Above The Law


I hope that when a Democrat becomes President, he or she is honest and there are no need for hearings. But, living in reality as I do, i know that no matter what, if Republicans gain control of Congress, they'll investigate them anway and make up phony scandals.

And, whether the investiations that R's hold, are legitimate or not, I hope they remember this well. Because they should get what they gave: The Middle Finger.

Bush uses privilege to deny ex-aides’ testimony
White House-Congress showdown over subpoenas escalates

Updated: 3 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - President Bush invoked executive privilege Monday to deny requests by Congress for testimony from former aides Sara Taylor and Harriet Miers on the White House's role in the firings of several U.S. attorneys.

He again offered to make them available for private, off-the-record interviews.

In a letter to the chairman of the House and Senate judiciary committees, White House Counsel Fred Fielding insisted the president was acting in good faith and refused lawmakers' demands that he explain the basis for invoking the privilege.

I hope that when a Democrat becomes President, he or she is honest and there are no need for hearings. But, living in reality as I do, i know that no matter what, if Republicans gain control of Congress, they'll investigate them anway and make up phony scandals.

And, whether the investiations that R's hold, are legitimate or not, I hope they remember this well. Because they should get what they gave: The Middle Finger.

Bush uses privilege to deny ex-aides’ testimony
White House-Congress showdown over subpoenas escalates

Updated: 3 minutes ago
WASHINGTON - President Bush invoked executive privilege Monday to deny requests by Congress for testimony from former aides Sara Taylor and Harriet Miers on the White House's role in the firings of several U.S. attorneys.

He again offered to make them available for private, off-the-record interviews.

In a letter to the chairman of the House and Senate judiciary committees, White House Counsel Fred Fielding insisted the president was acting in good faith and refused lawmakers' demands that he explain the basis for invoking the privilege.

As much of a Bush-basher as I am, in this case (reference the fired attorneye) I think he is right. He, and/or his administration, have the constitutional right to change his Attornreys General whenever they want, AND DO NOT NEED TO GIVE AN EXPLAINATION FOR IT.(I happen to think this should be in th judicial dept instead of the Exec

The wiretapping is an entirely different matter.)
As much of a Bush-basher as I am, in this case (reference the fired attorneye) I think he is right. He, and/or his administration, have the constitutional right to change his Attornreys General whenever they want, AND DO NOT NEED TO GIVE AN EXPLAINATION FOR IT.(I happen to think this should be in th judicial dept instead of the Exec

The wiretapping is an entirely different matter.)

That's not even the issue dude.

The allegations are that Bush turned the Justice Department into an arm of the GOP, to go after Democratic Candidates. Using the tools of a nations law enforcement bureacracy to go after an opposition party is the kind of crap that happens in third world bannana republics.
He does not and never will (if we follow the constitution)have the right to obstruct justice.

He is running scared and hes going to get exsecutive privledge thrown off the books.
That's not even the issue dude.

The allegations are that Bush turned the Justice Department into an arm of the GOP, to go after Democratic Candidates. Using the tools of a nations law enforcement bureacracy to go after an opposition party is the kind of crap that happens in third world bannana republics.
Are you suggesting that his right to change these officials is NOT the issue?

IMO the emboldened part is simply YOUR strawman.---Not the real issue.
I thnk the issue is lying about why they changed the officials, Kinda like Billy boy lying about the cigar episode.....
I thnk the issue is lying about why they changed the officials, Kinda like Billy boy lying about the cigar episode.....

Perhaps so, but IMO neither was serious (or unlawful) enought to bring about congressional time wasting.

tho In this case, The bush admin is constitutionally in clear water, regardless of reason.
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But if they lied they are legally in trouble. An Executive BJ was no constitutional issue either.....
I would agree IF they can prove it. my point is that these things at the present time ARE Executively privileged.(the docuement--- but I don't think he can legqally stop them from testifying)
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