A Romney nomination almost assures Obama’s election.


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A Romney nomination almost assures Obama’s election.

Many if not most Republicans were all opposed to Massachusetts Romneycare but then Governor Romney, Republicans and Democrats passed and enacted it. Romney was the liberal governor of a liberal state. Massachusetts voters refuse to consider repealing Romneycare.

Despite Republican leaderships’ opposition and a U.S. Supreme Court challenge, Romneycare is now federal law.

It’s conceivable that a Republican could be elected president in 2012, but in my opinion that cannot occur if Romney is nominated.
Romney is a chameleon with no core convictions. He’s was more liberal when ran and served as governor. He was a proponent and the governor that signed off on and enacted Romneycare.

I expect every Obama speech will begin, end, and within its main body mention and praise Romney for the exact model of federal Romneycare. He’ll make mention of it during every debate. Romney’s candidacy would leave the Republicans appearing to be illogical fools and will make Obama’s re-election more certain.

Romney is the choice of Republican leaders. It is my opinion that Ron Paul followers in particular will prevent Romney’s nomination on the first ballot. If Romney’s fails to be nominated on the first ballot, I don’t believe the Republicans will be so foolish as to nominate him.

Romney’s nomination would almost assure Obama’s election.

Respectfully, Supposn
I expect every Obama speech will begin, end, and within its main body mention and praise Romney for the exact model of federal Romneycare. He’ll make mention of it during every debate. Romney’s candidacy would leave the Republicans appearing to be illogical fools and will make Obama’s re-election more certain.

That should really fire up his base. Obamas signature achievement, that hasnt yet been implemented, was Romneys idea.
A Romney nomination almost assures Obama’s election.

Many if not most Republicans were all opposed to Massachusetts Romneycare but then Governor Romney, Republicans and Democrats passed and enacted it. Romney was the liberal governor of a liberal state. Massachusetts voters refuse to consider repealing Romneycare.

Despite Republican leaderships’ opposition and a U.S. Supreme Court challenge, Romneycare is now federal law.

It’s conceivable that a Republican could be elected president in 2012, but in my opinion that cannot occur if Romney is nominated.
Romney is a chameleon with no core convictions. He’s was more liberal when ran and served as governor. He was a proponent and the governor that signed off on and enacted Romneycare.

I expect every Obama speech will begin, end, and within its main body mention and praise Romney for the exact model of federal Romneycare. He’ll make mention of it during every debate. Romney’s candidacy would leave the Republicans appearing to be illogical fools and will make Obama’s re-election more certain.

Romney is the choice of Republican leaders. It is my opinion that Ron Paul followers in particular will prevent Romney’s nomination on the first ballot. If Romney’s fails to be nominated on the first ballot, I don’t believe the Republicans will be so foolish as to nominate him.

Romney’s nomination would almost assure Obama’s election.

Respectfully, Supposn

I hate to post such long posts, but the old people in this country are finding out that voting for Obama could shorten their lives.

Must read if you're 75 or older:


" Seniors"

Forget about getting to age 75, this exact thing happened to me this

morning at Danbury hospital here in Ct. I was scheduled for a

cardio-lite stress test. This is a tread mill stress test where

during the process they inject nuclear dye into your blood stream and

then put you in a CAT scan or something similar and take a picture of

your heart. If all is good the heart shows up red, if there are

blocked arteries anywhere that portion of the heart shows up pink. I

have had three of these tests in the past twelve years due to blocked

arteries discovered in 2000. They use the test to determine if I

need a roto router or a bypass operation.

So I arrive at the hospital at 8 am this morning and I am in the

process of checking in at Cardiology and the lady says that my

appointment has been canceled. She makes a call and speaks with

someone and hands me the phone. It is a nurse in cardiology who says

that my medical coverage denied the procedure. I said it was routine,

part of my heart maintenance process and ordered by my PCP and with

approval from my Cardiologist who is the head of Danbury Cardiology

which is right where I was standing. She goes, "yes but we were

denied our request". So I say, I have Medicare so what is my backup

insurance doing denying anything. Then the bombshell, she says it was

the Medicare board that denied the procedure.

