A republican acknowledges black people!


Caption: I love teh darkies.
I find myself actually half believing him.

I hope I dont have to wait to see if he really means those things.
how about mcain show he has an above room temparature IQ and say he'll stop jailing mostly brother's for a tiny bit of reefer. (Pot prohibition =racism hang over from the 30's)
read about it, it's shocking
Obama is for the decriminalization of MJ.

The real sentancing crimes are coke and crack desparities.
I had to live in my pickup truck for a summer. And I worked full time at a construction job.

Bad things happen to good people sometimes. Even, healthy, relatively young people. Its great if you have family and friends to fall back on. People who will let you shack up with them during the tough times. Unfortunately, life isn't always that simple.

was this in the right thread cypress?
how about mcain show he has an above room temparature IQ and say he'll stop jailing mostly brother's for a tiny bit of reefer. (Pot prohibition =racism hang over from the 30's)
read about it, it's shocking

I agree.

His interview with Essence is a nice and welcome gesture .. now how about putting some meat to those bones