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Yesterday, Vice President Dick Cheney did a radio interview, and in it, he showed WHY, during 6 statewide elections in Wyoming, and 2 Vice-Pres. elections, he has beaten Democrats EVERY TIME. Cheny showed the Genius Intellect that has kept him SO far above Liberals, who have done nothing but launch viscious personal attacks against him, insinuating all kinds of crimes, with NO proof. And the fact that they KNOW he coniders them mere ants, at a picnic, drives them even MORE insane, haha!

But to the point: when asked, what he thought about those who have whined and screamed for the United States to Surrender to the Terrorists and run away from Iraq, while Ahmedinijad is training troops to KILL AMERICAN SOLDIERS, he said,
"Well, anyone can see, that from the beginning, it was Politically motivated, those TV and print staff, and politicians who opposed ANY action in Iraq, back when NO one KNEW whether the intel, from Seven different Nations, about Saddam's WMD's, was perfectly accurate. SOME, in this, and other countries, did not WANT to see an American Victory over Terrorism, while Pres. BUSH was in office. And then, there are those who think we can Hide Behind Our Oceans, not being sophisticated enough to realize that we CANNOT ALLOW an organization like Al-Qaeda, BEFORE OR AFTER SADDAM, to control Iraq's, or ANY Nation's Oil Supply and Oil Wells. Some people will tell you how EVIL petroleum is, while they are wearing clothes made of FABRIC from petroleum , while they drink from a water bottle that's from petroleum , while they drive their limosine which not only RUNS from petroleum , but many of its Parts are from petroleum . The same ones who would not walk to the corner, but take a vehicle, or here in Wash, are probably CHAUFERRED".
On Ahmedidnijad::
"During the Cold War, MAD(mutually-assured-destruction) kept the Soviets in check. But to a MARTYR, like Ahmedinijad, who believes in the TWELFTH IMAM IS COMING(the one who will unite ALL Muslims to Kill ALL Jews and non-converters)and Rule the World. to someone like THAT, the concept of MAD(mutually-assured-destruction) is an INCENTIVE, not a deterrent."

Compare an intellect like THAT, with the sophisticated nuanced policies, to a Barack Obama "punished a baby"
Cheney is an evil man. How can you sing the praises of someone like that, and then claim to care about any kind of morality?

This is the problem with some of you connie-cons. No problem with a guy who deferred his way through the '60's & sends thousands to die without losing a wink of sleep, but when someone's pastor says something outrageous, look out!
Yesterday, Vice President Dick Cheney did a radio interview, and in it, he showed WHY, during 6 statewide elections in Wyoming, and 2 Vice-Pres. elections, he has beaten Democrats EVERY TIME. Cheny showed the Genius Intellect that has kept him SO far above Liberals, who have done nothing but launch viscious personal attacks against him, insinuating all kinds of crimes, with NO proof. And the fact that they KNOW he coniders them mere ants, at a picnic, drives them even MORE insane, haha!

But to the point: when asked, what he thought about those who have whined and screamed for the United States to Surrender to the Terrorists and run away from Iraq, while Ahmedinijad is training troops to KILL AMERICAN SOLDIERS, he said,
"Well, anyone can see, that from the beginning, it was Politically motivated, those TV and print staff, and politicians who opposed ANY action in Iraq, back when NO one KNEW whether the intel, from Seven different Nations, about Saddam's WMD's, was perfectly accurate. SOME, in this, and other countries, did not WANT to see an American Victory over Terrorism, while Pres. BUSH was in office. And then, there are those who think we can Hide Behind Our Oceans, not being sophisticated enough to realize that we CANNOT ALLOW an organization like Al-Qaeda, BEFORE OR AFTER SADDAM, to control Iraq's, or ANY Nation's Oil Supply and Oil Wells. Some people will tell you how EVIL petroleum is, while they are wearing clothes made of FABRIC from petroleum , while they drink from a water bottle that's from petroleum , while they drive their limosine which not only RUNS from petroleum , but many of its Parts are from petroleum . The same ones who would not walk to the corner, but take a vehicle, or here in Wash, are probably CHAUFERRED".
On Ahmedidnijad::
"During the Cold War, MAD(mutually-assured-destruction) kept the Soviets in check. But to a MARTYR, like Ahmedinijad, who believes in the TWELFTH IMAM IS COMING(the one who will unite ALL Muslims to Kill ALL Jews and non-converters)and Rule the World. to someone like THAT, the concept of MAD(mutually-assured-destruction) is an INCENTIVE, not a deterrent."

