A thought on the Healthcare debate.


Shaken, not stirred!
The other day I listened to the neocon hacks Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Crowley, Savage, etc. The constant theme regarding the healthcare issue was "Do you want some gov't bureaucrat dictating to you how you handle your personal healthcare?"

Now, overlooking the blatant distortion of the single payer option via gov't OPTION, the first thing that leapt to my mind was this; Are all these anti-Obama folk perfectly happy with accountants managing their healthcare all these years? Because I've been reading for years about people suffering and DYING because their HMO said NO!

Just a thought.
The other day I listened to the neocon hacks Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Crowley, Savage, etc. The constant theme regarding the healthcare issue was "Do you want some gov't bureaucrat dictating to you how you handle your personal healthcare?"

Now, overlooking the blatant distortion of the single payer option via gov't OPTION, the first thing that leapt to my mind was this; Are all these anti-Obama folk perfectly happy with accountants managing their healthcare all these years? Because I've been reading for years about people suffering and DYING because their HMO said NO!

Just a thought.

First of all, you are a liar, you probably haven't EVER listened to all those "neocon hacks", but if you ever did, you would certainly know that "Do you want some gov't bureaucrat dictating to you how you handle your personal healthcare?" is NOT a constant theme, it is a single point, one of many. I think the number one point is, we can't afford this... followed closely by, we will make the quality of health care worse!

Now let's take a closer look at what you claim is a blatant distortion. Once the government goes into the health care insurance business, private sector companies who can't compete, will go under. This will leave only the government option. Unless you can show me any examples of private enterprise successfully competing with government, you have no rebuttal.

The next lie you tell, is that people are suffering and dying as a result of an HMO saying no. That is not the case in an over-litigious society like ours. The first time it happens, that HMO is going to be owned by the victim and their family, thanks to American jurisprudence. It's a thing called "liable!"

HMO's have denied claims, but that is going to happen with a government-run system as well, in fact, to even MORE of an extent than it currently happens, because you see... the government doesn't have to compete for customer satisfaction... they don't give two shits if you are happy or not.
First of all, you are a liar, you probably haven't EVER listened to all those "neocon hacks", but if you ever did, you would certainly know that "Do you want some gov't bureaucrat dictating to you how you handle your personal healthcare?" is NOT a constant theme, it is a single point, one of many. I think the number one point is, we can't afford this... followed closely by, we will make the quality of health care worse!

Now let's take a closer look at what you claim is a blatant distortion. Once the government goes into the health care insurance business, private sector companies who can't compete, will go under. This will leave only the government option. Unless you can show me any examples of private enterprise successfully competing with government, you have no rebuttal.

The next lie you tell, is that people are suffering and dying as a result of an HMO saying no. That is not the case in an over-litigious society like ours. The first time it happens, that HMO is going to be owned by the victim and their family, thanks to American jurisprudence. It's a thing called "liable!"

HMO's have denied claims, but that is going to happen with a government-run system as well, in fact, to even MORE of an extent than it currently happens, because you see... the government doesn't have to compete for customer satisfaction... they don't give two shits if you are happy or not.

First of all, you are a liar, you probably haven't EVER listened to all those "neocon hacks", but if you ever did, you would certainly know that "Do you want some gov't bureaucrat dictating to you how you handle your personal healthcare?" is NOT a constant theme, it is a single point, one of many. I think the number one point is, we can't afford this... followed closely by, we will make the quality of health care worse!

You're not too bright, are you? Now pay attention and learn something: if a "single point" is constantly repeated on SEVERAL DIFFERENT SHOWS on the same station, that is a CONSTANT THEME. Got that bunky?
Now, you accuse me of lying, and the basis of your accusation is NOTHING MORE THAN YOUR OPINION, SUPPOSITION AND CONJECTURE. So unless you can PROVE I lied, you are just blowing neocon smoke as usual.

Hannity: “There is not one person who can walk into a medical facilty that can legally be denied because of their inability to pay, so we already have a system in place…and we’re going to have a government rationing body that tells women with breast cancer, you’re dead.”

Limbaugh: We have autocratic control of the US economy in as many sectors as Obama can secure. The next big one is health care -- and if he gets that, you can say go back to the notion of freedom as you have known it, because virtually every aspect of your life can be regulated on the premise that any "risky behavior" that they define as risky is going to raise health care costs.

Now let's take a closer look at what you claim is a blatant distortion. Once the government goes into the health care insurance business, private sector companies who can't compete, will go under. This will leave only the government option. Unless you can show me any examples of private enterprise successfully competing with government, you have no rebuttal.

