Advanced Cell Technology


Junior Member
a company, ACTechnologies-located about 5 miles from here in worcester, mass...this has been on local news all morning!

just made an announcement that they developed technology to make embryonic stem cells WITHOUT killing the embryo!!!!!!!!!!!

this is huge news!

no reason to object to embryonic stem cells on either side of the aisle!

(thank you God, for helping us find a way to save lives, without killing one!!!)
(thank you God, for helping us find a way to save lives, without killing one!!!)

I think it should be the scientists that we should be thanking Care4....
(thank you God, for helping us find a way to save lives, without killing one!!!)

I think it should be the scientists that we should be thanking Care4....
good morning!

of course! :) but God resides in them (and you), and maybe they called upon him for wisdom and guidance! :D hehehe

of course! but God resides in them (and you), and maybe they called upon him for wisdom and guidance! hehehe

I think they are more likely to have relied on scientific methods, it is far more reliable than relying on notions of god...

God resides only in those who believe in him, he is a phantasm..... :)
well, this is good far, but some still object, but this gives less reason to....imo.

the company is a california co....with a major laboratory here in Worcester(Wusstah :) )....

No harm to embryo

Under the procedure, a human egg and sperm are combined in a laboratory dish and grown for two to three days, producing a cluster of about eight to 10 cells. One of the cells is removed and allowed to divide overnight. Then, while one of the divided cells is used for the genetic test, the other is grown into stem-cell lines for research.

The remaining cluster of seven to nine cells is grown for a few more days and placed in the woman's uterus to become a fetus.

Since the cell used to make the stem cells would have been removed from the embryonic cluster anyway for the genetic tests, ``this should satisfy the objections'' to doing human embryonic stem-cell studies, said Robert Lanza, the Nature article's primary author.

After all, he added, ``it's not rational at that point to deny people cures when there is no harm going to the embryo.''

But not everyone is convinced.

A panel of bioethicists appointed by Bush to consider alternative ways to make stem cells raised concerns in a report last year when it examined the concept used by Advanced Cell Technology.

Although the technique hadn't produced human embryonic stem cells when the report was written, the panel noted that it seemed safe in theory because at least 1,000 babies had been born without noticeable harm after having had a cell removed for genetic testing. Nonetheless, it said children born through such a procedure would have to be studied for years to be sure the technique poses no health risk.

like i've told you before.... 'Eve' ate that fruit from the ''Tree of Knowledge'' way back when! so we should be thanking her maybe? lol

Yes, it is a fantastic leap forward and puts a spike into the arguments of those opposed to stem-cell research....
like i've told you before.... 'Eve' ate that fruit from the ''Tree of Knowledge'' way back when! lol

Wish we had knowledge trees today... it'd make exams so much easier...
Yes, it is a fantastic leap forward and puts a spike into the arguments of those opposed to stem-cell research....

to correct you... those that oppose EMBRYONIC stem cell research, they never opposed adult stem cell technologies....
like i've told you before.... 'Eve' ate that fruit from the ''Tree of Knowledge'' way back when! lol

Wish we had knowledge trees today... it'd make exams so much easier...
You know it makes me wonder if god just intended for us to be another animal, and he got pissed when we got smart. almost isf intelligence is a sin in Gods eyes. This conclusion of course based on the biblical tale of Adam and Eve :)

Care , On the stem cell thing, that is great news if it is true, there has been quite a bit of bogus discovereries lately . Ie room temperature fusion, cloning, etc...
It will allow medicine to advance past the stupid (imo)objections of some being used for political purposes.
a company, ACTechnologies-located about 5 miles from here in worcester, mass...this has been on local news all morning!

just made an announcement that they developed technology to make embryonic stem cells WITHOUT killing the embryo!!!!!!!!!!!

this is huge news!

no reason to object to embryonic stem cells on either side of the aisle!

(thank you God, for helping us find a way to save lives, without killing one!!!)
WoooHoooo! I hope they are not embellishing...
You know it makes me wonder if god just intended for us to be another animal, and he got pissed when we got smart. almost isf intelligence is a sin in Gods eyes. This conclusion of course based on the biblical tale of Adam and Eve :)

Care , On the stem cell thing, that is great news if it is true, there has been quite a bit of bogus discovereries lately . Ie room temperature fusion, cloning, etc...
It will allow medicine to advance past the stupid (imo)objections of some being used for political purposes.

apparently, the ''technology'' to remove just 1 cell from an embryo was developed a while back, and they have been using it to withdrawl a single cell and examine it to see if the embryo had any genetic defects...

And if it did not have any defects, then they insert the fertilized embryo in to the mother for development.

So, instead of drawing out one single cell, they will draw out two single cells and use one for the genetic testing and the other one to develop embryonic stem cells, with the parents permission of course, before they incert the embryo in to the mother.

What the recent discovery involved, was the removal of the 2nd cell and being able to induce this one single cell in to becoming Stem Cells....and it WORKED! They are able to do it....develop embryonic stem cells out of one single cell from the embryo!
This certainly is a good step in the right direction. anything to shut the christofacists up is a positive in my book.