About Beyonce


Regardless of where you are on the political spectrum, you couldn't help getting an impression from the Super Bowl halftime show. People everywhere are saying the Beyonce's performance of "Formation" was a racist slur against cops and a plug for the racist "Black LIves Matter" cabal.

Help me out here.

I was watching it like everyone else. I saw a bunch of chicks dressed in, I don't know, maybe quasi military uniforms. There was a lot of syntha-music in the back ground. They had some kind of slutty dance going. I couldn't hear half the music that was playing, if you could even call it that. And I was thinking to myself that maybe Beyonce would consider a few months working out with the thigh-master, since she was sporting some chunky hams, but the movements she and the girls made gave me the impression they'd be a hell of a roll in the hay.

And here are some of the lyrics that I couldn't even make out because the sound quality was so bad:

Ya'll haters corny with that Illuminati mess
Paparazzi, catch my fly, and my cocky fresh
I'm so reckless when I rock my Givenchy dress (styling)
I'm so possessive so I rock his Roc necklaces
My daddy Alabama, Momma Louisiana
Ya mix that negro with that Creole make a Texas bamma
I like my baby hair, with baby hair and afros
I like my negro nose with Jackson Five nostrils
Earned all this money but they neva take the country out me
I got a hot sauce in my bag, swag

A couple of things, from basically a conservative who is also a neutral observer of the whole thing:

1. Where is the racism against the cops? It's clearly not in the lyrics.

2. Okay, I found out later on that those outfits were used by the Black Panthers, at least the ones with the berets. Considering that I grew up when the Black Panthers were formed, I didn't recognize them. Was this deliberate, or did some faggy choreographer just decide to make a fashion statement?

3. Anyone else here besides me think that maybe black people would be outraged if a white artist sang those lyrics, about "Negro nose"?

4. Check out some of the other lyrics to her...uh...hit song Formation:
When he fuck me good I take his ass to Red Lobster, cuz I slay
When he fuck me good I take his ass to Red Lobster, cuz I slay
If he hit it right, I might take him on a flight on my chopper, cuz I slay
Drop him off at the mall, let him buy some J's, let him shop up, cuz I slay

Yeah, right. You all are probably scratching your heads and wondering the same thing. Just imagine a white guy telling an attractive black woman: "If I fuck you real good, will you take me to Red Lobster."

I don't think it's so much about being racist. It's just that TODAY'S POP MUSIC REALLY FUCKING SUCKS.

Your thoughts?
(There are no wrong answers here.)
that you are messed up in the head

What does this have to do with me? I didn't write those lyrics.

How about not being such a fucking ignorant TROLL and just once in your life actually discussing an issue? Are you such an ignorant bitch that you can't do that?
Regardless of where you are on the political spectrum, you couldn't help getting an impression from the Super Bowl halftime show. People everywhere are saying the Beyonce's performance of "Formation" was a racist slur against cops and a plug for the racist "Black LIves Matter" cabal.

Help me out here.

I was watching it like everyone else. I saw a bunch of chicks dressed in, I don't know, maybe quasi military uniforms. There was a lot of syntha-music in the back ground. They had some kind of slutty dance going. I couldn't hear half the music that was playing, if you could even call it that. And I was thinking to myself that maybe Beyonce would consider a few months working out with the thigh-master, since she was sporting some chunky hams, but the movements she and the girls made gave me the impression they'd be a hell of a roll in the hay.

And here are some of the lyrics that I couldn't even make out because the sound quality was so bad:

Ya'll haters corny with that Illuminati mess
Paparazzi, catch my fly, and my cocky fresh
I'm so reckless when I rock my Givenchy dress (styling)
I'm so possessive so I rock his Roc necklaces
My daddy Alabama, Momma Louisiana
Ya mix that negro with that Creole make a Texas bamma
I like my baby hair, with baby hair and afros
I like my negro nose with Jackson Five nostrils
Earned all this money but they neva take the country out me
I got a hot sauce in my bag, swag

A couple of things, from basically a conservative who is also a neutral observer of the whole thing:

1. Where is the racism against the cops? It's clearly not in the lyrics.

2. Okay, I found out later on that those outfits were used by the Black Panthers, at least the ones with the berets. Considering that I grew up when the Black Panthers were formed, I didn't recognize them. Was this deliberate, or did some faggy choreographer just decide to make a fashion statement?

3. Anyone else here besides me think that maybe black people would be outraged if a white artist sang those lyrics, about "Negro nose"?