At that point, I turn to everyone behind me, and it was a long line,

and I say to them "well you won't have to wait too long today because

my stress test procedure was just canceled by a Medicare Death Panel.

I am only 67 so can you imagine what is going to happen when we really

get old". The entire waiting room and everyone there from patients

to staff just went dead silent. So I turn to the front desk and tell

them, " I guess I will have to write a letter to the editor of the

Danbury News Times and call my Senators and Congressman and let them

know the Death Panels have already convened". Then I walked out.

By the time I got home the message machine was blinking. My PCP had

already called and so did the hospital and guess what, Medicare

decided to approve my stress test procedure and if I could get back

down to the hospital they would fit me in right now for this 3 hour

procedure. I told them I couldn't make it, that I was going fishing

because I didn't know how many more fishing trips I could get in

before I went into cardiac arrest but not to worry about me costing

the government any money because I am a 30% disabled Army veteran, due

to Agent Orange poisoning which is what caused this heart problem to

begin with, and I qualify to be buried for free in a plain pine

wrapper in the cheap graves section at any National Cemetery . I

certainly don't want to cost our gover nment any money so maybe we

just won't do this procedure anymore and we can use the money to

redistribute it to all of the illegal's to keep them alive so they can

mow the lawns at the National Cemeteries.

So this Death Panel crap has started. If we don't vote this guy and

his criminal cronies out of office this November then we will all die

younger than we should as broke paupers as the country goes bankrupt.

Feel free to distribute my note to anyone and make it a mission to not

only make your vote count but on behalf of all of us please make an

effort to change the thinking of anyone remotely willingly to get

intellectually engaged in this critical time in our country's history.

<><> - SENIORS - <><>


I had one of the most troubling, most disturbing conversations ever

with Dr. Suzanne Allen, head of emergency services at the Johnson City

Medical Center in Tennessee . We were discussing the "future" and I

asked her had she seen any effects of Obama Care in her work?

"Oh, yes. We are seeing cutbacks throughout the services we provide.

For example, we are now having to deal with patients who would

normally receive dialysis can no longer be accepted. In the past,

there was always automatic approval under Medicare for anyone who

needed dialysis -- not anymore." So, what will be their outcome? "They

will die soon without dialysis," she stated.

What about other services? She indicated as of 2013 (after the

election), no one over 75 will be given major medical procedures

unless approved b y locally administered Ethics Panels. These Panels

will determine whether a patient receives medical treatment or not.

While details on specific operating procedures and schedules, Dr.

Allen points out that most life-threatening emergencies do not occur

during normal hospital business hours, and if there are emergencies

that depend to be resolve within minutes or just few hours, the likely

hood of getting these Panels approval in time to save a life are going

to be very challenging and difficult, if not impossible she said.

This applies to major operations such as receiving stents, bypass

surgery, kidney operations, or treating for an aneurysm that would be

normally covered under Medicare today. In other words, if you needed a

life-saving operation, Medicare will not provide coverage anymore

after 2013 if you are 75 or over. When in 2013? "We haven't been given

a specific date -- could be in January or July....but it's after the

election. "

This is shocking to any of us who will be 75 this year. Her advice --

get healthy and stay healthy. We do not know the specifics of the

actual implementation of the full Obama Care policies and procedures

-- "they haven't filtered down to the local level yet. But we are

already seeing severe cuts in what we provide to the elderly -- we

refused dialysis to an individual who was 78 just the other day....we

refused to give stents to a gentleman who was in his late 80s." Every

day, she said, we are seeing these cutbacks aimed at reducing care

across the board for anyone who is over 75.

Obamacare was not overturned by the Supreme

Court, so this is a death sentence to those who are over

75....perhaps you should pass this on to your friends who are thinking

of voting for Obama this year.

