A Texas Gun Nut


Junior Member
Only in America

[ame="http://www.ebaumsworld.com/audio/play/51381/"]Dramatic 911 Call (Killings on Tape) Audio Clip[/ame]
Here up north we have to show cause to shoot their ass. Meaning if I catch them in the act of stealing my car. I can't shoot them. That would be manslaughter. But if I show cause that I felt my well being was in jeaporday then it would be ok to shoot.

In the rural parts, where I'm originally from, you'd probably shoot them first and let the cops argue it out. If you own a gun that is.

But gun ownership and hunting, as a cultural tradition, in this nation has been fading for a long time. It has been interesting to see how this has impacted local ecologies and not neccessarily for the better either..
The guy went looking for a fight. That's the part that really gets me. Man, I hate Southerners. The guy wasn't in any danger himself, he walked over to his neighbor's house and shouted "you're dead!" then fired three rounds.
The guy went looking for a fight. That's the part that really gets me. Man, I hate Southerners. The guy wasn't in any danger himself, he walked over to his neighbor's house and shouted "you're dead!" then fired three rounds.

I'm not exactly overwhelmed with sympathy for his victim.
Here up north we have to show cause to shoot their ass. Meaning if I catch them in the act of stealing my car. I can't shoot them. That would be manslaughter. But if I show cause that I felt my well being was in jeaporday then it would be ok to shoot.

In the rural parts, where I'm originally from, you'd probably shoot them first and let the cops argue it out. If you own a gun that is.

But gun ownership and hunting, as a cultural tradition, in this nation has been fading for a long time. It has been interesting to see how this has impacted local ecologies and not neccessarily for the better either..

After the gun owners wiped out so many species, it does sort of throw off the new balance they created once they come out.
I'm not sure how you got "That would be the right thing" out of "That's what I would do."

Far from the same thing.
all you panty wetting liberals with your 'life is most important' crap, and it is CRAP, are the reason why we have the high crime rate and 8 year olds killing their parents. spare the rod, spoil the child, spanking is abuse, do anything to avoid self esteem, and the one I hate the absolute most is 'just give them what they want'. FUCK THAT!!!!!

This is Texas, damn it, and if you try to take shit that don't belong to you, you deserve to have your ass killed.
all you panty wetting liberals with your 'life is most important' crap, and it is CRAP, are the reason why we have the high crime rate and 8 year olds killing their parents. spare the rod, spoil the child, spanking is abuse, do anything to avoid self esteem, and the one I hate the absolute most is 'just give them what they want'. FUCK THAT!!!!!

This is Texas, damn it, and if you try to take shit that don't belong to you, you deserve to have your ass killed.

I'm pretty sure those 8-year-olds killed their parents with guns that their parents owned and didn't have locked. I'm also pretty sure that this guys shooting another guy was a crime. I'm guessing manslaughter, at least. That contributes to the crime rate, dumbass.

Killing someone over a stereo warrants death? You guys deserve to die a terrible death for the backwards way you think. You should rot in the desert. Like the 911 guy said, no property is worth shooting a PERSON over. Not unless you're threatened. This guy left the safety of his home looking for a fight with his gun. "THIS IS TEXAS" just about sums it up. You should all be nuked.
I'm pretty sure those 8-year-olds killed their parents with guns that their parents owned and didn't have locked.
right, because the evil guns told them to do it. what a dumbass.
I'm also pretty sure that this guys shooting another guy was a crime. I'm guessing manslaughter, at least. That contributes to the crime rate, dumbass.
want a lesson on texas law? it should be the law in all 50 states. In fact, it used to be til you fucking liberals started preaching your 'sacred life' shit.

Killing someone over a stereo warrants death?
was it their stereo? then they shouldn't have been trying to steal it. If more people were killed outright when they attempt to steal, there would be less theft.

You guys deserve to die a terrible death for the backwards way you think. You should rot in the desert. Like the 911 guy said, no property is worth shooting a PERSON over. Not unless you're threatened. This guy left the safety of his home looking for a fight with his gun. "THIS IS TEXAS" just about sums it up. You should all be nuked.
bring it on whiney bitch. do you know what your problem is? you can't think straight. you have this insane idea that all thieves don't really want to steal, that their actually compelled because of their economic status. your an idiot.