A ticking time bomb

The racist Jackass Party has taken African-Americans for granted for years, treating them as a biddable, tractable, servile "bloc", without ever giving any Black candidate serious consideration.

What about Jesse Jackson, who ran strong campaigns in 1984 and '88? He was pushed aside by the inner circle, who backed two successive losers rather than give a Black candidate the nod.

Remember Al Sharpton, who for several months in 2004 was the Dem frontrunner? ? He was dissed, hissed and dismissed by the white party bosses, who claimed he was unelectable.

That didn't stop the 'Crats from expecting - and getting - an African -American vote bonanza on Election Day.

What did the community get in return for their vassalage?

Eight more years on Dr. Dean's plantation, that's what.

Now, thanks to what veteran Democrat "strategerist" Paul Begala calls "eggheads and African-Americans", the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and the Klan is being forced to take Black voters seriously for the first time.

Consider the exit poll numbers from a few Democrat primaries:

In Mississippi, 92% of the Black vote went to Obama, 91% of the Black vote in Wisconsin went to him, in Maryland, 84% of Blacks voted for Obama, and 87% of African-Americans voted Obama in Ohio.

No exit polls reveal the egghead numbers. Here's the unspoken question: are Black Democrats voting for Obama the man, or a Black man?

If Hildebeast steals the nomination this time, the consequences will be monumental.

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Well, it took me all of five seconds, and clicking on one of your links to see that you lied. Your link said Sharpton was a frontrunner among african american voters. Not among democrats at large.

Sorry, I can't play with you anymore. Honesty. Try it, you'll like it.
The announcement must not have made the classic rock station news.

From the first link posted above: "Reverend Al Sharpton is a Democratic frontrunner for the office of President of the United States".
You want facts?

Try these:

Democrats started the Civil War to keep Blacks on their plantations.

Democrats opposed equal rights for Black Americans for over 100 years.

Most Democrats voted against Civil Rights.

The senior Democratic Senator in Congress is an admitted Klansman.

Many white Democrats are still trying to keep Senator Obama from claiming the nomination.

Any denials, haters?
Anytime you have to go back to the Civil War, you're hurtin'.

Barak Obama is the Democratic nominee for President - a truly historic moment. The GOP nominee is another old white guy.
Anytime you have to go back to the Civil War, you're hurtin'.

Barak Obama is the Democratic nominee for President - a truly historic moment. The GOP nominee is another old white guy.

It's the Party of Angry White Christian Men versus Everyone Else

* African-Americans support Democrats by about an 8-1 ratio. All 42 African-American members of the House and Senate are Democrats.

* The LGBT community supports Democrats by about a 3-1 ratio. Both of the LGBT member of Congress are Democrats.

* Non-Christians support Democrats by a 3-1 ratio. Both Buddhists and both Muslims in Congress are Democrats. Only three of the 43 Jewish members of the House and Senate are Republicans. . I'm also going to take a guess here and state that there are no publicly declared atheist Republicans in Congress.

* Latinos support Democrats by more than a 2-1 ratio. Twenty-one of the twenty-five Latino members of Congress are Democrats.

* More than 60% of Asian-American voters choose Democrats. All eight of the Asian-American members of Congress are Democrats.

But wait, there's more! Union members, single women, and whites who self-identify their religion as either "none" or "other" than the main world denominations also vote for Democrats by more than 2-1 margins. (The "nones" are more than 3-1). Even the nerds vote for Democrats, as 58% of those with post-graduate degrees support Dems. (

Whatever its flaws, the Democratic Party really is the party for "everyone else" in America. Virtually every ethnic, religious and sexual minority votes for Democrats by overwhelming margins. Vulnerable economic groups, such as single women, union members, and low-income voters also break for Democrats by overwhelming margins. Fewer than 50% of the Democrats in the United States House and United States Senate combined are white, male, straight and Christian. Even the elites of the Democratic Party are very different, on demographic level, from the elites in the media and business community in America.

For quite some time, the Democratic Party struggled with a "loser" image nationally. Given its minority heavy, downtrodden heavy, freaks and geeks membership, it isn't a huge secret how it developed that negative brand. However, over the last few years, something unusual is starting to happen: traditionally under-represented groups are starting to occupy leadership roles in the party, and the party is starting to win a lot of elections. Now, with Nancy Pelosi as Speaker, Democrats hold 235 seats in the House (a number that is soon to rise quite a bit), even though the highest Republicans ever reached was 232. In addition to holding the majority of Governors, state legislatures, and members of the U.S. Senate, all of those majorities are expected to expand significantly in 2008. To top it all off, the Democratic presumptive nominee for President, Barack Obama, is expected to become the next President of the United States.

And the Spanish inquisition started with Catholics persecuting jews. But that has nothing to do with this either.
You want facts?

Try these:

Democrats started the Civil War to keep Blacks on their plantations.

Democrats opposed equal rights for Black Americans for over 100 years.

Most Democrats voted against Civil Rights.

The senior Democratic Senator in Congress is an admitted Klansman.

Many white Democrats are still trying to keep Senator Obama from claiming the nomination.

Any denials, haters?

The democratic party started in 1912 you fool.

Donna Brazile, who is African-American, credits President Bush with surrounding himself with women and people of color, a lesson she says Democrats have yet to learn.

I noticed you cannot refute the facts regarding the Dem's obstinate and prolonged resistance to Civil Rights, which began before the Civil War and continues today.

Ask Senator Obama's staff if there's any racism in your party....