Ever hear of the United States Post Office, bunky? Now, ever hear of UPS or FedEx? Okay, now stick a pin in that head of yours and ask yourself which one of the forementioned 3 is directly federally funded. Then ask yourself how the non - federally funded two are doing? The pin in your head should let out all that neocon smoke.

The next lie you tell, is that people are suffering and dying as a result of an HMO saying no. That is not the case in an over-litigious society like ours. The first time it happens, that HMO is going to be owned by the victim and their family, thanks to American jurisprudence. It's a thing called "liable!"

Again, you demonstrate an incredible ignorance of your surroundings. Do your own homework and read up on the 1996 Congressional testimony of Dr. Linda Peeno and the subsequent lawsuits. This is just ONE example.

HMO's have denied claims, but that is going to happen with a government-run system as well, in fact, to even MORE of an extent than it currently happens, because you see... the government doesn't have to compete for customer satisfaction... they don't give two shits if you are happy or not.

Once again, you offer your opinion, supposition and conjecture as a substitute for facts and the logic derived from them. As I 've demonstrated above, your sheer ignorance of readily available facts from the last 20 years alone cast serious doubts on your speculation. You see, a willfully ignorant fool calling an informed person a liar carries little weight.
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Dixie = retarded.

Seriously. The government OPTION would be competing directly with the HMOs, so yeah they'd have to give a shit about how they treat you.
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The other day I listened to the neocon hacks Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Crowley, Savage, etc. The constant theme regarding the healthcare issue was "Do you want some gov't bureaucrat dictating to you how you handle your personal healthcare?"

Now, overlooking the blatant distortion of the single payer option via gov't OPTION, the first thing that leapt to my mind was this; Are all these anti-Obama folk perfectly happy with accountants managing their healthcare all these years? Because I've been reading for years about people suffering and DYING because their HMO said NO!

Just a thought.

How many of those high paid pundits have to deal with an HMO? High deductables? No insurance, etc?
First of all, you are a liar, you probably haven't EVER listened to all those "neocon hacks", but if you ever did, you would certainly know that "Do you want some gov't bureaucrat dictating to you how you handle your personal healthcare?" is NOT a constant theme, it is a single point, one of many. I think the number one point is, we can't afford this... followed closely by, we will make the quality of health care worse!

Now let's take a closer look at what you claim is a blatant distortion. Once the government goes into the health care insurance business, private sector companies who can't compete, will go under. This will leave only the government option. Unless you can show me any examples of private enterprise successfully competing with government, you have no rebuttal.

The next lie you tell, is that people are suffering and dying as a result of an HMO saying no. That is not the case in an over-litigious society like ours. The first time it happens, that HMO is going to be owned by the victim and their family, thanks to American jurisprudence. It's a thing called "liable!"

HMO's have denied claims, but that is going to happen with a government-run system as well, in fact, to even MORE of an extent than it currently happens, because you see... the government doesn't have to compete for customer satisfaction... they don't give two shits if you are happy or not.

So none of the private sector companies can compete? And all will go under?
That IS what you said.
Smart people don't have HMO'S

Many have no real choice. I recall when I was working for a natiionwide communications company and they switched from Travelers to HMO's.
What do you do tell them to keep their mostly company provided insurance?
Yeah right cut off your nose to spite your face.

Smart often has little to do with reality of the world around you.
I mean look on here at the idiots I am surrounded with.
Amazing how the government simultaneously can't run anything and do anything right, yet they're going to create a super agency that's going to out-compete the entire healthcare industry and put them out of business.
How many of those high paid pundits have to deal with an HMO? High deductables? No insurance, etc?

That's another thing that drives me crazy.....the willfully ignorant parrots that lap up every word that the likes of Limbaugh & company has to say, without ever realizing that Limbaugh has LONG been beyond their tax bracket, and enjoys a lifestyle that has no relationship to his pontifications.
Smart people don't have HMO'S

Spoken like a truly willfully ignorant neocon parrot with delusions of elitism.

Someone please clue in Blabba that the vast majority of Americans get their insurance via their jobs...and therefore are subject to what those insurance companies will and won't cover.

Also, another healthy representation of Americans can only afford HMO's.

So Blabba is NOW telling us that she can afford insurance out of her own pocket that covers ALL her needs! Obviously, she's got a near 6 digit salary.:rolleyes:

Given my experience with Blabba fabrications and "hearing things" that she passes off as fact, I seriously doubt she (once again) knows what the hell she's blabbing about.