Regardless if you have private health care coverage now (I have Aetna

Medicare Part B) - - it will no longer apply after 2013 if the Ethics

Panels disapprove of a procedure that may save your life.

Scary, scary, scary. Think about this? You? Your parents? Your loved ones?

Didn't know about it? Of course, not. As Nancy Pelosi said...."well,

if you want to know what's in the bill, you'll have to read it....."

After it was passed.

This is a graphic reminder of the need to stay healthy. Get your plot

now at Forest Lawn....while they last. Is this a death sentence to

those of us who will reach 75?.....Yes!
A Romney nomination almost assures Obama’s election.

Many if not most Republicans were all opposed to Massachusetts Romneycare but then Governor Romney, Republicans and Democrats passed and enacted it. Romney was the liberal governor of a liberal state. Massachusetts voters refuse to consider repealing Romneycare.

Despite Republican leaderships’ opposition and a U.S. Supreme Court challenge, Romneycare is now federal law.

It’s conceivable that a Republican could be elected president in 2012, but in my opinion that cannot occur if Romney is nominated.
Romney is a chameleon with no core convictions. He’s was more liberal when ran and served as governor. He was a proponent and the governor that signed off on and enacted Romneycare.

I expect every Obama speech will begin, end, and within its main body mention and praise Romney for the exact model of federal Romneycare. He’ll make mention of it during every debate. Romney’s candidacy would leave the Republicans appearing to be illogical fools and will make Obama’s re-election more certain.

Romney is the choice of Republican leaders. It is my opinion that Ron Paul followers in particular will prevent Romney’s nomination on the first ballot. If Romney’s fails to be nominated on the first ballot, I don’t believe the Republicans will be so foolish as to nominate him.

Romney’s nomination would almost assure Obama’s election.

Respectfully, Supposn

Okay.... So nominating Romney, which is just a matter of formality now, is going to cost the GOP the election.... BUT... If you can convince 2-3% of us to peel away and vote for Ron Paul as an Independent, that will fix everything? I am failing to see your point. You can pull whatever stunt you like at the convention, it doesn't matter if you bring dynamite, at the end of the day, Romney will be the GOP nominee, and come November 6, either he or Obama will be elected.

If you don't want Obama to be president, I suggest you forget about Ron Paul, find some way to bring yourself to support Romney, and start yapping at Gary Johnson's supporting idiots and morons. Because I promise you, if Obama wins by a margin smaller than the number of Gary Johnson/ Ron Paul nutbags, I plan to hang everything that happens the next four years around YOUR neck!
A Romney nomination almost assures Obama’s election.

Many if not most Republicans were all opposed to Massachusetts Romneycare but then Governor Romney, Republicans and Democrats passed and enacted it. Romney was the liberal governor of a liberal state. Massachusetts voters refuse to consider repealing Romneycare.

Despite Republican leaderships’ opposition and a U.S. Supreme Court challenge, Romneycare is now federal law.

It’s conceivable that a Republican could be elected president in 2012, but in my opinion that cannot occur if Romney is nominated.
Romney is a chameleon with no core convictions. He’s was more liberal when ran and served as governor. He was a proponent and the governor that signed off on and enacted Romneycare.

I expect every Obama speech will begin, end, and within its main body mention and praise Romney for the exact model of federal Romneycare. He’ll make mention of it during every debate. Romney’s candidacy would leave the Republicans appearing to be illogical fools and will make Obama’s re-election more certain.

Romney is the choice of Republican leaders. It is my opinion that Ron Paul followers in particular will prevent Romney’s nomination on the first ballot. If Romney’s fails to be nominated on the first ballot, I don’t believe the Republicans will be so foolish as to nominate him.

Romney’s nomination would almost assure Obama’s election.

