A "Responsible Gun Owner" Goes For A Walk


Another smart ass kid. I'm sure he thought he was a real man swinging his big gun around.
A man who strolled through Maine's largest city with an assault weapon similar to the one used in the Connecticut elementary school shootings is drawing fire from both gun control and gun rights advocates.

Portland police received more than 65 calls Monday reporting that a young man was walking through the Parkside neighborhood and the Back Cove area with an AR-15-style assault weapon. Justin Dean, 24, insisted he wasn't making any sort of statement but rather had the loaded rifle for protection while exercising his Second Amendment rights.

Dean broke no laws, but advocates on both sides of the gun-control debate said he could have picked a better way to exert his rights than by carrying a weapon in a densely populated neighborhood and on a popular walking path.

"From what I've seen, it seems like he has benign intentions but a tone-deaf ear on an effective way to promote Second Amendment rights," said Robert Henricksen of the Maine Open-Carry Association, a gun-rights group. "I think there are ways to achieve self-defense and Second Amendment rights — even though he says that isn't one of his goals — without (carrying around) an AR-15, especially in light of what happened in Connecticut recently."

Dean said he never intended to scare anybody and is surprised by the outcry. He said he's an Army veteran who served in Afghanistan and Iraq, but until Monday had never carried his Daniel Defense M-4 rifle with its 30-round clip around in public.

"I think the Second Amendment is an important right, but I'm not an activist, I'm not a member of the NRA or any group," he said, referring to the National Rifle Association. "In no way was I trying to make a statement."

Sure you weren't, you stupid fuck.

Here's what the locals thought of him:

No, this is a world of pure paranoia. A world where the bad guys, however invisible, might be anywhere. A world where your personal safety is directly proportional to how much firepower you're packing – and if that scares the hell out of everyone around you, well, that's just not your problem.

Dean, as all of Maine knows by now, lit up the Portland Police Department's switchboard Monday when he attached a new sling to his Daniel Defense assault rifle, slapped on a fully loaded, 30-round magazine and spent 3½ hours strutting his stuff from his apartment in the West End down to Back Cove and back.

Little wonder that 65 eyewitnesses, the searing memories of the massacre Dec. 14 in Newtown, Conn., fresh in their minds, frantically called police to report what most probably thought was a crime in progress.

He is, of course, a nutcase with a gun.

Yet walking with that same rifle over your shoulder is a smart thing to do?

"That's a choice that I make," Dean said.

A choice that could have unexpected – and entirely unintended – consequences.

What would Dean do if someone with a concealed-weapons permit mistakenly perceived his rifle as a threat, pulled out a handgun and ordered Dean to drop the rifle?

"I'd probably have to drop the gun or else he'd shoot me," said Dean. "I mean, it's not going to help anyone to get in a shootout."

How about an unarmed and misguided "hero," thinking he was preventing the next mass murder, tackling Dean from behind?

"I would hit them a lot. I would hit them with my elbows and fists and whatever I could get, but I wouldn't shoot them. Unless they were bashing my skull and I was clearly, you know, done for."
Attitudes like that are exactly why there is a weakening in conservative politics in key parts of the country and why conservatives can't win national elections anymore.
I am thinking of selling Baby strollers with a scabbard for an AR15 on the handle.

And Kevlar jogging suits.
Another smart ass kid. I'm sure he thought he was a real man swinging his big gun around.

Sure you weren't, you stupid fuck.

Here's what the locals thought of him:

He is, of course, a nutcase with a gun.

So if someone is run over and killed by a car; NO ONE in that neighborhood should drive a car, because it might be seen as controversial and perceived that they were making a statement? :palm: