A Red Wave Is Coming


Verified User
Democrats said 2018 would be a Blue Wave. It was not.

Instead of running for high ground, Democrats got the bright idea to send out a busload of clowns to flatten the Red Wave coming in 2020.



It will be a bigger ass wave than the ones I saw in movies. It is too bad The Hurricane was not filmed in Technicolor because the wave would be fire engine red.

Parenthetically, Biden cannot remember his name.

So who is going to drive the bus? My money is on:
Maybe try putting discussions in the right forums for once. This isn't for politics.

2018 was a big year for the Democrats, they handily won back the House and had to make Trump concentrate on ruby red areas that should have been gimmes

And 2020 isn't going to be any wave, red or blue, the level that Trump has dragged down politics predicates a close election
Democrats said 2018 would be a Blue Wave. It was not.

Instead of running for high ground, Democrats got the bright idea to send out a busload of clowns to flatten the Red Wave coming in 2020.

It will be a bigger ass wave than the ones I saw in movies. It is too bad The Hurricane was not filmed in Technicolor because the wave would be fire engine red.

Parenthetically, Biden cannot remember his name.

So who is going to drive the bus? My money is on:

Since the white christian party is dying off literally, where are you going to get more uneducated white Christians? that's all he and the whited christ stained party has
Democrats said 2018 would be a Blue Wave. It was not.

Instead of running for high ground, Democrats got the bright idea to send out a busload of clowns to flatten the Red Wave coming in 2020.

It will be a bigger ass wave than the ones I saw in movies. It is too bad The Hurricane was not filmed in Technicolor because the wave would be fire engine red.

Parenthetically, Biden cannot remember his name.

So who is going to drive the bus? My money is on:

No, it was a blue wave, no matter how hard you cry, Susie. Dems won by historic and record setting margins.

And, no, there's no credible evidence of any red wave. Quite the opposite.

Please stop abusing heroin.
2018 was a big year for the Democrats,

To archives: It was not.

Republicans either blew it in 2018 like a bunch of amateurs, or they did it intentionally. Look at the retards that won seats in the House if you doubt me. Had the RNC concentrated on running against Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi they would not have lost the House. Instead of holding the House they got Pelosi in addition to a new crop of clowns.

there's no credible evidence of any red wave.

To CharacterAssassin: Here is the evidence:

If those clowns are the top 10 Democrats think about how independent voters in the middle view the second team!

Go back to 2016 to understand when the Red Wave began building.

In 2016, Donald Trump ran on a gift from God —— Hillary Clinton.

In 2020, Trump, and every Republican, do not need a Hillary when they are blessed with an embarrassment of issues.

The beauty is that Democrats are stuck with policies they initiated, while Republicans can run on cleaning up the mess Democrats made over many decades; lost sovereignty, environmental scams, open-borders, socialized medicine, and an array of welfare state programs for starters.

Bottom line: Regardless which clown gets the Democrat Party’s nomination independent voters will not vote for a clown, nor will they vote for senators and congressmen led by a clown.
To archives: It was not.

It was, according to what sober, rational adults collectively recognize as 'reality'.

Record setting and overwhelming.

Fun to see how that makes you clench your tiny fists white in impotent rage.

Always happy to expose you as the slobbering clown that you are.
It was, according to what sober, rational adults collectively recognize as 'reality'.



To CharacterAssassin: The Democrat Party’s platform in 2020 is reality assholes like you would not see if they had eyes in their rectums:

1. Abolish the Electoral Collage without changing the Constitution.

2. Abolish the Second Amendment without changing the Constitution.

3. Reparations for descendants of slaves who are some the wealthiest Americans today.

4. Give U.S. fossil fuel dominance to the Middle East (petroleum) and Indonesia (coal).

5. Impeach President Trump for crimes he DID NOT commit before he was president.

6. Free education, and free healthcare, for every illegal alien and asylum seeker.

7. Protection for criminals in sanctuary cities who should not be here to begin with.

8. Criminalize non-existent racism.

Racism is an invented sin; a twentieth century crime invented by sharpshooters, race hustlers, do gooders and religious fanatics. Racism is an invented sin that became a crime. Hear me out on this before labeling me a racist.

There is no mention of racism in the text of any of the major religions, or laws, judicial systems, cultures, or anywhere else. Not one religious leader, philosopher, or political thinker ever heard about racism before the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century for one very good reason. RACISM DID NOT EXIST until it appeared when it was invented by race hustlers and dirty little moralists decades after the American Civil War ended.


