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From the Boston Globe, NOT a "conservative" publication:

Bush, Obama clash over appeasement remarks
By Sasha Issenberg, Globe Staff

"Some seem to believe we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along,"
"We have heard this foolish delusion before," Bush said. "As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: 'Lord, if only I could have talked to Hitler, all of this might have been avoided.' We have an obligation to call this what it is – the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history."

THANK You, President George W. Bush. It's about TIME you restated some Coservative Principles.
WASHINGTON -- President Bush today used a high-profile speech in Israel to attack the idea of pursuing diplomatic talks with renegade countries such as Iran, a key element of Barack Obama’s agenda, likening it to the failed appeasement of Germany prior to World War II.
Bush said in a speech to the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, in Jerusalem.
Bush did not mention the Democratic front-runner by name and the White House officially denied that Bush was referring to Obama. But White House officials indicated that the criticism applied to Obama, who has said that as president he would rely on greater diplomacy to improve relations with unfriendly nations.
Obama responded immediately and angrily, saying in a statement: "It is sad that President Bush would use a speech to the Knesset on the 60th anniversary of Israel's independence to launch a false(?) political attack."

Bush used the anniversary celebration to testify to a continued American-Israeli alliance against terrorism and rogue states, and implicitly to dismiss his domestic political opponents as a potential obstacle to those goals.
While Bush's remarks were consistent with views expressed by his administration before, the location and timing provoked a furor.
"I can’t imagine there’s a precedent for a sitting president to go before the legislative body of a foreign government and launch a political attack on a major-party nominee running to succeed him,” said Brian P. Murphy, a fellow in American history at the University of Pennsylvania.

The White House professed not to understand Obama's ire. “There are many who have suggested these types of negotiations with people that the president, President Bush, thinks that we should not talk to,” said press secretary Dana Perino. “I understand when you're running for office you sometimes think the world revolves around you. That is not always true. And it is not true in this case."

Even though he was not named by Bush yesterday, prominent Democrats rushed to defend Obama throughout the day, including some who are neutral in the race.
I think that this is one of the most HILARIOUS things I have seen in WEEKS, since Obama's public feud with his Racist "Spiritual Mentor", whop will NOT "go quietly into that goodnight."
1.)Obama, who's name was NEVER mentioned by the Pres., and almost ALL of the Lapdog Dinosuar Media, who by now are SO obviously "in the tank" for Obama, have NOW DRAWN ATTENTION TO the Fact, once again, that
Obama not ONLY has NO Foreign Policy Experience or Expertise, but is SO hopelessly Naive, Arrogant and Elitist, to think he can just "talk" Terrorists into "playing nice", Haaaaahahaha!
2.) I heard an audio montage, where TWENTY-SEVEN separate Liberal Politicians and Leftist Media-Types, crying and whining, used the words "Foreign Soil". Funny thing, though, in their INCREDIBLY HYPOCRITICAL comments, they FORGOT to mention the fact, that LIBERALS, for over THIRTY YEARS, HAVE BEEN VISCIOUSLY ATTACKING REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTS, WHILE ON FOREIGN SOIL! Why, Slick Willie Clinton, in between London whores, attacked Pres. Bush Sr., from his Socialist Speech at Oxford. And ANYONE who watches the News, knows that Pres. George W.Bush has been attacked from Foreign and Domestic Soil since January of 2001, from the day he took office, because Liberals couldn't TAKE it that they got BEAT by the guy who thery called "stupid". So these "on foreign soil" comments are SO funny and show what HYPOCRITES they are, it's a JOKE!

Here's just a PARTIAL list, of things and subjects about Obama that CAN'T be discussed, or else you're a RACIST. His ears, his wife, his mother, his father, his friends,(Terrorists Will Ayers and Bernie Dohrn, Racist Pastors, Palestinian Radical Fundraisers Rashid Khalidi) his ”Spiritual Mentor”, his experience(lack of), his Voting Record(and lack of), his name, his religion, etc., etc., etc, I COULD go on, because EVERY AND ANY subject about Barack Obama, when it is brought up for scrutiny, is called “Racist”, or “Divisive”, or “Unfair”.

