A Recommendation


I have a suggestion.

I understand we have a Thank/Groan feature on this forum.

I use one frequently to applaud insightful posts or to agree with a post. The other I use infrequently in response to trolling posts and/or retarded posts.

I've noticed others on this forum (right and left) use the Groan function like whiny little children just because they don't *like* the poster.

Let's move above that.

I recommend we keep Thank as is in order to show appreciation/agreement for intelligent posts and change the former "Groan" to "LOL" to honor truly funny posts like this:

My sister is a 50 year ol lesbian. Not butch at all, but I think I am safe from having to shoot a relative.
I love the thanks AND groan feature. it's so awesome to just signify you think the person is a dumbass or really funny without having to put any effort beyond a quick click.
I love the thanks AND groan feature. it's so awesome to just signify you think the person is a dumbass or really funny without having to put any effort beyond a quick click.

I guess I could turn off notifications, right? I mean...isn't it silly to post a long, thought out post and have some troll Groan it because he's merely jealous of your amazing insight and intelligence?

I would like "like" and "dislike" buttons and use them much more often.

Much better idea!