Across America, clean energy plants are being banned faster than they're being built


Well-known member
Contrary to the gaslighting of the Brandon Adm. and leftists in general, the US wind farm industry is having nowhere near the success that they keep lying about, as prohibitive costs, poor results, and myriad other problems continue to surface.

This has led to multiple local communities to ban the erection of these monstrosities within their juristictions, as the ridiculousness of Brandons' :100% renewable energy by 2035 is more and more asinine.

Americans are not buying Brandon's bullshit, and it's enterttaining to read the lamenting of USA Today over it.

Across America, clean energy plants are being banned faster than they're being buil

Across America’s power grid, there’s a growing gap between what we need and what we’ll allow.

As the planet warms and climate disasters grow more costly, the U.S. has set a target to reach 100% clean energy by 2035, a goal that depends on building large-scale solar and wind power.

A nationwide analysis by USA TODAY shows local governments are banning green energy faster than they’re building it.

At least 15% of counties in the U.S. have effectively halted new utility-scale wind, solar, or both, USA TODAY found. These limits come through outright bans, moratoriums, construction impediments and other conditions that make green energy difficult to build.
The impediments come as a gigantic effort to build green energy also is underway. U.S. energy from commercial wind and solar is expected to hit 19% by 2025, and those sources are expected to surpass the amount of electricity made from coal this year.

But green energy must increase radically over the next 11 years to meet U.S. goals. And those projects are becoming harder to build.

In the past decade, about 180 counties got their first commercial wind-power projects. But in the same period, more than twice as many blocked wind development. And while solar power has found more broad acceptance, 2023 was the first year to see almost as many individual counties block new solar projects as the ones adding their first projects.

The result: Some of the areas with the nation's best sources of wind and solar power have now been boxed out.

The Germans say Hell No too....way too expensive for obnoxiously ugly low quality energy systems....only a moron would do this.
In Germany wood pellet stoves are the approved alternative for natural gas and oil heating. Never mind that supplying them would deforest Germany, so the Germans have turned to other countries to make the pellets, the US being one of them.

In the US, German wood pellet manufacturers gobble up tens of thousands of acres of pine trees, pump mega amounts of VOC's into the air (but those aren't CO2, even if they are far worse sources of air pollution) and ship the product to Germany. Across Europe, forests are being used up to make wood pellets because the radical Leftist greentards don't like natural gas...
In Germany wood pellet stoves are the approved alternative for natural gas and oil heating. Never mind that supplying them would deforest Germany, so the Germans have turned to other countries to make the pellets, the US being one of them.

In the US, German wood pellet manufacturers gobble up tens of thousands of acres of pine trees, pump mega amounts of VOC's into the air (but those aren't CO2, even if they are far worse sources of air pollution) and ship the product to Germany. Across Europe, forests are being used up to make wood pellets because the radical Leftist greentards don't like natural gas...

More poorly thought out , leftist idiocy.