ACORN Document Dumps

It's as biased to the left as Breitbart is to the right. That's why I'm waiting for more information before making a judgment.

According to your post in the other thread, they haven't denied the fact that they dumped these documents so you shouldn't be waiting for anything.

They try to excuse dumping the documents by saying that they aren't needed for the current investigation, but I haven't seen any denial... just proved my point in the ariopo (sp?) thread about the are quick to convict him, yet slow to do so here....

thank you!

Your point is what, a rush to judgment?

I'm waiting for all the facts to be in on this and as far as arpaio, I'm waiting for him to issue a public denial that the Alma Chacon situation never happened.

Here's the thing:

Regarding the corporate credit card: Corp card statements are usually turned over to the CFO of a company who determines what part of the statement the employee is responsible for out of their own pocket. Now since the blog you sourced cannot determine if ACORN (the corporation) picked up the entire boils down to sheer speculation and innuendo on this point.

As with the personal credit history: Even the blogger source cannot state straight out that chicanery is involved...again relying on speculation and innuendo.

Now the first two links essentially point out that Acorn is VERY politically motivated and bias regarding the Dem party. So that pretty much ends any claim by their management that they are just a voter registration group.

This "dump" pretty much means nothing if an IRS audit or Fed audit was coming, because if those were the ONLY records, the "gaps" would appear in other financial links that would automatically sink Acorn.

Personally, my money is on the review regarding the internal handling of the embezzlement by one brother and the pay back/demotion of the other. THAT, IMHO, should be the weak link that might put the kibosh on ACORN.
Media Matters is as unbiased as The National Review. Reading the comments though was amusing. :cof1:

You need to read more carefully, because there is more FACT to the article than "comments".

Can Breibart provide proof that the "dumped" material was/is vital to the investigation, or is that just FOX hyped speculation?
Your point is what, a rush to judgment?

I'm waiting for all the facts to be in on this and as far as arpaio, I'm waiting for him to issue a public denial that the Alma Chacon situation never happened.

How come they're not issuing denials, if they're innocent??

Isn't this enough proof that they're guilty??

What I read is that Acorn dumped a bunch of documents that they admit should have been shredded. According to Breitbart, " has learned that not only did this document dump occur, but the documents in question were irresponsibly and brazenly dumped in a public dumpster, without considering laws and regulations as to how sensitive information should be treated."

And then Breitbart posted these sensitive documents all over the internet.

What the hell is wrong with these people? Why didn't they turn these sensitive documents over to the authorities, rather than sit on the info for almost two months and then post the sensitive documents on their website?
You need to read more carefully, because there is more FACT to the article than "comments".

Can Breitbart provide proof that the "dumped" material was/is vital to the investigation, or is that just FOX hyped speculation?

The material was "dumped", according to Breitbart, around the 9th of October. Given their claim that it's so vital to the investigation, why didn't then turn it over to the authorities immediately instead of posting it on the website six weeks later?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You need to read more carefully, because there is more FACT to the article than "comments".

Can Breitbart provide proof that the "dumped" material was/is vital to the investigation, or is that just FOX hyped speculation?

The material was "dumped", according to Breitbart, around the 9th of October. Given their claim that it's so vital to the investigation, why didn't then turn it over to the authorities immediately instead of posting it on the website six weeks later?

Good point! Neocons consistently leave themselves open when they go on these vendettas. Mind you, ACORN is going to get screwed because of that embezzlement thing...and they should. But the rest of the "death by innuendo and circumstantial evidence" bullhorn by the neocons is just that...bull.