A Solution to the Ohio Question


Hail Voltaire
Every four years, Presidential candidates line up in Ohio and proceed to suck the proverbial wang of its inhabitants. The Ohioans relish this opportunity to troll the entire country. I, for one, am tired of hearing about their indecisive bullshit every fucking election cycle.

Here is my simple proposal:

1) Revoke Ohio's representation in the electoral college
2) Transfer half of its electoral votes to California, and the other half to Texas

Ohioans will be allowed to vote in the Presidential election, but it'll be like Guam or Puerto Rico in that their vote will be meaningless. Thus, Presidential candidates won't bother to visit the buckeye state, and we won't have to hear about it on election night. Problem solved.
not a good idea....at present, 90% of Ohio's economy is based upon political contests.....if you eliminate that the entire state will be on the public dole and some of them may be tempted to move to other states......we must act to stop the contagion, no spread it......