Absurd, Disgusting, Infuriating And Now May Be Leaving Collingwood

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Yesterday July 10th 2023 I was at the Collingwood library and went out the back where I usually have a cigarette to have a cigarette and saw one of the young ladies (student) who works there at the bike rack so I went to say hi as I have like a hundred times only this time I noticed this young lady was wearing a summer dress with slits up the sides and one of her straps was down thus the slit was revealing her undergarments so I told her just so she was aware that her undergarments were exposed. She thanked me as I stated no problem and made no other comments about her or her attire and I went back to the place where I have a cigarette and she was still working on her bike lock then went behind a small building by the bike rack. A couple of minutes later she walked by and went into the library.

It's just like someone telling me I am flying low so I take notice and do up my zipper to save me any awkward moments. I do the same for others when I feel like being a decent man that I am especially if I am familiar with them. I am a stand up guy and that's the way I am.

Two senior librarians came out soon after and told me I was not allowed to go back into the library and that they would get my stuff and when one of them went back in to get my remaining possessions they left the first time the librarian out there called me deranged while attempting to dictate I have no right to speak to students even though I always do without a problem until this.

FYI since around March 2023 I had included the library among my federal contacts because one of the librarians was from the UK and followed the Monarchy and I mentioned I was working on getting the King to side with the citizens of the Commonwealth instead of the World Economic Forum. To this day I have included them on everything but this will be the last time since I seemed to have stirred up some disgruntled head cases working at the into using me giving a young lady heads up as a pathetic excuse to prevent me from doing my job. I have figured out alternatives and so here I am at a temporary alternative.

I went to the Mayors office but it was near close and so i was asked to come back next day.

Today July 11th 2023 I asked for the mayor, the staff instead called over the so called library CEO and the librarian who banned me and called me deranged (she also denied calling me that) to hand me a 3 month ban notice. Then Mayor Hamlin comes out and I told her the story. She told me I could write an appeal and she would personally review it.

This is what I left

Mayor Hamlin

This is absurd, telling someone they have no right to inform someone that their undergarments are exposed. This is a disgusting group of head cases blowing something way out of proportion to get me to stop doing my job. I am extremely insulted.

I signed and dated it.

I then came up with alternatives and might stick to fight this but now to go back into that library would carry the disdain I now have for such sick and pathetic conduct they have displayed. They ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Anyway I was going to release a masterpiece yesterday but my precious time has been altered and this is your heads up at what is going on.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
Yesterday July 10th 2023 I was at the Collingwood library and went out the back where I usually have a cigarette to have a cigarette and saw one of the young ladies (student) who works there at the bike rack so I went to say hi as I have like a hundred times only this time I noticed this young lady was wearing a summer dress with slits up the sides and one of her straps was down thus the slit was revealing her undergarments so I told her just so she was aware that her undergarments were exposed. She thanked me as I stated no problem and made no other comments about her or her attire and I went back to the place where I have a cigarette and she was still working on her bike lock then went behind a small building by the bike rack. A couple of minutes later she walked by and went into the library.

It's just like someone telling me I am flying low so I take notice and do up my zipper to save me any awkward moments. I do the same for others when I feel like being a decent man that I am especially if I am familiar with them. I am a stand up guy and that's the way I am.

Two senior librarians came out soon after and told me I was not allowed to go back into the library and that they would get my stuff and when one of them went back in to get my remaining possessions they left the first time the librarian out there called me deranged while attempting to dictate I have no right to speak to students even though I always do without a problem until this.

FYI since around March 2023 I had included the library among my federal contacts because one of the librarians was from the UK and followed the Monarchy and I mentioned I was working on getting the King to side with the citizens of the Commonwealth instead of the World Economic Forum. To this day I have included them on everything but this will be the last time since I seemed to have stirred up some disgruntled head cases working at the into using me giving a young lady heads up as a pathetic excuse to prevent me from doing my job. I have figured out alternatives and so here I am at a temporary alternative.

I went to the Mayors office but it was near close and so i was asked to come back next day.

Today July 11th 2023 I asked for the mayor, the staff instead called over the so called library CEO and the librarian who banned me and called me deranged (she also denied calling me that) to hand me a 3 month ban notice. Then Mayor Hamlin comes out and I told her the story. She told me I could write an appeal and she would personally review it.