Respectfully, Supposn

This is the most idiotic thing I've read in a very long time. If they won't nominate Romney, who will they nominate? Romney and Obama are currently tied in the polls, and Romney is raising more money than Obama. It would be idiotic to nominate, say, Gingrich or Santorum - or Paul, for that matter.
Okay.... So nominating Romney, which is just a matter of formality now, is going to cost the GOP the election.... BUT... If you can convince 2-3% of us to peel away and vote for Ron Paul as an Independent, that will fix everything? I am failing to see your point. You can pull whatever stunt you like at the convention, it doesn't matter if you bring dynamite, at the end of the day, Romney will be the GOP nominee, and come November 6, either he or Obama will be elected.

If you don't want Obama to be president, I suggest you forget about Ron Paul, find some way to bring yourself to support Romney, and start yapping at Gary Johnson's supporting idiots and morons. Because I promise you, if Obama wins by a margin smaller than the number of Gary Johnson/ Ron Paul nutbags, I plan to hang everything that happens the next four years around YOUR neck!

I've never voted for a marxist before, and I won't now. If the repubs want to nominate a marxist than they're the problem. Unless Romney has a heart attack, and Paul is nominated, people like me will vote for Johnson.

Romney is a stupid choice.
I've never voted for a marxist before, and I won't now. If the repubs want to nominate a marxist than they're the problem. Unless Romney has a heart attack, and Paul is nominated, people like me will vote for Johnson.

Romney is a stupid choice.

Then like I said, if Obama wins by fewer votes than Johnson or Paul get, I will blame the next 4 years of Obama's work on YOU.

Gary Johnson is a STUPID choice!

Ron Paul is an even STUPIDER choice!

EITHER is essentially a vote for Obama!
Then like I said, if Obama wins by fewer votes than Johnson or Paul get, I will blame the next 4 years of Obama's work on YOU.

Gary Johnson is a STUPID choice!

Ron Paul is an even STUPIDER choice!

EITHER is essentially a vote for Obama!

And I'll blame the government worshiping republicans for nominating another damn marxist.

If you're a repub, and you don't like Paul, you have to be a marxist.
Then like I said, if Obama wins by fewer votes than Johnson or Paul get, I will blame the next 4 years of Obama's work on YOU.

Gary Johnson is a STUPID choice!

Ron Paul is an even STUPIDER choice!

EITHER is essentially a vote for Obama!

This is what we are always told, and people believe it and don't vote their conscience, it is why we are in the mess we are in and why the two parties and their corrupt policies thrive!

Thanks for being one of "those people", perpetuating the broken system!
Then like I said, if Obama wins by fewer votes than Johnson or Paul get, I will blame the next 4 years of Obama's work on YOU.

Gary Johnson is a STUPID choice!

Ron Paul is an even STUPIDER choice!

EITHER is essentially a vote for Obama!

And another thing. The government worshiping repub will vote for whoever the republican nominee is. If it's Paul, Johnson, Hitler, or whoever. If you wanted to win you would nominate someone like Paul or Johnson to get our votes. But the nasty little secret is "a constitutional small gov't is not something y'all want".
And I'll blame the government worshiping republicans for nominating another damn marxist.

If you're a repub, and you don't like Paul, you have to be a marxist.

LMAO... Well, I generally vote Republican, it doesn't matter if I like Paul, and I am no Marxist.

For the record, I do like Paul. I think he makes some profound points about fiscal responsibility and has said some things that needed to be said. On fiscal policy, I agree with him on just about everything. He loses me when it comes to foreign policy, national security, and social issues. Sorry... I can't go along with him on those, and it has nothing to do with me being a Marxist.

But the thing is.... it really doesn't matter if I hate and loathe Paul, or would eat the corn out his shit, like you... he didn't win the GOP nomination. He won't be one of the two men who can be elected president in November. Those two are Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. One will win, the other will lose. No one else will even be a factor, unless it is to pull votes away from the GOP candidate, because the Democrats will vote in solidarity. I really do LIKE a lot of people, and I can think of at least a dozen people I would rather have seen win the GOP nomination, but they didn't. Romney DID! Whether I totally LIKE Romney, is beside the point now, it's either him or Obama, and I pick him.