And NOW, because President Bush, who has been VISCIUOSLY ATTACKED SINCE 2001, and MANY times while he was on Foreign Soil, discusses his Policy differences with Ultra-Left Liberal Elitists, who think because THEY, in their Arrogance, are SO much SMARTER than everyone else, can do what NO ONE for 2000 YEARS has been able to do, stop Islamis Radicals from Murdering Jews and Christians, simply by sitting down at a table, and holding their hands. Obama is so Naïve, like most Liberals, that he doesn’t UNDERSTAND, he could sittdown at a table, holding their sex organs under the table, and it would NOT stop them from wanting to KILL JEWS and CHRISTIANS. These Radicals which take Mohammed’s words from the Q’uor’an, like:

"God's curse be upon the infidels! Evil is that for which they have bartered away their souls. To deny God's own revelation, grudging that He should reveal His bounty to whom He chooses from among His servants! They have incurred God's most inexorable wrath. An ignominious punishment awaits the unbelievers." (Q 2:92-6)

"... Slay them wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you. Idolatry is worse than carnage." (Q 2:190-3)

"When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them." (Q 9:5)

"Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate." (Q 9:73)
These are direct quotes from the Koran, translated but not "interpreted." No interpretation is necessary, as the meaning is clear.
Again, this repression is sanctioned by the Koran, which promises a garden of sexual delights to those who martyr themselves in the name of Islam

WAKE UP, Liberals. Wake UP, Obama. Get some experience. Get some REAL knowledge of the World, not yours and your Wife’s Priveliged, Sheltered University existence you have led. GO to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Dahrfur, Ethiopia, and Iraq. Go SEE the women who have been VIOLENTLY RAPED, at TWELVE YEARS OLD, so that their urinary tracts, digestive systems, and childbearinmg organs will NEVER work properely. Go SEE the victims of Genital Mutilation. We are trying to bring these people OUT of the Twelfth Century, but these Murderous Radical Terrorists but be DEFEATED FIRST. I would really like to know- WHEN will Liberals EVER stop being Naïve idiots, with their noses stuck in University Lectures and Books, that TALK about how to fix problems. The Naivite, like some on THIS website, like “blackascoal”, who think that a UNIVERSITY is the ONLY way to learn about the World. How naive. How ARROGANT ! And how STUPID. Tell our young servicemen, who have been around the WORLD, and SEEN the tyranny of Socialism and Dictatorship. Tell THEM they don’t know what our FREEDOM really means. Tell THEM they don’t know how GOOD America is, and how TRULY EVIL some Socialist and Islamic Dictatorship Govewrnments are.
Obama stands for the proposition that the government’s role is to ABSOLVE people of Personal Responsibility.

OMG Obama is a republican ? :shock:
Obama and his supporters whining is starting to grate on my nerves..President Bush NEVER mentioned a name or a party in that speech, and for the boy king to just ASSUME it was all about him is laughable..

This guy needs to run for President of a high school first, then come back in a few yrs. and try for President of the United States..:clink:
Obama and his supporters whining is starting to grate on my nerves..President Bush NEVER mentioned a name or a party in that speech, and for the boy king to just ASSUME it was all about him is laughable..

This guy needs to run for President of a high school first, then come back in a few yrs. and try for President of the United States..:clink:

Anyone with an IQ over 50 knows who Bush was referring to.

Beyond that, Obama was addressing the point, which is that TALKING is not APPEASING, something which you history-deprived connie-cons seem pretty slow to get....
"The Naivite, like some on THIS website, like “blackascoal”, who think that a UNIVERSITY is the ONLY way to learn about the World. How naive. How ARROGANT ! And how STUPID. Tell our young servicemen, who have been around the WORLD, and SEEN the tyranny of Socialism and Dictatorship. Tell THEM they don’t know what our FREEDOM really means. Tell THEM they don’t know how GOOD America is, and how TRULY EVIL some Socialist and Islamic Dictatorship Govewrnments are."