This is what I left

Mayor Hamlin

This is absurd, telling someone they have no right to inform someone that their undergarments are exposed. This is a disgusting group of head cases blowing something way out of proportion to get me to stop doing my job. I am extremely insulted.

I signed and dated it.

I then came up with alternatives and might stick to fight this but now to go back into that library would carry the disdain I now have for such sick and pathetic conduct they have displayed. They ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Anyway I was going to release a masterpiece yesterday but my precious time has been altered and this is your heads up at what is going on.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!

You are a sick perverted fuck.

Be strong!!!
Have you seen this moron's videos on the net?

He's a damned stalker who should be thrown out of any public place where there are women/children.

He is one of the creepiest, most disgusting people I've ever encountered. He is a sick fucking freak. No kidding. Haven't seen those, but I have no doubt this guy is an absolute creeper. He's basically bragging about stalking a young woman in an alley. Obviously, she was so creeped out she told her boss that some creepy fucking guy was in the back of the library smoking cigarettes and oogling her. He's lucky he wasn't near a construction site, or he probably would have had the shit beat out of him. My wife would have maced the perverted fuck. And justifiably so.
The Inappropriate Behavior Of The Librarians And The Collingwood Mayor's Negligence

This is infuriating. As I shared with you all in lieu of what happened to me at the Collingwood library, I went to the mayor's office and because the librarian and the CEO ignored me, the Mayor said she would review it herself instead of the board. After letting all of you know what happened in my previous release, I sent Mayor Hamlin a letter thanking her for taking the time to see me and to review what happened. Here is what I sent her:

"Mayor Hamlin,

This is to inform you that this email account is the one I frequent most so if you want to get back to me I recommend contacting me here. I may not see my email every day or for even days at a time FYI now that my access to internet is much further away.

I'd like to know how my conduct was in any way shape or form derogatory of which the CEO Ashley's response was "it just is" which is just another vacant un backed claim instead of justification.

I made no comment about the young ladies body or her attire what so ever after making sure she was aware her undergarments were exposed.

Thank you once again for taking the time to see me and to review this yourself. "

I finally made it to a neighboring library miles away today only to find that there still was no response from Mayor Hamlin. Instead I got a letter from the library CEO stating that "The Board" denied my appeal and with no justification what so ever.

A CEO and librarian who apparently don't even know the meaning of the word derogatory or the meaning of the phrase inappropriate behavior (there still is no justification) inappropriately have the authority to falsely go around mislabelling peoples conduct.

Oh one other thing, if you review the video of the librarian attempting to scold me outside the back doors of the library she turned away from me and started laughing while hunching over. Yeah a big sick joke.

Yeah such slanderous like rubbish coming from individuals who lie and don't even back their own claims with so much as a shred of validity and one being a CEO of the library and the other apparently a senior librarian who don't even know the meaning of the word derogatory or the phrase inappropriate behavior.

I'll not tolerate my behavior slandered by anyone let alone a couple of disgruntled head cases. The Mayor also has shared no justification which reveals she cowers because there is no justification and perhaps the Mayor is in on it.

Yeah real funny LGBT flags of oppression shame the streets of Collingwood suddenly in July (after a month of their garbage forced upon the public in June) and as their flags go up I get prevented from doing my work. Also I had someone from another government office on my emailing lists working reception who has been getting my emails for a while now suddenly acted like she had the high ground and started taunting me to try and make me look like I was causing a problem of which I deliberately held back as I could intellectually slaughter her with the greatest of ease. In turn I was sarcastic instead telling her how rational she seemed and asking her if she still wanted to be on my mailing lists and she replied she wanted to be but that is not going to happen. I mean the nerve claiming compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers deserve respect reveals wat kind of morals she has and what kind of mother she is as she is all for oppression forced upon the public and that is sick. Or claiming that the dumbest of people might see telling someone their undergarments are showing is inappropriate behavior as if to say she was conspiring with the irrational mentalities of these so called librarians. Oh yeah just teach your kids to welcome compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers who encourage people to slander others etc. to try and drag them down to their sick and pathetic level are worthy of respect only reveals she is directing her own kids to be defecated on by compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers. Oh who doesn't like it when their kids lie to them (apparently she doesn't care and encourages her own kids to lie to and deceive her and she will respect them for it appears to be quite the sick mentality)

In recent weeks I also had an email in my junk mail appear that was apparently from the Illuminati requesting me to join and let me make clear I never will no matter what kind of crap you pull like this rhetoric in Collingwood be it I suspect Illuminati and the World Economic Forum are both in on this globalist agenda along with this LGBT hate group and their lies and deceptions.