Compare an intellect like THAT, with the sophisticated nuanced policies, to a Barack Obama "punished a baby"

If you belive what you do about Iran, why are you not mad at Bush/Cheney for not doing something about it?
Yesterday, Vice President Dick Cheney did a radio interview, and in it, he showed WHY, during 6 statewide elections in Wyoming, and 2 Vice-Pres. elections, he has beaten Democrats EVERY TIME. Cheny showed the Genius Intellect that has kept him SO far above Liberals, who have done nothing but launch viscious personal attacks against him, insinuating all kinds of crimes, with NO proof. And the fact that they KNOW he coniders them mere ants, at a picnic, drives them even MORE insane, haha!

But to the point: when asked, what he thought about those who have whined and screamed for the United States to Surrender to the Terrorists and run away from Iraq, while Ahmedinijad is training troops to KILL AMERICAN SOLDIERS, he said,
"Well, anyone can see, that from the beginning, it was Politically motivated, those TV and print staff, and politicians who opposed ANY action in Iraq, back when NO one KNEW whether the intel, from Seven different Nations, about Saddam's WMD's, was perfectly accurate. SOME, in this, and other countries, did not WANT to see an American Victory over Terrorism, while Pres. BUSH was in office. And then, there are those who think we can Hide Behind Our Oceans, not being sophisticated enough to realize that we CANNOT ALLOW an organization like Al-Qaeda, BEFORE OR AFTER SADDAM, to control Iraq's, or ANY Nation's Oil Supply and Oil Wells. Some people will tell you how EVIL petroleum is, while they are wearing clothes made of FABRIC from petroleum , while they drink from a water bottle that's from petroleum , while they drive their limosine which not only RUNS from petroleum , but many of its Parts are from petroleum . The same ones who would not walk to the corner, but take a vehicle, or here in Wash, are probably CHAUFERRED".
On Ahmedidnijad::
"During the Cold War, MAD(mutually-assured-destruction) kept the Soviets in check. But to a MARTYR, like Ahmedinijad, who believes in the TWELFTH IMAM IS COMING(the one who will unite ALL Muslims to Kill ALL Jews and non-converters)and Rule the World. to someone like THAT, the concept of MAD(mutually-assured-destruction) is an INCENTIVE, not a deterrent."

Compare an intellect like THAT, with the sophisticated nuanced policies, to a Barack Obama "punished a baby"

Its quite a shame that the liberal morons refuse to listen and to learn from the the insight shown by Dick Cheney....Swimming in the Koolade must have a detrimental effect on the brain of these liberal losers....:321:
Its quite a shame that the liberal morons refuse to listen and to learn from the the insight shown by Dick Cheney....Swimming in the Koolade must have a detrimental effect on the brain of these liberal losers....:321:

If I was an English teacher, I would use this statement as an example of irony.
Man are these people living on the wrong side of history.

When I tell my grandkids about the fools that supported this admin right up to the end even while it was clear they had subverted the constitution and lied thousands of Americans to their deaths they will just shake their heads in disbelief.
Man are these people living on the wrong side of history.

When I tell my grandkids about the fools that supported this admin right up to the end even while it was clear they had subverted the constitution and lied thousands of Americans to their deaths they will just shake their heads in disbelief.

Your grandkids will be like "I want to make money Grandma and paying high taxes suck so while I love you Grandma I don't believe you and your tree hugging hippie B.S. you preach to me".

P.S. I love you Grandma and I hope you remember that come my birthday and Christmas.
Yesterday, Vice President Dick Cheney did a radio interview, and in it, he showed WHY, during 6 statewide elections in Wyoming, and 2 Vice-Pres. elections, he has beaten Democrats EVERY TIME. Cheny showed the Genius Intellect that has kept him SO far above Liberals, who have done nothing but launch viscious personal attacks against him, insinuating all kinds of crimes, with NO proof. And the fact that they KNOW he coniders them mere ants, at a picnic, drives them even MORE insane, haha!

