After Debate, Obama goes to work McCain goes boozing


Junior Member
after having cancer, and his health in the shape it's in, is it really smart for him to fuck up his liver too?

Shortly after the first debate ended, Barack Obama and John McCain rushed out of the University of Mississippi and headed their separate ways as their advisers were left behind to spin the media. By the looks of both presidential candidates, they were satisfied by their performances.

John McCain stopped by a post-debate party at a local college bar, where roughly 1,000 supporters anxiously awaited his arrival. With his wife Cindy and daughter Meghan by his side, McCain appeared to be in good spirits.

"Well, my friends, do you think we showed them who's qualified to be commander in chief?" he asked the cheering crowd.

As Obama departed the debate site with his wife Michelle, he was spotted fist bumping a staffer and smiling. He immediately boarded his campaign bus headed to Memphis tonight, and could be seen watching post-debate coverage on the cable networks.

good to see McCain (the one who was going to cancel the debate over the economic crisis has recovered enough to go hang out with college kids and get drunk
LOL... Where do you get that he was even having drinks? I have been to bars plenty of time and not had an alcoholic beverage at all, much less "get drunk." And seriously, if he did have a celebratory drink, do you think that would do his liver in? ....Do pinheads have to 'practice' over exaggeration, or is this just a natural attribute?
LOL... Where do you get that he was even having drinks? I have been to bars plenty of time and not had an alcoholic beverage at all, much less "get drunk." And seriously, if he did have a celebratory drink, do you think that would do his liver in? ....Do pinheads have to 'practice' over exaggeration, or is this just a natural attribute?


what is the point of going to a bar if your not going to drink? And He almost canceled the debate b/c of the economic crisis. When you're having a crisis is it appropriate to go to a bar and hang out with college kids??

Maybe he's looking for a younger wife?? I don't know I don't know why when you almost cancel a debate, and blow off letterman over a serious issue which obviously was a political play which backfired (a president should be able to handle 2 issues at once)

Then go to a bar and hang out with college kids seems non presidential to me. Sorry.

what is the point of going to a bar if your not going to drink? And He almost canceled the debate b/c of the economic crisis. When you're having a crisis is it appropriate to go to a bar and hang out with college kids??

Maybe he's looking for a younger wife?? I don't know I don't know why when you almost cancel a debate, and blow off letterman over a serious issue which obviously was a political play which backfired (a president should be able to handle 2 issues at once)

Then go to a bar and hang out with college kids seems non presidential to me. Sorry.

Do you even realize how tight-assed you sound? The point of going to a bar and not drinking, is to be with friends, that is why I have been to bars many times and not had a drink. I realize, someone like yourself, may not have any friends to hang out with, but that isn't the case for most people. I realize, you are probably such a lush, you can't go into a bar without getting sloshed, but again, this is not the case with most responsible people. Yeah, I guess McCain could have left the debate and went directly to a phone booth, changed into his Superman suit and flown off back to DC to save the world, but he didn't do that.

For the record, he never suggested "canceling" the debate, he suggested postponing it, if the Senators were needed to vote in DC, that was sound judgment, whether is was a 'smart' political move or not. He once again showed how he is willing to sacrifice politics as usual, for the good of the country, in spite of any political implications for him personally. As for Letterman... what the fuck would he want to go on Letterman for? When is Obama going to be on Rush? I mean, come on man! WTF?
This post from a guy that has in the past admitted to drinking and driving? Stone the Flippin' Crows who cares if he stops and has a 2 or 3 beers before calling it a night?
after having cancer, and his health in the shape it's in, is it really smart for him to fuck up his liver too?

Shortly after the first debate ended, Barack Obama and John McCain rushed out of the University of Mississippi and headed their separate ways as their advisers were left behind to spin the media. By the looks of both presidential candidates, they were satisfied by their performances.

John McCain stopped by a post-debate party at a local college bar, where roughly 1,000 supporters anxiously awaited his arrival. With his wife Cindy and daughter Meghan by his side, McCain appeared to be in good spirits.

"Well, my friends, do you think we showed them who's qualified to be commander in chief?" he asked the cheering crowd.

As Obama departed the debate site with his wife Michelle, he was spotted fist bumping a staffer and smiling. He immediately boarded his campaign bus headed to Memphis tonight, and could be seen watching post-debate coverage on the cable networks.

good to see McCain (the one who was going to cancel the debate over the economic crisis has recovered enough to go hang out with college kids and get drunk

Yeah McCain thought he won...I wonder what's going to happen when he realizes that he didn't? He made it very obvious last night that he was furious, just enraged, that he had to even debate Barack Obama, who should be shining his shoes not sharing a stage with him.

When is John McCain finally going to explode?