accuse someone of lying and ban them

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12-30-2013, 12:50 PM
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Big Money

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Cool Another Desh lie, and her lies about lying

Quote Originally Posted by evince View Post

and there it is gentle reader, I chide grind for using a childish arguement of go away no one likes you here and this fucking scum just lies about what I said right in the face of facts. is that math you do to make yourself feel better?
You told Grind "nobody likes you here", denied it, and continue to lie about it, liar.

Busted, Deshy.

Nowhere to hide.

Tell me to "find one lie" again...
keep your shitty threads in either off topic or the warzone. your delusional crazy cat lady bullshit isn't going to be tolerated in general politics or current events.

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