A Very Wise Man.


New member
A Very Wise Man wrote this. The ONLY problem, with some of the American People, is that when you SHOW them these COMMON SENSE FACTS, they get ALL UPSET! Now, we have to ASK ourselves, Psychologically, WHY would a Person, that lives in the RICHEST country in the World, if you go by ALL of the People, not just Swiss Bankers, and Oil Sheiks, but ALL, and the AVERAGE person, we have the MOST OPPORTUNITY. Everyone in the WORLD knows, you can come to this Nation, a Penniless Immigrant, and become a Millionaire. It has been done, OVER and OVER. But to SOME in this counrty, when you TELL THEM things like "No One in America can be TURNED DOWN FOR MEDICAL CARE, IT'S THE LAW., and "We have the FATTEST, RICHEST "Poor People" in the WORLD, with Cell Phones, Nice Cars, State-Paid Housing, in Apartments like mine, which costs me $850 per month, they go BANNANAS! Why? Because they DONT want their CRYBABY POLITICIANS IN WASHINGTON TO GET VOTED OUT, that's why.

No one gets turned away when entering a hospital. Perhaps you have heard of Medicare. It is for the elderly and children in certain cases.

Food for the poor... Are you kidding. Have you ever hear of food stamps? Ever hear of Public housing. There are all kinds of programs that are temporary that are in place for just this problem. Maybe you have not seen how overweight most Americans are... even the poor. And here is something you may not know... We have the "richest" poor people in the world. Most people living below the poverty line have a color TV, a car, and a cellphone, receive food stamps, and are able to go to school free of charge.

You can argue that housing projects are not great and you would be right. But they are not paying for it either, are they. If they want a better neighborhood, perhaps they should do what it takes to make their own way in the world and get off the dole. This would make room for those that really need it. They need to shed the entitlement mentality that is the real scourge that keeps people poor, uneducated, and unable to live on their own without assistance.

It would be a safe bet that most of the people are in the position to be there because of poor decisions on their part. For instance, having babies before marriage and/or without the ability to afford to raise a family, dropping out of a school that is provided for them free of charge - all they have to do is to show up before the bell rings and do some homework.

Where does it stop? It stops at personal responsibility and education. Education as mentioned earlier, is provided for no cost, however, it does require a certain effort on the part of the student. This comes under personal responsibility.

The question should not be where does it stop, but rather why does it continue? It continues with enslavement to entitlements, with the entitlement mentality that says 'we are owed this welfare and these government checks'. It ends with getting rid of the poor work ethic that allows one to settle for government handouts and the lifestyle that accompanies it courtesy of the taxpayers.