First, I would like to ask "blackascoal", who seems to think he is SO much smarter than Conservatives (the same arrogance and naivite that will defeat Obama), first, am I spelling "naivite" properly? Seeing you probably went to a nice, Public, Free-Tuition State College, with 25 yr. old "student teachers" or "professor's helpers" telling you all about the world, giving you this vast knowledge you think you have, I assumed you would know the proper spelling.
It's funny, "blackascoal", but I have NEVER seen YOU write a piece of your OWN words, longer than a couple of sentences! Don't you have any thoughts worth sharing, or did you forget to take a "writing class", in your "university you attended?

Tell me something, "blackascoal", enthrall me with your acumen. Tell me something about quantum theory. Tell me something about Probability Theory. Tell me something about Cosmology, or Neutron Stars, or Subatomic Particle Theory, or Gravitational Lensing. Do you KNOW a lot about ANY of these? I thought you were so much SMARTER than me? What is your I.Q.?

If you weren't so naive and foolish, you would have LEARNED by now, NOT to judge someones intelligence by their ramblings on an unimportant political chat site, where the content OR structure mean about the same as what brand of toilet paper I buy. Idiot.
Hey, meme, I couldn't have said it better myself- anything anyone SAYS about this guy, him and his supporters see as a criticism of this inexperienced Chicago Socialist Used-Car Salesman, and then call you a "RACIST" Did you see where the Press Secty. said:
“I understand when you're running for office you sometimes think the world revolves around you. That is not always true. And it is not true in this case."

Oh, and I just noticed! The gay butterfly is that Self-Important Lying Moran, "Bathtub Boy Olbermann! I have a REAL funny story about him, from a NEWS GROUPIE he picked up! ASfter having sex, which she said was "awful", HE QUOTED SHAKESPEARE, IN A PHONY ENGLISH ACCENT, Haaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha!

Something like, "Oh, Madam, thank you so kindly for that sublime release."
What an ASSHOLE, Bwaaaaaahahahahahahaha!
I didn't call anyone a racist, and neither did Obama.

Just that it's clear that most people who scream "appeasement" have no idea what it means.

I didn't call anyone a racist, and neither did Obama.

Just that it's clear that most people who scream "appeasement" have no idea what it means.

Yes most if not all adults know exactly what the word means...it goes way back to our grammar school days...when a bully asks for your school lunch money you either appease and give it to him or her..or you defend and kick ass...simple really!
No, battle, they don't get it. All they know how to do is LIE and ATTACK. And when a Conservative tells the TRUTH about Crybaby Whiers, Inexperienced Terrorist Belly-Rubbers, they cry "RACIST"! Like THAT'S going to SCARE anybody with BRAINS, or BALLS.

Especially when it comes from the Party of Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Sen. Robert Byrd, Democrat. Idots like "blackascoal" think that because he and Obama took a few PoliSci classes once, they're ready to take charge of the Free World.
Not Happenin'. Not from all the Sensible People that I have been hearing, the 20 MIILLION Talk-Radio audience, Millions more who watch Fox News, etc. Don't worry too much, Battle. They're not ALL Brainwashed. I CANT believe that a MAJORITY of Reasonable Americans, the kind that VOTE, not the kind that WON'T get their Fat Asses off the couch, and put the Govt. Cheese down, they're too busy watching Jerry Springer Maury, or Montel.

Sorry to break the bad news, Libs, but History, Polls and Statistics ALL show that the people who are most likely to go out and vote, and DO go out and vote, EVERY election, are A.)Middle-Aged, B.)Working, and C.)Older Americans and D.)Non-Minority, or so-called "White" Americans.
Historically, the Low-Income, Welfare, Young, and Minority people ELIGIBLE to vote, often do NOT vote, whether too LAZY, too BUSY, or whatever. The Low-Incopeople can hardly be blamed. Democrats have brainwashed them to think Republicans only want to "help the Rich", starve babies and drown kittens. So they turn to Democrtas, and Democrats keep them on the SAME POVERTY LEASH THAT LBJ PROMISED TO TAKE THEM OFF, 50 YEARS AGO. Its a damn shame.