After Hildebeasts' stolen nomination

What will happen to the Jackass Party's taken-for-granted coalition of ethnic constituencies?

Will some voting blocs peel away, disillusioned?

Where will they go?
What will happen to the Jackass Party's taken-for-granted coalition of ethnic constituencies?

Will some voting blocs peel away, disillusioned?

Where will they go?

Nowhere, imho. The Rs will vote for the Rs and the Ds will vote for the Ds. It's not like you have to admit who you voted for. The most important thing is that your "team" wins. It makes people feel better. Like when your football team wins a bowl game or something.
What will happen to the Jackass Party's taken-for-granted coalition of ethnic constituencies?

Will some voting blocs peel away, disillusioned?

Where will they go?

Which ever candidate receives the Democrat nomination, the other team will feel cheated. The question is who can rally the people that feel cheated and bring them around to vote for the Democrat candidate in November. They will have less than 3 months to do this.

If Obama wins, will Hillary's followers feel good about voting for a Black man? If Hillary wins, will Obama's followers feel good about voting for a White woman? Is a Black man better than a White woman to be President or is a White woman better suited to be President than a Black man? One way, you are a sexist, the other way you are a racist.

This is what the Democrat voters must decide. I will not be voting for either of them (big surprise) so it will not matter to me.
"Which ever candidate receives the Democrat nomination, the other team will feel cheated. "

If Obama wins as expected, there is no metric upon which Clinton supporters can feel "cheated." He will win regular delegates, superdelegates, states and popular vote. Even the most hardcore Hillary partisan will have to struggle mightily to make a case for "cheated."

Hillary supporters will feel dejected, and they will be frustrated, because they won't feel that the best candidate won. However, it will be much easier to get most of them back in the fold than it will to get Obama supporters if Hillary were to do the impossible & get the supers to give her the nod despite losing every metric.
Hildebeast's faithful won't feel cheated that the Michigan and Florida results didn't count?

HillBilly's acolytes will vote for Obama if she loses?

That's not the case for a significant portion of her supporters, according to the polling I've seen.
"That's not the case for a significant portion of her supporters, according to the polling I've seen."

And a significant portion of conservatives, evangelicals, Romney & Huckabee supporters said they wouldn't vote for McCain just a few short months ago.

How 'bout that....