A whole new story of corruption under R rule



It seems quite a few were enriching themselves under Bush's watch.

Wide-Ranging Ethics Scandal Emerges at Interior Dept.

Published: September 10, 2008
WASHINGTON — As Congress prepares to debate expansion of drilling in taxpayer-owned coastal waters, the Interior Department agency that collects oil and gas royalties has been caught up in a wide-ranging ethics scandal — including allegations of financial self-dealing, accepting gifts from energy companies, cocaine use and sexual misconduct.

In three reports delivered to Congress on Wednesday, the department’s inspector general, Earl E. Devaney, found wrongdoing by a dozen current and former employees of the Minerals Management Service, which collects about $10 billion in royalties annually and is one of the government’s largest sources of revenue other than taxes.

“A culture of ethical failure” besets the agency, Mr. Devaney wrote in a cover memo.

The reports portray a dysfunctional organization that has been riddled with conflicts of interest, unprofessional behavior and a free-for-all atmosphere for much of the Bush administration’s watch.
But two of the highest-ranking officials who were targets of the investigations will apparently escape sanction. Both retired during the investigation, rendering them safe from any administrative punishment, and the Justice Department has declined to prosecute them on the charges suggested by the inspector general.

One of those who will not be prosecuted is Ms. Denett, the former associate director of minerals revenue management. The report alleges that she manipulated the contracting process to steer the deal to Mr. Mayberry, her friend and former special assistant.

Six other companies submitted bids for the contract, spending more than $90,000 on their proposals. A Department of the Interior ethics official who later reviewed the sequence of events described the arrangement as one in which “the fix is in throughout — this is tainted from the beginning, that is totally improper,” the report said.

Ms. Denett did not return a message left at her home on Wednesday with her husband, Paul Denett, who was the top procurement official in the White House Office of Management and Budget until he resigned this month. He declined to comment.
Imagine my surprize you guys odnt want to comment on the story.

Reminds me a a funny little site I used to fequent were they just covered their eyes and ears to anything they didnt want to face.
I agree---Bush is a fiscial liberial. Corruption probably surpassing Clinton.

And here we are--arguing chevy (dem) vrs ford (rep).

you guys sound like a bunch of red neck hillbillies with that fight.

you want to help end corruption--McCain and espically Palin is the key. Obasma's whole life is corruption.
Oh I see the guy who voted in lock step and his female clone are the ones to stop this mess huh?

Good god man do you think about your childern with that filthy mess of a brain?
Oh I see the guy who voted in lock step and his female clone are the ones to stop this mess huh?

Good god man do you think about your childern with that filthy mess of a brain?

This 4 more years stuff is a crock--name two presidents in a row who were ever the same (that the people did not like).

Yes they are Desh. McCain will keep us from getting our building blown up--Plain will fight coirruption like she has allways done---and Obama would only upen up American to world socialism/communism. The change he speaks of is what will be left in your pockets. I promise you. He believew in taxing the hell out of everybody, and making government even bigger, and more controling.

Read my sig--it is a real quote.

Palin is a energy expert, and a people expert. Mccain is a good military guy, but a greenie wennie. McCain has to cut taxes--to push the expensive green. Obama will raise taxes, and energy, produce--poverty will at least double right now if Obama gets in. My opinion.

He is a bullshitter, and knows nothing at all. he is a empty vessel for world communists.
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911 happened on the republican watch.

This scandal as well as many others happend on the republican watch.

What makes you think McCain who voted with Bush 90% of the time will make different decisions than Bush?

Palin is a female Bush.

This scandal is all yours baby.

The Republican congress who blanked checked and rubber stamped everything Bush wanted for years.

If you dont like what has happened over the last eight years you would be a complete idiot to vote for McCain.
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Do you see the insanity here? Conservatives whine for a century after their philosophy nearly destroyed America that it would fix everything, then they get in power, institute conservativism, and whenever it, like everyone predicted, failed miserably, they refuse to recognize reality and blame liberals for their failures. Absolutely absurd.
Desh is hitting the kool-aid again.

Not sure I follow her logic. All civil servants are not appointed by the President, each time a new one comes in. Nowhere in the article did it list each and every party affiliation of those accused. For all we know they could all be left wing democrats having sex, smoking & snorting dope.

Obama the Pig voted 97% with the democrats, does that sound like change. Nope just useless words to get the sheep to follow along.
I want to read the artical but can ya find one by a different paper? I won't lower myself to read a rag like the times. And I do want to read it....
Thanks Desh I was not aware of that scandal. I wonder why it was not all over the MSM ? It surely would have been if it happened under Clintons watch.
I hate the government but I could make an exception and work here. Tickets to events, drinking at functions (i'm sorry but that's a scandal? Where does that not happen?) and having sex with co-workers (again something that would never ever happen in the private sector). That's a cool department. Who knew?