AARP Faces Backlash From Seniors Over Health Care Reform Stance


New member
oh oh, they done went and messed with the wrong group of don't mess with the seniors...:)

--The senior advocacy group AARP is coming under criticism from its own members for appearing to support President Obama's health care reform plans.
By Shannon Bream

Monday, August 10, 2009
Elected officials aren't the only ones facing frustrated, angry crowds at health care town hall meetings.

The senior advocacy group AARP is now coming under criticism from its own members for appearing to support President Obama's health care reform plans.

The internal debate is heating up as lawmakers prepare to enter what could be the final stretch in writing legislation, with just one committee left to vote on it.

But just as constituents are giving their elected representatives a piece of their mind over the August recess, some seniors are starting to protest the AARP.

Last week, AARP officials speaking at a forum in Dallas walked out after several seniors interrupted the meeting with critical questions and comments.

Some AARP members say they are so outraged that they've taken to tearing up their membership cards and firing off heated letters to the organization's CEO.

Recent polling by FOX News shows seniors, many of whom are on Medicare, don't want a major overhaul -- 93 percent rate their current coverage as good or excellent, and 56 percent say they oppose the creation of a government-run option for all Americans.

Other groups representing seniors say they aren't surprised by the recent backlash.

"We get letters every single day from people that are very upset about this bill and about the AARP supporting it," said Stuart Barton, president of the American Seniors Association. "So I don't blame them for coming back and saying they are going to tear up their AARP cards."

The AARP hosted a discussion with Obama last month on health care. But officials say the group is nonpartisan and has not endorsed any specific legislative measure.

They concede, however, that there are some provisions in the legislation that the organization has backed.

AARP spokesman Jim Dau said the group is working with the administration as well as congressional leaders in both parties.

"We're working with other groups including employers, small business owners, organized labor," he added.

AARP officials say the organization is used to being attacked, by both conservatives and liberals, and wears the bipartisan criticism as a badge of honor.

Critics don't buy that.

"The AARP speaks out of both sides of their mouth and tells their constituents or their members one thing and do another," Barton said.

Despite the internal tension, the AARP will continue to hold town halls.

And they are making the same plea for civility that elected officials are making as they host forums throughout the August recess.

"It's really important to ratchet down the tension, make sure that you are getting a debate based on the actual facts, not the myths, not based on the things that some folks want you to believe," Dau said.

The opponents of reform will stop at nothing to derail the process and protect their own vested interests, even if it means misleading older Americans. We're here to make sure everyone knows the facts and not the myths.

Special interest groups are trying to block progress on health care reform using myths and scare tactics, like the myth that health care reform will give the government the power to make life-and-death decisions for everyone. That's simply false.

The fact is, no one, including the government or your insurance company, will be given power to make life-and-death decisions for anyone regardless of their age. Those decisions will be made by you, your doctor and your family.

We won't stand idle when opponents of health care reform attempt to scare or mislead the American people, and older Americans in particular, about what fixing the system really means.

The truth is, we need to fix health care, whether it's ensuring affordable coverage for Americans age 50 to 64 or improving benefits for people in Medicare. It's time for the public to get the real facts.
LOL the AARP and most of them are on Medicare aka govt run healthcare.

Why I have not joined that bunch.
Living on the dole and running down others on the dole.

Almost exclusively self proclaimed christians but it seems none of them are eager to go to heaven?
LOL the AARP and most of them are on Medicare aka govt run healthcare.

Why I have not joined that bunch.
Living on the dole and running down others on the dole.

Almost exclusively christians but it seems none of them are eager to go to heaven?

you have some nerve..they were forced to pay into Medicare throughout all their they are suppose to not at least get a tiny bit back..

you people are losing it, really
Our current health care system costs too much, wastes too much, makes too many mistakes and gives us back too little value for our money.

Skyrocketing health costs are forcing millions of Americans to choose between paying for health care or food, housing, and other necessities. In fact, millions of Americans are just one medical emergency away from bankruptcy and financial ruin.

With so many people looking at their health care premiums nearly doubling in the next 10 years, the time for action on health reform is NOW.

America needs you to take action to ensure that everyone has a choice of health care they can afford.

I urge you to commit to working to demand legislation that will provide all Americans with affordable health care choices, strengthen Medicare and improve long-term care services.
you have some nerve..they were forced to pay into Medicare throughout all their they are suppose to not at least get a tiny bit back..

you people are losing it, really

Lets do the math. When did we start paying for medicare? 65 years ago?
Since so many on here are so ignorant about medicare I post the following.


