Advice for Teddy


New member
Advice for Teddy
Before I get started on my original point, I'd just like to say something. I always read your responses, they are my contact with the Left Wing of America, and important. I have been busy the past few days, so I just finished reading responses to a couple of Friday's posts. I just want you to know, that to read that some of you, even though you HATE me, and my viewpoints, actually LOOK FORWARD to my "crazed rantings", as you put it, well,........(chokes up, wipes tear)........I'm touched. As I sit here, ensconced in the Great Gothic Halls of Yale University, with the gargoyles in the stone above, I am blushing. Even as I sit, occasionally taking my eyes off the monitor to "monitor" the incredibly young and vibrant coeds they have here, I want you all to know, I have a soft spot right here(thumps chest).
Ha! NOW, where was I? Oh yeah!
I’d like to mention Ted Kennedy. I heard and saw many Democrat and repub. Senators and pol.s, last night, giving “memorial sendoffs”, like “He’s a fighter. Hes in a fighting mood. He has that Kennedy Spirit. (?) He’s not done with us yet.” I heard 4 or 5 Democrat Senators say the EXACT SAME WORDS. I heard Dodd, Kerry, Chuckie Schumer, and another one, use the EXACT same phrases and words.
I think its a shame, that even when someone is DYING, these Democrats cant be Sincere and Honest, they have to have a Gang Meeting, and pass out their Talking Points Sheets! How ELSE do 3 people, in Different Places, speak the EXACT same words? EXACTLY? And you know he IS Worm Meat, if everyone is giving him a “sendoff”, talking about his “Great Career”
I WILL say, that even in Kennedy’s case, I am not like some Liberals on this site, who I have SEEN wish CANCER, and DEATH, to th pres. of the United States, Pres.George W. Bush. Conservatives, at least in MY circle, do NOT do that, no matter HOW disgusting the person is. I wish Ted Kennedy a Peaceful Death, I hope he doesn’t suffer too much. Maybe if he opens his Heart to the Lord, he can find Forgiveness.

Having said THAT, I will also say that I hope he doesn’t suffer as much as Mary Jo Kopekne, the Innocent Young Girl he Cowardly swam away from, perfectly healthy enough to SWIM TO SHORE, yet left Poor Mary Jo, kicking and screaming, in a car he Drunkenly Drove of Chappaquiddick Bridge near his Family’s Mansion, on Marthas Vineyard. He LEFT HER, slowly bubbling beneath the surface. Kennedy’s ONLY THOUGHT, was to get his Drunken Ass out of the AREA, so he could LIE, and say, “I don’t Knoooooooow, what happened!” His lawyers talked him into ADMITTING he ran/swam away, but he gave some Ridiculous “Shellshock/Drunken Insanity” Excuse, and Papa Joe’s Kennedy’s Illegal Bootleg Booze Fortune he stockpiled, with Al Capone and other Criminals, the SOURCE of the Kennedy Money, along with a tarriff on Imported Scotch and Irish Whiskey that STILL pays off, THE MONEY AND LAWYERS GOT TEDDY THE KILLER OFF, SCOT FREE. A National Disgrace, to THIS day. He NEVER publicly apologized, to the Kopeckne Family, NEVER did anything to HELP them, but Ted’s Judgement Day is coming.

Ted went BACK to “The Vineyard”, as its called, MANY times. I have SEEN the Mansions, on the Vineyard, Hyannisport, etc, that Alchoholics PAID for. They also have mansions in Rhode island, and Florida, where Teddy had a Rape Party, for his Nephews, where some poor girl got the “Kennedy Treatment”. At LEAST O.J. Simpson got SUED, and lives in DISGRACE. Ted Kennedy was given a cookie, some warm milk, and a Lifetime Democrap Senators Job.

GREAT Party, those Dem.’s, by the way! Republicans have a little sex scandal, or WISH A 100 YR. OLD MAN “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”, and the Republicans have to KICK THEM OUT, after Democrats and their Democrat National Media SCREAMS AND CRIES, until the Repub. is FIRED.
By contrat, Democrats have Murderers(Kennedy), and K.K.K. Grand Dragons(Sen. Robt. “KKK” Byrd, Dem., W.Va), and morons like “blackascoal” WILL FIGHT FOR THE K.K.K. PARTY! They want to fight against ME, and other Americans, for telling the TRUTH, but fight FOR the Party that gives “K.K.K. Byrd” the title of “Respected Elder Statesman”, after he wore a Hooded Sheet with eyeholes(coward), and Burned Crosses, and Witnessed Lynchings of Black Men! Yet these Liberals like “blackascoal” have this Incredible Hatred for ME, just for telling the TRUTH! Liberals have to learn to FACE the TRUTH, I’m trying to HELP them.

If Ted is WISE, he will get on TV NOW, before it’s TOO late, start shedding those Crocodile Tears he uses to get VOTES with, and APOLOGIZE, to the Kopeckne Family, better Late than Never, for Killing Mary Jo, and DONATE $100 Million to the Kopeckne Family, to start a Trust in the name of Mary Jo, to help DROWNING VICTIMS. Perhaps he can TRY to help make UP for his sins.
BTW, I saw Robt. “KKK” Byrd breaking down at the podium, bawling his eyes out, saying “I love you, Teddy, Please come BACK, Teddy!” Do you KNOW WHY he was Crying so HARD? I know. He was bawling like a child, because he KNOWS HIS time is NEAR, also, and HE is going to have to answer for HIS crimes, KKK and otherwise, just like Teddy will. Remember what I told you all. Get RIGHT with God. You NEVER KNOW when YOUR time is up.

:burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn:
Reall, Lady T, I'm not kidding! Here at Yale is where I do most of my writing. The atmosphere is conducive to thought! And they DO have these great stone gargoyles everywhere! Someday I'll put up a picture of a good one.
Oh, BTW, desh, I don't attend or teach, at this Wacko Left-Wing Nuthouse. They have a HUGE Library here, called Sterling Memorial, that has hundreds of computers, and about a dozen are designated for public use. If you were here, they'd even let YOU in, but I have lived in New Haven all my life, and know most of the staff and security.
I believe him!

Like anyone would believe this guy attends or teaches at Yale.

Maybe hes a security guard?

and I also believe you are a under-educated lonely wannabee hippie housewife.!
btw...this is just internet...however whether or not Jollie attends Yale or Harvard matters not...his grasp on written skill and debate far exceeds yours!
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