Abolishment of welfare???


New member
Welfare, medicaid, and unemployment saftey nets have been big controversies in America today.

Should these systems have been created in the first place? Were these government written checks the one and only solution to America's economic and poverty problems of the 20th century? Was it neccessary? Or are they simply doomed ideolologic concepts? Have they created a generational loop of poverty and dependence on the government?

Is America dependent on the system? What about the poor and unemployed? How will they support their families without welfare support? How will the single mom care for her children? These are all key points. You may argue that by dismantling the walfare system, you are endangering the very lives of the people who are dependent on it.

Is it far too corrupt to let it continue the way it is going? Do far too many receipients cheat the system? Are we giving away too much of our money to welfare folks? Are we stifiling productivity and motivation by simply giving people the bread?

What are your thoughts? :hitit:
Welfare, medicaid, and unemployment saftey nets have been big controversies in America today.

Should these systems have been created in the first place? Were these government written checks the one and only solution to America's economic and poverty problems of the 20th century? Was it neccessary? Or are they simply doomed ideolologic concepts? Have they created a generational loop of poverty and dependence on the government?

Is America dependent on the system? What about the poor and unemployed? How will they support their families without welfare support? How will the single mom care for her children? These are all key points. You may argue that by dismantling the walfare system, you are endangering the very lives of the people who are dependent on it.

Is it far too corrupt to let it continue the way it is going? Do far too many receipients cheat the system? Are we giving away too much of our money to welfare folks? Are we stifiling productivity and motivation by simply giving people the bread?

What are your thoughts? :hitit:
Don't get carried away dude....

They are needed programs for people and families in trouble.....

And as long as they aren't used fraudulently or abused, there is not issue.
If only it were that simple. They are abused terribly. If you are unemployed and find a job why would you let anyone know that? You can collect the unemployment payments and work off the books too. It happens all the time.
If only it were that simple. They are abused terribly. If you are unemployed and find a job why would you let anyone know that? You can collect the unemployment payments and work off the books too. It happens all the time.

What are your thougthts?
Welfare, medicaid, and unemployment saftey nets have been big controversies in America today.

Should these systems have been created in the first place? Were these government written checks the one and only solution to America's economic and poverty problems of the 20th century? Was it neccessary? Or are they simply doomed ideolologic concepts? Have they created a generational loop of poverty and dependence on the government?

Is America dependent on the system? What about the poor and unemployed? How will they support their families without welfare support? How will the single mom care for her children? These are all key points. You may argue that by dismantling the walfare system, you are endangering the very lives of the people who are dependent on it.

Is it far too corrupt to let it continue the way it is going? Do far too many receipients cheat the system? Are we giving away too much of our money to welfare folks? Are we stifiling productivity and motivation by simply giving people the bread?

What are your thoughts? :hitit:

One main problem with government assistance programs is they kick in after a person has lost almost everything. Whether it's free medical care to those who have reached death's door or welfare for those whose next stop is sleeping on the street a new approach has to be taken.

There comes a point where an individual loses motivation after slowly descending into poverty or illness. Their "spirit" is broken. That is why many resign themselves to that lifestyle. It's not a choice of preferring that lifestyle or abusing the system. The necessary help comes too late and the person is broken.

As for people working "under the table" their life has become a matter of basic survival. We teach them to live that way by our refusal to offer timely help. Due to the necessity of having to scrounge on a daily basis it becomes a way of life for them.

The point is we teach them that being a good citizen, working at a regular job, paying taxes, being part of the community, means nothing. If misfortune strikes we don't give a damn. They're on their own. We'll sit and watch while they lose everything they've worked years to obtain. We'll sit and watch while their family falls apart under stress and they have nowhere to go but the street and then we wonder why a few abuse the system and are not model citizens and then we turn the whole situation on it's head by saying we should cut those benefits because people abuse them.

Until we start acting like the citizens we want everyone to be instead of allowing our fellow human beings to become destitute before helping we can not expect anything to change. Healthy, happy human beings are creative and motivated and empathetic....all the things we desire of others.

It is us who needs to change before we expect that of the downtrodden.
One main problem with government assistance programs is they kick in after a person has lost almost everything. Whether it's free medical care to those who have reached death's door or welfare for those whose next stop is sleeping on the street a new approach has to be taken.

There comes a point where an individual loses motivation after slowly descending into poverty or illness. Their "spirit" is broken. That is why many resign themselves to that lifestyle. It's not a choice of preferring that lifestyle or abusing the system. The necessary help comes too late and the person is broken.

As for people working "under the table" their life has become a matter of basic survival. We teach them to live that way by our refusal to offer timely help. Due to the necessity of having to scrounge on a daily basis it becomes a way of life for them.

The point is we teach them that being a good citizen, working at a regular job, paying taxes, being part of the community, means nothing. If misfortune strikes we don't give a damn. They're on their own. We'll sit and watch while they lose everything they've worked years to obtain. We'll sit and watch while their family falls apart under stress and they have nowhere to go but the street and then we wonder why a few abuse the system and are not model citizens and then we turn the whole situation on it's head by saying we should cut those benefits because people abuse them.

Until we start acting like the citizens we want everyone to be instead of allowing our fellow human beings to become destitute before helping we can not expect anything to change. Healthy, happy human beings are creative and motivated and empathetic....all the things we desire of others.

It is us who needs to change before we expect that of the downtrodden.

"One main problem with government assistance programs is they kick in after a person has lost almost everything. Whether it's free medical care to those who have reached death's door or welfare for those whose next stop is sleeping on the street a new approach has to be taken.

There comes a point where an individual loses motivation after slowly descending into poverty or illness. Their "spirit" is broken. That is why many resign themselves to that lifestyle. It's not a choice of preferring that lifestyle or abusing the system. The necessary help comes too late and the person is broken."

Looks like Canada has a lot of work to do, to change the way they treat their citizens.
If only it were that simple. They are abused terribly. If you are unemployed and find a job why would you let anyone know that? You can collect the unemployment payments and work off the books too. It happens all the time.

Because it's called FRAUD if you don't. The problem is, it's not rigorously enforced as it should be.

Your OP is a bit over-dramatic. No one that I am aware of, has suggested we completely dismantle any and all social services. Even the most devout conservative tea party right winger out there, understands that we need to provide some help to those in dire situations. No one is arguing that we shouldn't... that is the FALSE argument the left is trying to pin on the right.. that we are just a bunch of mean greedy sons of bitches who want to do away with all government assistance.

We have a debt problem. We are broke. We have no more money. At some point, whether it's right now or several years down the road, we are going to have to face this fact. We can't sustain what we've been doing, we don't have the resources. We have to start objectively looking at each of these programs, and finding ways to curtail the abuse and fraud, and cut anything that isn't just absolute necessary assistance. Paying for some project whore's abortion, is not something I consider 'absolutely necessary.'
Yep, conservatives. Keep on telling yourself that you don't need to feed starving people or give old folks their medicine. You can keep all of that money yourself, and spend it better on extra HDTV's. Just don't go whining to me when you find our head on a pike after the revolution comes.
We are broke. We have no more money. '

Then where's it coming from?

Broke has meaning. The US government is broke when investors fear that default on the US debt is so certain that they start refusing to buy our bonds. Hasn't even come close to happening yet.