You can't pick him because it's a 'principle' thing, and I get that... in past elections, I have done the same thing... but this election is different. IF Obama wins re-election, we will not recognize our country in four years. The America you once knew, will be history. This is the closest the Socialist Marxists have ever come to taking over America, and you best believe, they don't plan to go down without a fight. Is Romney perfect? NOPE! Is he a Marxist? NOPE!
Then like I said, if Obama wins by fewer votes than Johnson or Paul get, I will blame the next 4 years of Obama's work on YOU.

Gary Johnson is a STUPID choice!

Ron Paul is an even STUPIDER choice!

EITHER is essentially a vote for Obama!

You are a fucking moron. I have voted in EVERY presidential election since 1984. I voted for Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton x2, Gore, Kerry and Obama. NOT ONCE have I voted for a Republican. This year you could not get me to pull the lever for anyone but Johnson. He is is more fiscally conservative than Romney. Social conservatives want someone in office that thinks it's the government's role to save my soul. To dictate, at a micro level, my morals. I really wish Santorum would have gotten the nomination to show social conservatives that their message is not the one that carries the day.

IF Johnson can get in the debates, you will see him gain ground in the polls. This is a guy that actually started a business from the ground floor. He went from a small time contractor to the owner of a large construction company. He didn't come from money, his dad was a BIA employee and his mom was a school teacher. Taxes weren't raised in NM and the Government Budget was cut in HALF. He vetoed 200 bills in his first 6 months and 750 overall, one third of which were introduced by Republicans. On his last day as governor we had a one billion with a B dollar surplus.

But that is what scares people in both parties, this guy will veto lots of things. He will call for an across the board reduction in government spending. People will be thrown off the government gravy train on both sides and we just can't have that can we.
You are a fucking moron. I have voted in EVERY presidential election since 1984. I voted for Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton x2, Gore, Kerry and Obama. NOT ONCE have I voted for a Republican. This year you could not get me to pull the lever for anyone but Johnson. He is is more fiscally conservative than Romney. Social conservatives want someone in office that thinks it's the government's role to save my soul. To dictate, at a micro level, my morals. I really wish Santorum would have gotten the nomination to show social conservatives that their message is not the one that carries the day.

IF Johnson can get in the debates, you will see him gain ground in the polls. This is a guy that actually started a business from the ground floor. He went from a small time contractor to the owner of a large construction company. He didn't come from money, his dad was a BIA employee and his mom was a school teacher. Taxes weren't raised in NM and the Government Budget was cut in HALF. He vetoed 200 bills in his first 6 months and 750 overall, one third of which were introduced by Republicans. On his last day as governor we had a one billion with a B dollar surplus.

But that is what scares people in both parties, this guy will veto lots of things. He will call for an across the board reduction in government spending. People will be thrown off the government gravy train on both sides and we just can't have that can we.

The problem with governments saying they'll throw people off the gravy train is those folks usually remain on the gravy train while people get thrown off the soup lines train and the affordable housing train and the food stamps train. :(
...................Is Romney perfect? NOPE! Is he a Marxist? NOPE!

Romney is NOT a communist or socialist or left wing or Green Party or liberal or populist or fascist or monarchist or right wing or Tea Party or Libertarian or populist or conservative or Republican.

Romney changes his positions on issues similar to “a well lubricated weather vane” or simply by shaking his Etch sketch computer.

Romney is not embarrassed to deliver conflicting speeches to suit his audience of the moment and he has contended as a presidential candidate he should avoid thoughts contrary to his audiences and should he unintentionally disagree with his audience of the moment, he’s should practice discretion and make no mention of it.

I’ll refrain from voting for Obama, who acquiesces and surrenders his position (which differs from suffering such losses due to negotiations).
I won’t vote for Romney who is not immoral or unethical but he’s amoral and lacks any ethics.

Romney is a Romneyite.

