About That Senate Report - You're Missing the Big Story


And this is it:

Did Iranian agents dupe Pentagon officials?

By John Walcott * McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON — Defense Department counterintelligence investigators suspected that Iranian exiles who provided dubious intelligence on Iraq and Iran to a small group of Pentagon officials might have "been used as agents of a foreign intelligence service ... to reach into and influence the highest levels of the U.S. government," a Senate Intelligence Committee report said Thursday.

A top aide to then-secretary of defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, however, shut down the 2003 investigation into the Pentagon officials' activities after only a month, and the Defense Department's top brass never followed up on the investigators' recommendation for a more thorough investigation, the Senate report said.

The revelation raises questions about whether Iran may have used a small cabal of officials in the Pentagon and in Vice President Dick Cheney's office to feed bogus intelligence on Iraq and Iran to senior policymakers in the Bush administration who were eager to oust the Iraqi dictator.


The aborted counterintelligence investigation probed some Pentagon officials' contacts with Iranian exile Manucher Ghorbanifar, whom the CIA had labeled a "fabricator" in 1984. Those contacts were brokered by an American civilian, Michael Ledeen, a former Pentagon and National Security Council consultant and a leading advocate of invading Iraq and overthrowing Iran's Islamic regime.

According to the Senate report, the Pentagon's Counterintelligence Field Activity unit concluded in 2003 that Ledeen "was likely unwitting of any counterintelligence issues related to his relationship with Mr. Ghorbanifar."


Stephen Cambone, then the undersecretary of defense for intelligence, shut down the counterintelligence investigation after only a month, the Senate report said.

The Senate report said that Pentagon officials never followed up on the investigators' recommendation for a comprehensive analysis of whether Ghorbanifar or his associates tried "to directly or indirectly influence or access U.S. government officials."

The counterintelligence investigators recommended that U.S. officials attempt "to map Ghorbanifar's relationship within Iranian elite social networks and, if possible, his contacts with other governments and/or intelligence organizations," but that effort was never undertaken.

The idea that the Bush Administration was lied to by Iranian "exiles" in an effort to help push them towards war with Iran's nemesis in the region makes perfect sense.

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I's also like to add that my favorite part of this story, irrespective of whether senior US policy-makers were actually being used by Iranian counterintelligence, is the Pentagon's reaction: shutting down the investigation.

Makes perfect sense. Really. Who would want to find out if senior members of our government were being fed bullshit by Iranian counterintelligence agents? Not me.
Fuck Tweety, Tim Russert, and any other hacks who feign surprise at this.

Those of us who are informed on iraq, were saying years ago that Iraq exiles and Iranians who had a vested interest in seeing saddam deposed were manipulating and using our little fool president. Of course, at the time Bush voters were calling us tin foil hatters.

What's that thing called, where you know what's going to happen in the future, and everyone laughs at you? Cassandra syndrome?
Iranians didn't plant evidence in Colin Powell's head, nor did they have PNAC lay out the blueprint for the invasion years before it happened.

The Bush Administration and the neocon cabal behind it created this war on their own, irrespective of Iranian misinformation.

Blaming it on the Iranians just provides them with more cover for what should be a Nuremburg type trial.

What's missing in the report is the horror countless innocent people have endured.

Shock and awe and the Mother Of All Bombs raining down on the heads of children.

White phosphorous weapons exploding on civilian populations and burning the flesh off babies.

Entire families mutilated, burned, blown apart, and shot dead while they slept, at weddings, and trying to excersise their faith.

The ungodly horror and atrocities visited upon innocent people by "brave" soldiers from a rogue and dangerous nation.

That is what's missing from the report.
BAC, did you get PERMISSION from those iraqis to post those public domain photos?

God, where is the whiny crybaby WRL when you need him?
Bac, I really dont think that kind of sentiment is needed here.

Its time for Americans to come together and face the facts and more death of ANYKIND is not in our best interests.

WRL just join reality and help us fix this mess. The first step is accept the facts that have ignored for far too long.

Step up and help the rest of America fix this mess.
Bac, I really dont think that kind of sentiment is needed here.

Its time for Americans to come together and face the facts and more death of ANYKIND is not in our best interests.

WRL just join reality and help us fix this mess. The first step is accept the facts that have ignored for far too long.

Step up and help the rest of America fix this mess.

I intend no disrespect to you whatever .. but where is that kind of sentiment needed?

Out of sight out of mind is how we like our atrocities.

I'm sorry, I'm too angry to post.

I mean no disrespect.
BAC, I understand the anger, but stop hijacking these threads. Most of the people who are seeing the photo's you are posting have been intensely opposed to this war from the beginning. This is not the way to vent.

Please stop posting these photos. They're a real drag to see; I know they're supposed to be, but your target audience here is the wrong one.
The anger I understand and Im right there with you my friend.

WRL is just a kid and has not grasped onto reality at any time i have known him.

He may be taken to it kicking and screaming but dead he cant help us and just increases the misery the lies have wrought.

Enough with death its now time for life to be embraced.

Live and learn willy boy .

Its time to learn willyboy.
I see you joined 'Code Pink'

I intend no disrespect to you whatever .. but where is that kind of sentiment needed?

Out of sight out of mind is how we like our atrocities.

I'm sorry, I'm too angry to post.

I mean no disrespect.

What are the dues costing nowdays?..Did you go to 'Good Will' and purchase a dirty pink nightee and bra for the next protest at the VA?
You are welcome for the tip............

Thanks for the tip from your experience BB.

They are a bit costly at Victorias secret aren't they ?

My family regularly donates clothing to 'Good Will' and 'The Salvation Army' as well as other items to be sold to your ilk at a rather inexpensive price...carry on Mr.Enabler!:rolleyes:
Here you go BAC....
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qvkj_2EKlyc"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]

You might as well go all the way in believing if its on the Internet its got to be true ..
expecially if its anti-American or anti-Bush or anti-Conservative....

Its pathetic you're so easily duped and so gullible.....
"Its pathetic you're so easily duped and so gullible....."

Remind me again: who bought into "we can't wait until there is a mushroom cloud over an American city"...was that BAC, or you?
"Its pathetic you're so easily duped and so gullible....."

Remind me again: who bought into "we can't wait until there is a mushroom cloud over an American city"...was that BAC, or you?

That was Bravo. The pimple on his butt, which he later taught to type and named “indisputable” agreed.