9. Tax individual wealth out of existence.

NOTE: Equal distribution of the wealth must include equal distribution of the work, while Democrats promise to pay people for not working at all. That is why:

. . . independent voters will not vote for a clown, nor will they vote for senators and congressmen led by a clown.
To archives: It was not.

Republicans either blew it in 2018 like a bunch of amateurs, or they did it intentionally. Look at the retards that won seats in the House if you doubt me. Had the RNC concentrated on running against Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi they would not have lost the House. Instead of holding the House they got Pelosi in addition to a new crop of clowns.

To CharacterAssassin: Here is the evidence:

If those clowns are the top 10 Democrats think about how independent voters in the middle view the second team!

Go back to 2016 to understand when the Red Wave began building.

In 2016, Donald Trump ran on a gift from God —— Hillary Clinton.

In 2020, Trump, and every Republican, do not need a Hillary when they are blessed with an embarrassment of issues.

The beauty is that Democrats are stuck with policies they initiated, while Republicans can run on cleaning up the mess Democrats made over many decades; lost sovereignty, environmental scams, open-borders, socialized medicine, and an array of welfare state programs for starters.

Bottom line: Regardless which clown gets the Democrat Party’s nomination independent voters will not vote for a clown, nor will they vote for senators and congressmen led by a clown.

How does the GOP candidate running in Pennsylvania win by campaigning against Pelosi? The voters in their district want to know where they stand on issues as health care and not Pelosi. Congressional races are local, how many times the incumbent made the Little League openings is more important than how they feel about Pelosi.

Your listening to too much radio, that is straight radio rhetoric, melodrama, good guys vs bad guys, in reality, it doesn't work that way

And 2018 was undeniably a big year for the Democrats, historically, it should have been given the first election after the previous Presidential election, and it was, fact

To CharacterAssassin: The Democrat Party’s platform in 2020 is reality assholes like you would not see if they had eyes in their rectums:

1. Abolish the Electoral Collage without changing the Constitution.

2. Abolish the Second Amendment without changing the Constitution.

3. Reparations for descendants of slaves who are some the wealthiest Americans today.

4. Give U.S. fossil fuel dominance to the Middle East (petroleum) and Indonesia (coal).

5. Impeach President Trump for crimes he DID NOT commit before he was president.

6. Free education, and free healthcare, for every illegal alien and asylum seeker.

7. Protection for criminals in sanctuary cities who should not be here to begin with.

8. Criminalize non-existent racism.

Racism is an invented sin; a twentieth century crime invented by sharpshooters, race hustlers, do gooders and religious fanatics. Racism is an invented sin that became a crime. Hear me out on this before labeling me a racist.

There is no mention of racism in the text of any of the major religions, or laws, judicial systems, cultures, or anywhere else. Not one religious leader, philosopher, or political thinker ever heard about racism before the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century for one very good reason. RACISM DID NOT EXIST until it appeared when it was invented by race hustlers and dirty little moralists decades after the American Civil War ended.


9. Tax individual wealth out of existence.

NOTE: Equal distribution of the wealth must include equal distribution of the work, while Democrats promise to pay people for not working at all. That is why:

LOL! What a lying whore you are. Those aren't in the Democratic Party Platform.

Thanks for admitting you're a lying whore, lying whore, and that the Blue Wave of 2018 was real and historic.

Nice owning you.
How does the GOP candidate running in Pennsylvania win by campaigning against Pelosi?

To archives: Running to hold the Speaker of the House meant running against Diarrhea Mouth because she had a lock on the job as the first female speaker from 2007 t0 2011. Republicans running in every district in order to hold onto the Speaker of the House would not have made political sense if Democrats had a loyal American in line for the speaker’s job in 2018.

Note that Diarrhea Mouth is once again second in the presidential line of succession. That alone was reason enough to run against her.

Those aren't in the Democratic Party Platform.

To CharacterAssassin: Asshole. Everything Democrats are promising on the campaign trail will become the party’s official platform regardless of how they word it.

If you take your head out of your asshole long enough, you might see that Democrats have been implementing the same political agenda in or out of power since the LBJ years. All of it made possible with a lot of help from Democrat-appointed judges.
To archives: Running to hold the Speaker of the House meant running against Diarrhea Mouth because she had a lock on the job as the first female speaker from 2007 t0 2011. Republicans running in every district in order to hold onto the Speaker of the House would not have made political sense if Democrats had a loyal American in line for the speaker’s job in 2018.

Note that Diarrhea Mouth is once again second in the presidential line of succession. That alone was reason enough to run against her.

