A note to everyone that reports posts


on indefiniate mod break
9/10 times, when posts are reported, we always get the same message to go along with it:

"when are you guys going to DO SOMETHING about this comment?"

"why are you guys continually allowing this person to say these things?!"

"I thought you said this isn't allowed, why are you giving this guy a pass?!?!?!"

Guys - it's very simple. We have almost a million posts on this site now. That's roughly about 500 posts a day.
We are not always online, we don't see every thread. The VERY REASON we have the report feature is so you can bring things to our ATTENTION.

If we saw every violation, we wouldn't need a mechanism for you guys to report in the first place.

This is done by every side btw.

So please - in the future, stop assuming we are giving people passes, or ignoring rule violations. We FUCKING AREN'T. We just haven't seen it. So just report the violation you see, and try not to be a smug douche assuming we are giving some people a pass and not others.

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9/10 times, when posts are reported, we always get the same message to go along with it:

"when are you guys going to DO SOMETHING about this comment?"

"why are you guys continually allowing this person to say these things?!"

"I thought you said this isn't allowed, why are you giving this guy a pass?!?!?!"

Guys - it's very simple. We have almost a million posts on this site now. That's roughly about 500 posts a day.
We are not always online, we don't see every thread. The VERY REASON we have the report feature is so you can bring things to our ATTENTION.

If we saw every violation, we wouldn't need a mechanism for you guys to report in the first place.

This is done by every side btw.

So please - in the future, stop assuming we are giving people passes, or ignoring rule violations. We FUCKING AREN'T. We just haven't seen it. So just report the violation you see, and try not to be a smug douche assuming we are giving some people a pass and not others.


Thanks. I'll give you a pass for that bad language! ;)
9/10 times, when posts are reported, we always get the same message to go along with it:

"when are you guys going to DO SOMETHING about this comment?"

"why are you guys continually allowing this person to say these things?!"

"I thought you said this isn't allowed, why are you giving this guy a pass?!?!?!"

Guys - it's very simple. We have almost a million posts on this site now. That's roughly about 500 posts a day.
We are not always online, we don't see every thread. The VERY REASON we have the report feature is so you can bring things to our ATTENTION.

If we saw every violation, we wouldn't need a mechanism for you guys to report in the first place.

This is done by every side btw.

So please - in the future, stop assuming we are giving people passes, or ignoring rule violations. We FUCKING AREN'T. We just haven't seen it. So just report the violation you see, and try not to be a smug douche assuming we are giving some people a pass and not others.


I'm reporting this.
9/10 times, when posts are reported, we always get the same message to go along with it:

"when are you guys going to DO SOMETHING about this comment?"

"why are you guys continually allowing this person to say these things?!"

"I thought you said this isn't allowed, why are you giving this guy a pass?!?!?!"

Guys - it's very simple. We have almost a million posts on this site now. That's roughly about 500 posts a day.
We are not always online, we don't see every thread. The VERY REASON we have the report feature is so you can bring things to our ATTENTION.

If we saw every violation, we wouldn't need a mechanism for you guys to report in the first place.

This is done by every side btw.

So please - in the future, stop assuming we are giving people passes, or ignoring rule violations. We FUCKING AREN'T. We just haven't seen it. So just report the violation you see, and try not to be a smug douche assuming we are giving some people a pass and not others.


Post reported.