4. Check out some of the other lyrics to her...uh...hit song Formation:
When he fuck me good I take his ass to Red Lobster, cuz I slay
When he fuck me good I take his ass to Red Lobster, cuz I slay
If he hit it right, I might take him on a flight on my chopper, cuz I slay
Drop him off at the mall, let him buy some J's, let him shop up, cuz I slay

Yeah, right. You all are probably scratching your heads and wondering the same thing. Just imagine a white guy telling an attractive black woman: "If I fuck you real good, will you take me to Red Lobster."

I don't think it's so much about being racist. It's just that TODAY'S POP MUSIC REALLY FUCKING SUCKS.

Your thoughts?
(There are no wrong answers here.)

What "music?" I'm getting a petition together to create a National Caucasian College Fund, a Congressional Caucasian Caucus and National Association For The Advancement Of White People. Wanta sign?
hating people is stupid

calling out racists is a good thing for society you stupid racist

What is racist about that first post?

Did you like the racist lyrics? Are you aware that a white person did not write them? Are you aware that a white person did not sing them?

Are they still racist? Or are you one of these stupid fucking idiots that think blacks can't be racist?

Answer the questions, or admit you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

So far, you're the only one showing hate in this thread.
What "music?" I'm getting a petition together to create a National Caucasian College Fund, a Congressional Caucasian Caucus and National Association For The Advancement Of White People. Wanta sign?

Whole thing is, I was asking about some thoughts on this. I hadn't even put any opinions of my own and this Evince bitch comes at me like I'm in the KKK.

What is her major malfunction, Pyle?
the popular arguments concerning Beyonces halftime show comes from two fucktard groups of the highest order.

1) conservatives with a hatefest of black racism and,
2) anyone with a love affair of cops, otherwise known as the largest street gang in america

both of those groups are coming from a place so full of ignorance it's ridiculous

the 'racism' angle is crap, for anyone that would care to remember the 2009 MTV music awards where Beyonce stepped aside during her award acceptance to let a little white girl named Taylor Swift come back up to the stage and give her thanks that was originally ruined due to kanye wests drunken racism.

the police angle is even more crap, seeing as it's FAN groups that have been using her video for 'black lives matter' protests and what not. NOT Beyonce.
Whole thing is, I was asking about some thoughts on this. I hadn't even put any opinions of my own and this Evince bitch comes at me like I'm in the KKK.

What is her major malfunction, Pyle?

I'm already a member of the National Caucasian College Fund. I fund what little was left to be paid after all scholarships for my white daughter to do to college. Unlike Bernie Sanders, I don't support taxpayers "investing" in a kid that his/her own parents won't invest in. Since I do that for my daughter, I also participate in the NAAWP.
Whole thing is, I was asking about some thoughts on this. I hadn't even put any opinions of my own and this Evince bitch comes at me like I'm in the KKK.

What is her major malfunction, Pyle?

She's the forum/village idiot.
If I had wanted to see a girl wiggle her fanny I would pick a better looking one. And one who could sing if I wanted to see oNE sing. All in all a very forget able program.
1) conservatives with a hatefest of black racism and,
2) anyone with a love affair of cops, otherwise known as the largest street gang in america

If someone has broken into your house, who are you going to call, lib? I know you're too much a pussy to own a gun.

both of those groups are coming from a place so full of ignorance it's ridiculous

I didn't see the racism, but I also didn't see the music either. The sound quality was awful. It was more a lip synch fest with a lot of asses wiggling than anything else.

the 'racism' angle is crap, for anyone that would care to remember the 2009 MTV music awards where Beyonce stepped aside during her award acceptance to let a little white girl named Taylor Swift come back up to the stage and give her thanks that was originally ruined due to kanye wests drunken racism.

What I find so strange is how she could have written such racist lyrics. They aren't racist against whites. They're racist against blacks. If a white singer wrote such things, there would be NAACP demonstrations outside his house ad infinitum.

the police angle is even more crap, seeing as it's FAN groups that have been using her video for 'black lives matter' protests and what not. NOT Beyonce.

She's just a performer, is what you're saying. Well, that's valid.
Frankly, I think she could have done a better job.
Still, that overblown Super Bowl halftime show has turned into nothing more than an expensive karaoke show the last couple of times.
If someone has broken into your house, who are you going to call, lib? I know you're too much a pussy to own a gun.
i'm not a liberal. i'm a Libertarian. I own half a dozen guns, for now. more to come. I was a US Marine for 6 years. i'm damn good with my guns. I will not be calling for anyone until the invader is dead or gone. this is how you fail.
i'm not a liberal. i'm a Libertarian. I own half a dozen guns, for now. more to come. I was a US Marine for 6 years. i'm damn good with my guns. I will not be calling for anyone until the invader is dead or gone. this is how you fail.

Half dozen. Is that all?