To CharacterAssassin: Asshole. Everything Democrats are promising on the campaign trail will become the party’s official platform regardless of how they word it.

If you take your head out of your asshole long enough, you might see that Democrats have been implementing the same political agenda in or out of power since the LBJ years. All of it made possible with a lot of help from Democrat-appointed judges.

Thanks for admitting that you're a lying whore and those things you whined about are not, in fact, in the Dem platform.

Nice owning you, pathetic whore.
Republicans either blew it in 2018 like a bunch of amateurs, or they did it intentionally. Look at the retards that won seats in the House if you doubt me. Had the RNC concentrated on running against Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi they would not have lost the House. Instead of holding the House they got Pelosi in addition to a new crop of clowns.

The RNC always despised conservatives and conservatism. That is why the RNC was in bed with Democrats long before November 2020:

President Trump did his part to secure a landslide victory on election night.
But those leaders from the RNC failed him.
Boy, did they ever.

On Sunday news broke that the RNC Chief Counsel Justin Riemer and the RNC abandoned Trump way back in November following the alleged stolen election.

Riemer was questioning why his Republican party colleagues were supporting President Trump’s allegations of voter fraud.

The email was texted to Trump attorney Jenna Ellis who passed it on to Rudy Giuliani and Bernard Kerik.

Again — this was in November! The RNC had already moved on.

On Sunday former Trump elections attorney Jenna Ellis tweeted out that the information was true and that the RNC stabbed President Trump and his attorneys in the back and that now the RNC is lying by pretending the accusations are false.

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel blocked Jenna Ellis on Twitter following this tweet.

But there is much more to this story.

On Sunday The Gateway Pundit spoke with a top Trump campaign adviser who was there on the ground in the early days following the 2020 presidential election.

The top Trump campaign insider spoke to us anonymously on what was happening those early days after the election as Democrats were still in the back rooms working to steal the swing states.

This is not a very flattering picture of the Republican National Committee (RNC).

Clearly, as you read this you will discover two things.
1.) The current RNC is absolutely not up for the war we are in
2.) The current RNC does not give one damn about its voting base

Here is what we were told about the RNC’s “assistance” and “preparedness” after the election.

Trump Insider: Ronna McDaniel promised that RNC Chief Counsel Justin Reimer would be “gone by morning” after his email made the rounds with the Trump campaign team. Then the guy went completely dark for three or four months. But, hen he reappeared with the RNC. So those are the details. That is exactly what happened.

Here is the bottom line. Ronna McDaniels and everyone in the RNC did not want us to fight for the president. They did not want to do it. This is exactly why they are not supporting Rudy. They collected $220 million for legal fees. Where did it go? Because they didn’t spend it on lawyers. That’s for sure damn sure.

There are reports out there that the RNC and the campaign, between them collected, I think it was $220 or $240 million. The one thing that is clear is Ronna McDaniel and her minions did not want anybody to fight for the president.

For the record, we noticed this immediately. The Trump supporters and our TGP readers were not fooled by the RNC. We all saw that the RNC folded early on. We were all like, “Where the hell are they?” They had given up early on.

But we did not know just how early the GOP folded. We found that out in our conversation with the Trump insider.

Trump Insider: I got there on the 5th. I can tell you that at the RNC headquarters they had already given up.

This was while Democrats in Pennsylvania were still counting votes in Philadelphia behind locked doors!

Trump Insider: Nobody has captured this. You ask anybody who was with us. When we walked in on the morning of the 5th or 6th there was one guy in there. I said where is everyone else? Where are the other attorneys? Where’s everybody at? Nobody was there. Anybody who was with us will tell you. They completely checked out within two or three days.

Of course, this is outrageous but not surprising!

Trump Insider: I have a lot of people come up to me on the street and say they will give money to candidates but not the RNC.

So we asked the Trump insider if RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel was corrupt or just inept? Here is the response.

Trump Insider: A bit of both. Look, she’s still kissing McCarthy’s ass. It’s just nuts. The Democrats are running such radical Marxist agenda because they know they can get away with it.

This is your RNC.
They didn’t care about Donald Trump.
They don’t care about you.

EXCLUSIVE: Top Trump Campaign Insider Speaks Out – “RNC Did Not Want Us to Fight for the President – They Collected $220 Million for Legal Fees – Where Did It Go?”
By Jim Hoft
Published July 12, 2021 at 7:30am


Take this one to the bank: The RNC will work with Democrats in 2022:

The conspiracy, and the conspirators, that stole the elections in 2020 are ready, willing, and positioned to do it again in 2022.
