A Quick One Before I Go


New member
There was a call paid on Obama Headquarters, Foreign Policy Division, by Real Journalist Brit Hume(one of the FEW Real Journalists LEFT, sadly, now that Tim Russert is gone). Brit Hume had a question, for the Obama Team Foreign Policy Experts, John "Give Me a Purple Heart, I Want to Throw it at the Capitol" Kerry, and Richard Clarke, another Clinton Hire "Winner"(Wow! Obama's really SWEEPING in NEW PEOPLE, huh? CHANGE!).
So the Question was, John McCain is claiming that if OBAM....sorry, OSAMA BIN LADEN was captured Today, and brought back to Guantanamo Bay, that Obama would like to see him have all the Niceties of an American Citizen, ALL the Habeus Corpus "produce the body" Rights, of an AMERICAN CITIZEN!

John "I voted FOR it, Before I voted against it" Kerry took the First Crack.
He said, "This is UNFAIR!" "To ask this question, it doesn't MATTER, the Supreme Court has RULED!" Wow. Awful defensive, there, Johnny Boy! Too much Folgers? Try drinking some Heinz Ketchup, that may Help!

Richard Clarke tried to cover for him. "Well, it's true, that if we were to capture Bin Laden now, we would have to give him ALL THE RIGHTS AFFORDED BY THE CONSTITUTION."
So there it is. Obama's Foreign Policy Team. Making America, and the World, a Safer Place. Make Excuses, blame it on the Supreme Court. Don't MENTION, the LIBERAL, LEFT-WING SOCIALISTS, who have been Whining, Crying, and Screaming, for 5 YEARS, to GIVE these Blood-Thirsty Head-Choppers every Legal Adavantage of the U.S. Constitution, AS IF THEY WERE CITIZENS, AND FORGET THE THOUSANDS OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN THEY BURNED, BUTCHERED, AND MUTILATED.
But that's Ok. Don't WORRY about what Obama is going to DO TO THIS NATION. Don't WORRY about what he will do to the WORLD. Worry about How Many Capital Letters Jollie Uses. 'Cause THAT'S more important.

Less is Racist.)