Respectfully, Supposn
You are a fucking moron. I have voted in EVERY presidential election since 1984. I voted for Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton x2, Gore, Kerry and Obama. NOT ONCE have I voted for a Republican. This year you could not get me to pull the lever for anyone but Johnson. He is is more fiscally conservative than Romney. Social conservatives want someone in office that thinks it's the government's role to save my soul. To dictate, at a micro level, my morals. I really wish Santorum would have gotten the nomination to show social conservatives that their message is not the one that carries the day. IF Johnson can get in the debates, you will see him gain ground in the polls. This is a guy that actually started a business from the ground floor. He went from a small time contractor to the owner of a large construction company. He didn't come from money, his dad was a BIA employee and his mom was a school teacher. Taxes weren't raised in NM and the Government Budget was cut in HALF. He vetoed 200 bills in his first 6 months and 750 overall, one third of which were introduced by Republicans. On his last day as governor we had a one billion with a B dollar surplus.

But that is what scares people in both parties, this guy will veto lots of things. He will call for an across the board reduction in government spending. People will be thrown off the government gravy train on both sides and we just can't have that can we.
Santorum wouldn't be conservative enough for the ever mutated social primitives.

I knew of Johnsons work with NORML, did not know he was an entrepenuer. What's not to like about this guy? He'll try to cut the DoE, -just move to block grants.
I've always voted Democrat also, this will be my first year for 3rd party - even voted McGovern. I don't have a lot of confidence for Obama's re-election then "lessor of 2 evils." Greens don't seem to have much, Johnson the MAN could be a real leader able to help lead the tough decisons to cut back upon
It's not just defict cuts, tax reform, and ending the costly wars of all types we seem to cling to and somehow getting Congress to move a few laws.
You are a fucking moron. I have voted in EVERY presidential election since 1984. I voted for Mondale, Dukakis, Clinton x2, Gore, Kerry and Obama. NOT ONCE have I voted for a Republican. This year you could not get me to pull the lever for anyone but Johnson. He is is more fiscally conservative than Romney. Social conservatives want someone in office that thinks it's the government's role to save my soul. To dictate, at a micro level, my morals. I really wish Santorum would have gotten the nomination to show social conservatives that their message is not the one that carries the day.

IF Johnson can get in the debates, you will see him gain ground in the polls. This is a guy that actually started a business from the ground floor. He went from a small time contractor to the owner of a large construction company. He didn't come from money, his dad was a BIA employee and his mom was a school teacher. Taxes weren't raised in NM and the Government Budget was cut in HALF. He vetoed 200 bills in his first 6 months and 750 overall, one third of which were introduced by Republicans. On his last day as governor we had a one billion with a B dollar surplus.

But that is what scares people in both parties, this guy will veto lots of things. He will call for an across the board reduction in government spending. People will be thrown off the government gravy train on both sides and we just can't have that can we.

Man I love it when someone starts out calling me a moron, then proceeds to illustrate how much of a moron they are. I'm telling you like I told Supposn, the two men who can be elected are Romney and Obama, no one else will even come close. I wish this was a time for a third party to emerge, but it's not. There is not enough support for Gary Johnson, or for Ron Paul, else they would be the GOP nominee! You may not be happy about that, I wasn't happy when they Shanghaied my candidate, Herman Cain, but life goes on, that's politics. If Herman had turned around and gotten the Libertarian nomination, as much as I like Herman, I wouldn't have been able to vote for him this election.

I really don't believe any of us are prepared for the collapse of capitalism. The reality of that has not been witnessed, and it won't be realized by the ignorant until the effects hit home... when you go to the store and it's boarded up... when you go to the bank and you're told you can't withdraw your money... that's when it will dawn on people this is not good, and then it will be too late. Socialist-Marxists will have 4 years to do as they please, and the one thing they HAVE to do in order to transform America, is destroy the capitalist system. Of course, you don't believe any of this, because you are a gullible fool, as illustrated by your romantic and naive notions about third party candidates.