahead of time to Hillary Clinton in the last 2016 presidential debate: “We have the right to see all the facts so we can judge for ourselves if there has been significant wrongdoing beyond a reasonable doubt and equally – if not more importantly – what we can do to prevent future interference in our elections from foreign entities.”

Fox’s latest ‘contributor’ added that (AG) Barr “should release as much of the Mueller report as possible, as soon as possible”.

“Redactions should cover only sources and methods that need to be protected for national security reasons.”

“Security reasons” mattered diddly-squat to Brazile back in the 2016 presidential race, it says here.

Brazile continued: “House Republicans joined Democrats in a 420-0 vote calling for the entirety of the special counsel’s report on Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election to be made public. We have infinitely more to fear from secrecy than from sunshine.

“Foreign interference in our election process is nothing short of an existential threat to our democracy. Beyond having the right to read the Mueller report, we as citizens have a civic duty to read it.

“For once in our national discourse, the phrase “our democracy depends upon it” is literally true. We must learn the full extent of Russian interference during the 2016 election, what tricks are in the Russian playbook, what they are doing now, and what they are likely to do over the next 19 months to interfere in the 2020 election.”

But the Mueller Report concluded that there was no Trump-Russia collusion in the 2016 presidential election, Ms. Brazile..

And get this:

“There is a pattern of secretive contacts between Trump’s inner circle, Russian agents and their allies, and WikiLeaks, Brazile stated.

“Four of Trump’s top aides have lied to federal officials about their Russian contacts: Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn; Deputy Campaign Chairman Rick Gates; campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos; and Michael Cohen, who was Trump’s lawyer and “fixer” since 2006. (Brazile, Fox News)

“They lied to federal investigators. They lied to Congress. They even lied on their applications for security clearances. If there was nothing to hide, why did they lie so repeatedly and so pervasively?

“We know for certain that the Russian government has been hacking into the American political process. Twenty-five Russian intelligence operatives and experts in social media manipulation – as well as three Russian business entities – are among those indicted in the Mueller probe.

“I know something about those cyberattacks firsthand, since I was the chair of the Democratic National Committee when it was the Kremlin’s Target No. 1.”

And yet it was the DNC via Hillary Clinton who paid for the salacious Christopher Steele dirty dossier—and the same DNC who refused to hand over their supposedly “hacked” servers to the FBI so they could continue their investigation.

This blah-blah-blah diatribe from a woman who lied about giving Hillary Clinton the questions ahead of the last 2016 presidential debate, telling the truth—only when she had no choice.

“Mueller’s report contains invaluable information. Our salvation lies in what we do with the information contained in the report. And the only vindication anyone will get is if we can use that information to prevent future election interference from Russia or any foreign entity. (Fox)

“Yes, the Mueller report is about the 2016 election. But, more importantly, it’s about our upcoming elections. We can’t stop anything from happening again if we don’t know what happened before.”

For the sake of recognizing propaganda when we see it, a closer look is needed at how Brazile landed, kerplunk at Fox News.

The road leads straight back to ex-President Barack Obama’s longtime senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, who joined forces with Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch on immigration reform back in 2014.

“The two dined at the posh Blue Duck Tavern on Tuesday night in Washington’s Foggy Bottom, and Jarrett described the evening as “very enjoyable.” (Washington Examiner, June 20, 2014)

“Good policy sometimes makes strange bedfellows,” she told reporters at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor Friday, adding that she was impressed by Murdoch’s passion for passing comprehensive immigration reform.

“He is an immigrant himself and he understands from a business perspective how important immigration reform would be to our economy,” she said. “... Sometimes decisions are tough but it’s time for Congress to step up and act now — and that’s something he said privately to me, and I was heartened to see him express it publicly.”

“The next morning, Wall Street Journal readers awoke to an editorial by Murdoch, the paper’s owner, calling on Congress to take action and pass comprehensive immigration reform and stressing its benefits to the business community and the economy.”

Murdoch’s uber-Liberal son, Lachlan Murdoch now has the final say at ‘Fair and Balanced’ Fox News.

Did Jarrett press them to make room for Donna Brazile as a Fox News contributor?

Meanwhile, Brazile’s front page Fox diatribe notwithstanding, the Mueller Report made it clear there was no collusion in its findings.

Best of all in the more than two years of Progressive lies that followed the election of Donald J. Trump as president, it’s the kind of news impossible to suppress

Deep State Slithers Onto Fox News Front Page
By Judi McLeod
March 25, 2019


the reptiles are you white goyim
In case you missed it the first time, go back and move the cursor to 3:10 and listen to the snake call it “our democracy” —— meaning democracy for reptiles like Brazile.

the reptiles are you white goyim

To guno: Does half white count when another Democrat reptile talks about “our democracy” [i.e. his democracy]:

Holder On the Electoral College: ‘It’s a Defect In Our Democracy’
BY: Cameron Cawthorne
March 26, 2019 4:01 pm

Listen closely and you will hear Bret Baier say “No American colluded or conspired with the Russians” when, in fact, Hillary Clinton did just that with the Steele Dossier. The serpent, Donna Brazile, saw Bret Baier’s opening and ran with it —— the snake went further when she injected democracy’s poison:

In case you missed it the first time, go back and move the cursor to 3:10 and listen to the snake call it “our democracy” —— meaning democracy for reptiles like Brazile. The following observations barely touches on the contempt I have for democracy, and people like Donna Brazile:

My gal Judi stomped on the snake:

“The former DNC chairwoman concluded with this, “I’m sick and tired of people asking me ‘Is he a racist?...You know—what I got to speak for myself. I can’t speak for him or what’s in his heart.” (Fox News)

But speaking for President Donald Trump is exactly what Donna Brazile did on Fox Nation’s “Reality Check with David Webb,” last night.

Fox News’ Cunning ‘Contributor’ Donna Brazile
By Judi McLeod
September 18, 2019

Murdoch’s uber-Liberal son, Lachlan Murdoch now has the final say at ‘Fair and Balanced’ Fox News.​

Lachlan Murdoch declares 'black lives matter' in memo to Fox employees
By Jessica Chasmar
Tuesday, June 2, 2020


The wall-to-wall coverage on FOX tells me that a violent criminal’s life matters to FOX liberals:

The head of the Minneapolis police union says George Floyd’s “violent criminal history” needs to be remembered and that the protests over his death are the work of a “terrorist movement.”

“What is not being told is the violent criminal history of George Floyd. The media will not air this,” police union president Bob Kroll told his members in a letter posted Monday on Twitter.

Floyd had landed five years behind bars in 2009 for an assault and robbery two years earlier, and before that, had been convicted of charges ranging from theft with a firearm to drugs, the Daily Mail reported.

George Floyd had ‘violent criminal history’: Minneapolis police union chief
By Kate Sheehy
June 2, 2020 | 12:04pm | Updated


I wonder if Lachlan Murdoch thinks this life matters enough to give it the same coverage George Floyd is getting?

Las Vegas: Rioter Shoots Police Officer in the Head from Behind
by Simon Kent
2 Jun 2020


The wall-to-wall coverage on FOX tells me that a violent criminal’s life matters to FOX liberals:

A cheer for Mike Pence, and a hundred curtain calls for:

Black conservative activist Candace Owens was included in Vice President Mike Pence's roundtable on race relations Thursday, despite being criticized for calling George Floyd a 'horrible human being.'

Pence invites Trump activist who called Floyd 'horrible' to meeting
Nikki Schwab
12-15 minutes