But to the point: when asked, what he thought about those who have whined and screamed for the United States to Surrender to the Terrorists and run away from Iraq, while Ahmedinijad is training troops to KILL AMERICAN SOLDIERS, he said,
"Well, anyone can see, that from the beginning, it was Politically motivated, those TV and print staff, and politicians who opposed ANY action in Iraq, back when NO one KNEW whether the intel, from Seven different Nations, about Saddam's WMD's, was perfectly accurate. SOME, in this, and other countries, did not WANT to see an American Victory over Terrorism, while Pres. BUSH was in office. And then, there are those who think we can Hide Behind Our Oceans, not being sophisticated enough to realize that we CANNOT ALLOW an organization like Al-Qaeda, BEFORE OR AFTER SADDAM, to control Iraq's, or ANY Nation's Oil Supply and Oil Wells. Some people will tell you how EVIL petroleum is, while they are wearing clothes made of FABRIC from petroleum , while they drink from a water bottle that's from petroleum , while they drive their limosine which not only RUNS from petroleum , but many of its Parts are from petroleum . The same ones who would not walk to the corner, but take a vehicle, or here in Wash, are probably CHAUFERRED".
On Ahmedidnijad::
"During the Cold War, MAD(mutually-assured-destruction) kept the Soviets in check. But to a MARTYR, like Ahmedinijad, who believes in the TWELFTH IMAM IS COMING(the one who will unite ALL Muslims to Kill ALL Jews and non-converters)and Rule the World. to someone like THAT, the concept of MAD(mutually-assured-destruction) is an INCENTIVE, not a deterrent."

Compare an intellect like THAT, with the sophisticated nuanced policies, to a Barack Obama "punished a baby"

Ummmm yeah.
He's beaten Democrats? Is he running for something? That guy couldn't run out of a burning building without having his heart fail. Sure can lie like a champ though. Oh, and he's a war criminal as per the recent revelation that torture was discussed on a detainee by detainee basis with him.
Your grandkids will be like "I want to make money Grandma and paying high taxes suck so while I love you Grandma I don't believe you and your tree hugging hippie B.S. you preach to me".

P.S. I love you Grandma and I hope you remember that come my birthday and Christmas.

At least they will have a country to complain about taxes in.

If we elect another neocon there will be no country left for them to complain about.

You seem to forget that the people who have screwed these kids by pawning off the payment of debts that they incured to my and your grandkids were for the most part republicans like Reagan and the Bushs'.
At least they will have a country to complain about taxes in.

If we elect another neocon there will be no country left for them to complain about.

You seem to forget that the people who have screwed these kids by pawning off the payment of debts that they incured to my and your grandkids were for the most part republicans like Reagan and the Bushs'.

Kind of funny you say we wouldn't have a country because of people like Reagan yet what would have had Reagan not helped lead us to victory in the Cold War? Without him we might not be having this discussion today.
Old hippies are hilarious. They started off so cool, and at some point in their lives they wound up defending high taxes, bureaucracies, and the status quo.

I see more promise in my own generation. We are highly distrusting of the government and its power to abuse and regulate, and that should serve us well.

Hopefully we will succeed where the Flower Children of the '60s failed.
Old hippies are hilarious. They started off so cool, and at some point in their lives they wound up defending high taxes, bureaucracies, and the status quo.

I see more promise in my own generation. We are highly distrusting of the government and its power to abuse and regulate, and that should serve us well.

Hopefully we will succeed where the Flower Children of the '60s failed.

HaHa, my folks grew up in the '60's and have pictures of themselves all hippied out and looking pretty damn funny (imo). At some point they then 'lost their '60's and decided they wanted to make money etc.' is how they put it. I always thought the 'lost their '60's' was a funny comment.

Seems there are still quite a few from that generation who haven't 'lost their '60's' yet.
Old hippies are hilarious. They started off so cool, and at some point in their lives they wound up defending high taxes, bureaucracies, and the status quo.

I see more promise in my own generation. We are highly distrusting of the government and its power to abuse and regulate, and that should serve us well.

Hopefully we will succeed where the Flower Children of the '60s failed.

This generation really reminds me more of a rehash of the generation of the 50's than anything else