A Stunning View of Immigration Craziness


Ahorrado por Gracia

EDITORIAL - 'We're in a state (Kentucky) where there's nothing but Americans. The police control the streets. It's clean, no gangs. California now resembles Mexico - everyone thinks like in Mexico. California's broken."

Who made those comments? Some right-wing talk show host back in Kentucky? Some redneck politician? You can just hear the Latino activists scrambling to the nearest microphone to decry what they would deem as these terrible, offensive, racist comments. Whoever made these comments will be darn lucky if he doesn't lose his job by the time the politically correct crowd gets done with him.

But wait just a minute.

Do you know who made these comments? It was Alejandra Magdaleno, an illegal immigrant from Mexico who lived in Los Angeles for several years before abandoning the state for Lexington, Ky., eight years ago. She is quoted in a lengthy story in the Los Angeles Times. She went to Kentucky and found happiness, she said, because there were no Mexican immigrant workers there "bidding down the wages for the unskilled jobs."

Magdaleno made the point that the cost of living was much lower, and that she left California for the same reasons she left Mexico - and she loves it. She learned English right away because she had to - almost no one speaks Spanish in Kentucky.

Also, she and her husband wanted better schools for their children, ages 15 and 9. "At the school (in Lexington), there are just people who speak English. It helped my children a lot."

The kids said school was much harder in Lexington than in Los Angeles. The academics were well advanced compared to the level the kids were studying out west. The family was amazed to see girls from Mexican immigrant families who were in their mid-20s and still didn't have children. The girls in Los Angeles, they said, were like the girls in Mexico who get pregnant at 14.

The comments - part of an overall story about Alejandra's sister, who is also here illegally, has 10 kids and lives in Los Angeles with considerable help from government assistance - are amazing in their irony. When the illegal immigrants from Mexico are fleeing California because there's too much illegal immigration out here, you know you're in trouble.

California has gradually, over the last 20 years, gotten so out of whack that the absurd now seems commonplace. We don't even realize how ridiculous it is to have our schools crammed with other countries' children. It's Alice in Wonderland.

Many of us never forget that - but others need a reminder from time to time.

Let's hope Alejandra's story serves as a wake-up call for the people who run this state.
LOL, I live in KY about 30 miles from Lexington and there are plenty of Mexicans here.
Many do not speak English very well if at all.
And the Mexicans do get plenty of assistance here too. Free medical, etc....
And Mexicans are involved in a disproportianate amount of crime vs their percentage of the population.
Of course living is better here in KY vs most of CA.
Much of what the article said just shows the cultural differences between KY and CA.
I guess he wants the illegals to spread out acrossed the country huh?

Its poverty that does those things to people you fool
LOL, I live in KY about 30 miles from Lexington and there are plenty of Mexicans here.

Either you're lying, or hispanics in Kentucky are crowded into a small area (which happens to be where you live. Hmm...)


"In 2000, a total of 59,939 (1.5%) state residents were Hispanic or Latino" Let's assume it's up to 2% now. Even that is a much, much smaller percentage than in California! Furthermore, many so-called "Hispanics" are white. Many Spanish, Basque, and other people of Caucasian ethnicity, who've been here for possibly hundreds of years, consider themselves to be Hispanic. So let's assume Mexicans account for approximately 1.5% of the Kentucky population to this day. That's not very much, USCitizen.

You, sir, have been owned.
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I guess he wants the illegals to spread out acrossed the country huh?

Its poverty that does those things to people you fool

No. I want illegals to GET OUT of my country. I want them to go to the back of the line and try to do it right this time.
Protectionists need to stop breeding. They're so retarded, still carrying on after their thoughts have been disproven for 200 years.

I guess it's not as bad as Christians though. The religion was pretty obviously a sham from the first time it was founded and still going strong, with an freakin' act of congress required to change even the most miniscule, irrelevant things without a split and a new "religion" forming.
John Adams, responsible for the alien and sedition act, the political party that first brought us the innovation of gerrymandering, and *gasp* a national bank.
responsible for the alien and sedition act,

As necessary and proper for the welfare of the United States.

I personally think it should be reenacted.

the political party that first brought us the innovation of gerrymandering,

With no proof that John Adams supported such a practice.

and *gasp* a national bank.

Which is an excellent idea, very much unlike your private banking cartel which has corrupted our nation.
"Which is an excellent idea, very much unlike your private banking cartel which has corrupted our nation."

I was joking. I thought you were opposed to the idea. There is a national bank in the US today, and all banks are very heavily under federal control. There's never been a national monopoly on banks, though, which is what I think you were grasping at.

"As necessary and proper for the welfare of the United States.

I personally think it should be reenacted."

You think that a bill that bans any speech against the person who just so happens to hold political power at the current moment is going to make it past the supreme court? Well, if you're that deluded, just go on.

John Adams certainly wasn't one of our greatest founding fathers. He took part in the writing of the constitution, making it seem like a small government document, and then turned around with the federalists and gang-fucked it in every way possible.
Fair enough - I make exaggerations all the time. ;)

I'll remove the quote from my signature if you request.

I have

"I agree with a lot of Mussoloni's ideology" in my sig though. Then again, you actually do. You apparently don't agree with the way he handled Jews, but I've never heard of him killing Jews, unless he was bullied by Hitler into turning a blind eye to it in the later stages of WWII whenever Hitler basically ran Italy.
I have

"I agree with a lot of Mussoloni's ideology" in my sig though. Then again, you actually do. You apparently don't agree with the way he handled Jews, but I've never heard of him killing Jews, unless he was bullied by Hitler into turning a blind eye to it in the later stages of WWII whenever Hitler basically ran Italy.

He didn't bully the Jews, per se, but he was chummy with Hitler, which is something I'm definitely not comfortable with.
"Which is an excellent idea, very much unlike your private banking cartel which has corrupted our nation."

I was joking. I thought you were opposed to the idea. There is a national bank in the US today, and all banks are very heavily under federal control. There's never been a national monopoly on banks, though, which is what I think you were grasping at.

Actually, our "national bank" consists of several banks, all of which are controlled by private monetary interests. That's unconstitutional.

You think that a bill that bans any speech against the person who just so happens to hold political power at the current moment is going to make it past the supreme court? Well, if you're that deluded, just go on.

Most of the Supreme Court should be impeached and replaced with Honorable Judges.

John Adams certainly wasn't one of our greatest founding fathers. He took part in the writing of the constitution, making it seem like a small government document, and then turned around with the federalists and gang-fucked it in every way possible.

I view the Constitution as slightly more flexible than you do. However, I do still consider myself a Constitutionalist. I simply believe it needs revision in a few areas (via amendment).