ABORTION is Racist!


Verified User
Abortion disproportionally kills Black people

Abortion disproportionally kills Latino people

Abortion disproportionally kills girls

Abortion disproportionally kills poor people

Abortion overwhelmingly kills handicapped people (fetuses with Down Syndrome diagnosis get aborted 92% of the time in the EU).

If there ever was an issue that these rabid leftists with their worship of identity politics would be against, it should be abortion. However,
I guess the sirens' song of promiscuity without consequence, matters more than the lives of Blacks, Latinos, girls, poor people, and those
who aren't able bodied. The Left's hero Margaret Sanger must be smiling from her grave.
Abortion disproportionally kills Black people

Abortion disproportionally kills Latino people

Abortion disproportionally kills girls

Abortion disproportionally kills poor people

Abortion overwhelmingly kills handicapped people (fetuses with Down Syndrome diagnosis get aborted 92% of the time in the EU).

If there ever was an issue that these rabid leftists with their worship of identity politics would be against, it should be abortion. However,
I guess the sirens' song of promiscuity without consequence, matters more than the lives of Blacks, Latinos, girls, poor people, and those
who aren't able bodied. The Left's hero Margaret Sanger must be smiling from her grave.
Just another fact showing just how racist the dem party is today as it was back in the Jim Crow days, but with
this killing of minorities takes even another step by showing just how racist the Dem Party is from yesteryear
to today.
Just another fact showing just how racist the dem party is today as it was back in the Jim Crow days, but with
this killing of minorities takes even another step by showing just how racist the Dem Party is from yesteryear
to today.
Are you claiming these women were forced to have an abortion?
Just another fact showing just how racist the dem party is today as it was back in the Jim Crow days, but with
this killing of minorities takes even another step by showing just how racist the Dem Party is from yesteryear
to today.
Tigers don't change their stripes