1945 Harry Truman sends a message to Congress asking for
legislation establishing a national health insurance plan.

Two decades of debate ensue, with opponents warning of the
dangers of "socialized medicine."

By the end of Truman's administration, he had backed off
from a plan for universal coverage, but administrators in
the Social Security system and others had begun to focus
on the idea of a program aimed at insuring Social Security

July 30, 1965 Medicare and its companion program Medicaid, (which
insures indigent recipients), are signed into law by
President Lyndon Johnson as part of his "Great Society."

Ex-president Truman is the first to enroll in Medicare.

Medicare Part B premium is $3 per month.

1972 Disabled persons under age 65 and those with end-stage
renal disease become eligible for coverage.

Services expand to include some chiropractic services,
speech therapy and physical therapy.

Payments to HMOs are authorized.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program is established
for the elderly and disabled poor. SSI recipients are
automatically eligible for Medicaid.

1982 Hospice benefits are added on a temporary basis.

1983 Change from "reasonable cost" to prospective payment
system based on diagnosis-related groups for hospital
inpatient services begins.

Most federal civilian employees become covered.

1984 Remaining federal employees, including President, members
of Congress and federal judiciary become covered.

1986 Hospice benefits become permanent.

1988 Major overhaul of Medicare benefits is enacted aimed at
providing coverage for catastrophic illness and
prescription drugs.

Coverage is added for routine mammography.

1989 Catastrophic coverage and prescription drug coverage are

Coverage is added for pap smears.

1992 Physician services payments are based on fee schedule.

1997 Medicare+Choice is enacted under the Balanced Budget Act.
Some provisions prove to be so financially restrictive
when regulations are unveiled that Congress is forced to
revisit the issue in 1999.

1999 Congress "refines" Medicare+Choice and relaxes some
Medicare funding restrictions under the Balanced Budget
Refinement Act of 1999.

2000 Medicare+Choice Final Rule takes effect.

Prospective payment systems for outpatient services and
home health agencies take effect.

Medicare Part B premium is $45.40 per month.
The GOP opposed Medicare and Medicaid too.

A health care reform bill needs to guarantee that no one should find themselves unable to get care simply because they cannot afford it. Neither should anyone find themselves financially compromised (or worse) because they have received care.

Financial barriers should not stand between Americans and preventive or acute health care that they sincerely believe will address concerns over a troubling medical condition, in a timely manner, before that condition grows into a critically serious illness.

Having received needed health care, no American family should be so financially devastated by medical bills that it cannot meet routine daily living expenses, for example, make utility or mortgage payments on time or finance the education of the family’s children.

The future growth in national health spending should be constrained to fall significantly below currently projected spending growth, which has the United States devoting about 40 percent of its G.D.P. to health care by mid-century.
from the link:

1989 Catastrophic coverage and prescription drug coverage are

GHWB was president. If this had been left would we have needed GWB pill bill?
Why was it repealed?
Our current health care system costs too much, wastes too much, makes too many mistakes and gives us back too little value for our money.

Our current health care system works just great..thats the simple truth of the matter.....there is no problem other than 25,000,000 illegals getting freebies from US taxpayers....

Skyrocketing health costs are forcing millions of Americans to choose between paying for health care or food, housing, and other necessities. In fact, millions of Americans are just one medical emergency away from bankruptcy and financial ruin.

The only thing "skyrocketing" is US government debt which is in reality....taxpayers debt that we will have to pay even though we get nothing for the money spent by the Democrats...

With so many people looking at their health care premiums nearly doubling in the next 10 years, the time for action on health reform is NOW.

simply bullshit....

America needs you to take action to ensure that everyone has a choice of health care they can afford.

I urge you to commit to working to demand legislation that will provide all Americans with affordable health care choices, strengthen Medicare and improve long-term care services.

I urge you to vote with your brains next election and send the liberals back to the gutters they crawled out of....
Seniors don't want any changes to the system because they love the single-payer government run system they've got.

Seems to me it is time to put Medicare for all on the table if conservatives are going to praise the greatness of Medicare.
Seniors don't want any changes to the system because they love the single-payer government run system they've got.

Seems to me it is time to put Medicare for all on the table if conservatives are going to praise the greatness of Medicare.

isn't that a song?