A note on AdSpam


Uwaa OmO
This being an election year, political sites such as ours get more attention than normal. As such, we've seen many more adspammers as of late. While we mods are pretty diligent, we obviously can't see everything. So I just want to remind the posters here that reporting obvious adspammers is encouraged. Not that you fine posters are in anyway complicit with spam, but again this is just a reminder. Its likely not to matter a month from now.
This being an election year, political sites such as ours get more attention than normal. As such, we've seen many more adspammers as of late. While we mods are pretty diligent, we obviously can't see everything. So I just want to remind the posters here that reporting obvious adspammers is encouraged. Not that you fine posters are in anyway complicit with spam, but again this is just a reminder. Its likely not to matter a month from now.


I thought those were unusually well-crafted conservative arguments.

They made more sense than the drivel posted by most JPP righties.