A Penny Stolen Is A Penny Earned


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Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who has been stalling in polls, announced a two-step plan Friday aimed at escaping from the healthcare trap she has gotten herself in. But in reality, the new proposal is likely to blow up in her face.

Why Elizabeth Warren's new two-step healthcare proposal is going to blow up in her face
by Philip Klein
November 15, 2019 01:20 PM


I heard the explosion long before the fake Indian announced her original plan minus details.

Donald Trump criticized Democratic Socialists on Thursday for promising leftist dreams of universal health care through Medicare.

“They want to raid Medicare to pay for socialism,” Trump said during his rally in Indiana, as the crowd booed.

Democrats like Sen. Bernie Sanders and his endorsed candidates Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Andrew Gillum have joined the fight for universal health care through Medicaid, and the idea polls well in their campaigns.

Donald Trump: Democrats Want to ‘Raid Medicare to Pay for Socialism’
by Charlie Spierling
30 Aug 2018



http://www.getliberty.org/content_images/Cartoon - New Compromise Plan - ALG (600).jpg

Obama’s creative bookkeeping stole $800 billion from Americans who worked for Social Security so illegal aliens could get free healthcare from state MEDICAID programs. The Chicago sewer rat’s theft was pocket change compared to the amount of money Democrats have to steal to pay for free healthcare for all.

Finally, a penny stolen is a penny earned. Democrats are a gang of professional bank robbers who take the metal coins along with taking everything else. Irrespective of how much money Democrat parasites have to steal to pay for socialized medicine they will steal the rest of the money from Medicare.