A win for the people

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President Barack Obama is pleased with a new House executive pay bill, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs reports.

Wall Street bonuses could be banned under the bill approved by the House.

Calling high pay "vulgar," Representative Brad Miller D-NC says, "We are now in the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression and we have been perilously close to a financial collapse. We know what went wrong, essentially the same things that went wrong in the 1920s. Corporate executives were looting their companies. The idea that corporate executives were acting in the best interest of their shareholders is simply a farce."

Naturally, the last Depression was caused by a Republican administration, too.

Representative James McGovern D-MA says "Corporate executives are continuing to give themselves multimillion-dollar pay packages. The misbehavior in corporate America must come to an end". After being passed by the Senate and being signed into law, the measure will end high pay for corporate fat cats.
This administration ran on HOPE and CHANGE..

You can now change that to..

The federal government had no business intervening in the Wall Street collapse, it had no business intervening in the auto industry collapse, and it has no business dictating salaries and bonuses in what would otherwise be businesses owned by anyone other than the government. Setting a standard for a minimum wage is one thing, government interference in what should be private industry, well, sounds like socialism to me.
I'm surprised at the restraint exercised by Congress.....when the French dealt with the same problem, they used the guillotine......Vivie le France!