This is absolutely infuriating and absurd! I have been looking out for our youth for decades and I will continue to do such as I am likely the most valiant person on the planet these days. Guess I got to look for a new city to live in because Collingwood has turned into a sick joke when the freak show came to town. Oh and Collingwood officials on my federal mailing lists, you will be removed.

Goodbye Collingwood, it's a sick joke but I met a few good people so if I ever return it will be brief for a short visit. I'll not go back to a library run by incompetent fools who can't even justify their own claims with even so much as a shred of validity. They ought to be fired!


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
The fact you are even telling this story is creepy.

Normal people don't do that, they don't whine in a pages long post about how somebody wronged them.

They get over it and move on.

It's like you are writing a manifesto.
Attire that exposes glimpses of a woman's underwear is relatively common.

While the young woman's reaction to DJS mentioning it was WAY over the top,
suggesting almost psychotic hypersensitivity,
I can understand her being somewhat taken aback by DJS mentioning it.

It is something a person who spends much time in public sees virtually every single day.
In the summer, one sees even more, nipples under a t-shirt being fairly common.
People normally don't mention these things in this day and age.

Still, the young woman's reaction was absurd.
Spetch might wind up in jail someday. He thinks his standards are universal and a girl who is outside his beliefs must be corrected. She thinks he should mind his own business.
The Inappropriate Behavior Of The Librarians And The Collingwood Mayor's Negligence

This is infuriating. As I shared with you all in lieu of what happened to me at the Collingwood library, I went to the mayor's office and because the librarian and the CEO ignored me, the Mayor said she would review it herself instead of the board. After letting all of you know what happened in my previous release, I sent Mayor Hamlin a letter thanking her for taking the time to see me and to review what happened. Here is what I sent her:

"Mayor Hamlin,

This is to inform you that this email account is the one I frequent most so if you want to get back to me I recommend contacting me here. I may not see my email every day or for even days at a time FYI now that my access to internet is much further away.

I'd like to know how my conduct was in any way shape or form derogatory of which the CEO Ashley's response was "it just is" which is just another vacant un backed claim instead of justification.

I made no comment about the young ladies body or her attire what so ever after making sure she was aware her undergarments were exposed.

Thank you once again for taking the time to see me and to review this yourself. "

I finally made it to a neighboring library miles away today only to find that there still was no response from Mayor Hamlin. Instead I got a letter from the library CEO stating that "The Board" denied my appeal and with no justification what so ever.

A CEO and librarian who apparently don't even know the meaning of the word derogatory or the meaning of the phrase inappropriate behavior (there still is no justification) inappropriately have the authority to falsely go around mislabelling peoples conduct.

Oh one other thing, if you review the video of the librarian attempting to scold me outside the back doors of the library she turned away from me and started laughing while hunching over. Yeah a big sick joke.

Yeah such slanderous like rubbish coming from individuals who lie and don't even back their own claims with so much as a shred of validity and one being a CEO of the library and the other apparently a senior librarian who don't even know the meaning of the word derogatory or the phrase inappropriate behavior.

I'll not tolerate my behavior slandered by anyone let alone a couple of disgruntled head cases. The Mayor also has shared no justification which reveals she cowers because there is no justification and perhaps the Mayor is in on it.

Yeah real funny LGBT flags of oppression shame the streets of Collingwood suddenly in July (after a month of their garbage forced upon the public in June) and as their flags go up I get prevented from doing my work. Also I had someone from another government office on my emailing lists working reception who has been getting my emails for a while now suddenly acted like she had the high ground and started taunting me to try and make me look like I was causing a problem of which I deliberately held back as I could intellectually slaughter her with the greatest of ease. In turn I was sarcastic instead telling her how rational she seemed and asking her if she still wanted to be on my mailing lists and she replied she wanted to be but that is not going to happen. I mean the nerve claiming compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers deserve respect reveals wat kind of morals she has and what kind of mother she is as she is all for oppression forced upon the public and that is sick. Or claiming that the dumbest of people might see telling someone their undergarments are showing is inappropriate behavior as if to say she was conspiring with the irrational mentalities of these so called librarians. Oh yeah just teach your kids to welcome compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers who encourage people to slander others etc. to try and drag them down to their sick and pathetic level are worthy of respect only reveals she is directing her own kids to be defecated on by compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers. Oh who doesn't like it when their kids lie to them (apparently she doesn't care and encourages her own kids to lie to and deceive her and she will respect them for it appears to be quite the sick mentality)

In recent weeks I also had an email in my junk mail appear that was apparently from the Illuminati requesting me to join and let me make clear I never will no matter what kind of crap you pull like this rhetoric in Collingwood be it I suspect Illuminati and the World Economic Forum are both in on this globalist agenda along with this LGBT hate group and their lies and deceptions.

This is absolutely infuriating and absurd! I have been looking out for our youth for decades and I will continue to do such as I am likely the most valiant person on the planet these days. Guess I got to look for a new city to live in because Collingwood has turned into a sick joke when the freak show came to town. Oh and Collingwood officials on my federal mailing lists, you will be removed.

Goodbye Collingwood, it's a sick joke but I met a few good people so if I ever return it will be brief for a short visit. I'll not go back to a library run by incompetent fools who can't even justify their own claims with even so much as a shred of validity. They ought to be fired!


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!

No one wants you living anywhere near them you sick fuck.
The fact you are even telling this story is creepy.

Normal people don't do that, they don't whine in a pages long post about how somebody wronged them.

They get over it and move on.

It's like you are writing a manifesto.
And they don't have to go to the library to access the internet.
Yesterday July 10th 2023 I was at the Collingwood library and went out the back where I usually have a cigarette to have a cigarette and saw one of the young ladies (student) who works there at the bike rack so I went to say hi as I have like a hundred times only this time I noticed this young lady was wearing a summer dress with slits up the sides and one of her straps was down thus the slit was revealing her undergarments so I told her just so she was aware that her undergarments were exposed. She thanked me as I stated no problem and made no other comments about her or her attire and I went back to the place where I have a cigarette and she was still working on her bike lock then went behind a small building by the bike rack. A couple of minutes later she walked by and went into the library.

It's just like someone telling me I am flying low so I take notice and do up my zipper to save me any awkward moments. I do the same for others when I feel like being a decent man that I am especially if I am familiar with them. I am a stand up guy and that's the way I am.

Two senior librarians came out soon after and told me I was not allowed to go back into the library and that they would get my stuff and when one of them went back in to get my remaining possessions they left the first time the librarian out there called me deranged while attempting to dictate I have no right to speak to students even though I always do without a problem until this.

FYI since around March 2023 I had included the library among my federal contacts because one of the librarians was from the UK and followed the Monarchy and I mentioned I was working on getting the King to side with the citizens of the Commonwealth instead of the World Economic Forum. To this day I have included them on everything but this will be the last time since I seemed to have stirred up some disgruntled head cases working at the into using me giving a young lady heads up as a pathetic excuse to prevent me from doing my job. I have figured out alternatives and so here I am at a temporary alternative.

I went to the Mayors office but it was near close and so i was asked to come back next day.

Today July 11th 2023 I asked for the mayor, the staff instead called over the so called library CEO and the librarian who banned me and called me deranged (she also denied calling me that) to hand me a 3 month ban notice. Then Mayor Hamlin comes out and I told her the story. She told me I could write an appeal and she would personally review it.

This is what I left

Mayor Hamlin

This is absurd, telling someone they have no right to inform someone that their undergarments are exposed. This is a disgusting group of head cases blowing something way out of proportion to get me to stop doing my job. I am extremely insulted.

I signed and dated it.

I then came up with alternatives and might stick to fight this but now to go back into that library would carry the disdain I now have for such sick and pathetic conduct they have displayed. They ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Anyway I was going to release a masterpiece yesterday but my precious time has been altered and this is your heads up at what is going on.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!

I'm not at all surprised this happened to you. It's amazing how many people manage to NOT have this happen to them yet YOU couldn't avoid it.