AG Merrick Garland brags about J6 prosecutions. Warns against questioning elections.

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
Americans have been questioning elections for 230 years. You can't have a democracy if people are not allowed to question elections. Democrats are gonna cheat again and garland has warned america that anyone who questions the election will be locked up!

Speaking at a press briefing, Garland essentially said the Jan. 6 prosecutions should serve to remind Americans what happens if they raise questions about an election.

“I think our prosecutions have made clear what we think about people who try to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power, which is [an] essential and fundamental element of our democracy. A quibble about whether we have 1,500 or slightly less than 1,500 — but we have way more than 1400 now — prosecutions. We have a substantial number of convictions,” Garland boasted.

“I think that’s shown to everybody how seriously we take an effort to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power the last January 6, the coming January 6, and every January 6 after that,” he continued. “I want to make clear to anybody who is thinking about interfering with that: They can see what we’ve done with respect to the January 6 prosecutions, and [the] Justice Department will continue to protect our democracy.”
Americans have been questioning elections for 230 years. You can't have a democracy if people are not allowed to question elections. Democrats are gonna cheat again and garland has warned america that anyone who questions the election will be locked up!


Talk about distorting the comments of someone.

At no point did AG Garland say or intimate "that anyone who questions the election will be locked up!"

He did say that anyone who interferes with the peaceful transfer of power after an election...will face consequences.

By the way, the peaceful transfer of power after an election started with George Washington and continued with EVERY president thereafter...until Trump came along.

Good for AG Garland.
Americans have been questioning elections for 230 years. You can't have a democracy if people are not allowed to question elections. Democrats are gonna cheat again and garland has warned america that anyone who questions the election will be locked up!

The only good thing about Garland is that his time will be up next January and he will NEVER be on the Supreme Court. ;)

Talk about distorting the comments of someone.

At no point did AG Garland say or intimate "that anyone who questions the election will be locked up!"

He did say that anyone who interferes with the peaceful transfer of power after an election...will face consequences.

By the way, the peaceful transfer of power after an election started with George Washington and continued with EVERY president thereafter...until Trump came along.

Good for AG Garland.
:lolup: Historical ignoramus on display. :laugh:
So what's your problem?
Just be quiet and you'll be ok.

Talk about distorting the comments of someone.

At no point did AG Garland say or intimate "that anyone who questions the election will be locked up!"

He did say that anyone who interferes with the peaceful transfer of power after an election...will face consequences.

By the way, the peaceful transfer of power after an election started with George Washington and continued with EVERY president thereafter...until Trump came along.

Good for AG Garland.
No but an armed woman was murdered in col blood and no one has been held accountable for it. Lots JPP leftists have said she got what she deserved. One even told me that the victim was trying to kill someone. The justice system has made it clear you do something we dont like you could be punished with everything from fines up to and including death.
No but an armed woman was murdered in col blood and no one has been held accountable for it. Lots JPP leftists have said she got what she deserved. One even told me that the victim was trying to kill someone. The justice system has made it clear you do something we dont like you could be punished with everything from fines up to and including death.
I'm sure you meant "unarmed", Yakuda, and I say she was not murdered. The was breaking into the Senate Chamber and was shot while doing so.

I suspect if it had been a liberal protesting something a conservative had done, it would be alright with the conservative community.
I'm sure you meant "unarmed", Yakuda, and I say she was not murdered. The was breaking into the Senate Chamber and was shot while doing so.

I suspect if it had been a liberal protesting something a conservative had done, it would be alright with the conservative community.
Yes unarmed. That's not a capital offense. It's excessive use of force. Is

Well it wasn't and had the person been black breaking into a house and was unarmed and killed the leftist for community would be outraged. I'm all for consistency if killing an unarmed woman is justified so is killing any unarmed person while committing a crime. We agree?
Yes unarmed. That's not a capital offense. It's excessive use of force. Is

Well it wasn't and had the person been black breaking into a house and was unarmed and killed the leftist for community would be outraged. I'm all for consistency if killing an unarmed woman is justified so is killing any unarmed person while committing a crime. We agree?
I agree that less killing for any reason would be a net positive for our country.

I merely stand by my contention that she was not "murdered."

I buy that it may have been excessive, but nerves were frayed. One takes a huge chance doing what they were doing at that door...and she was the one who decided she was going to be the first into the chamber.

Not bright.
Guy was only saved from the chopping block by this fgt

Who will never ever hear the end of it.


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I agree that less killing for any reason would be a net positive for our country.

I merely stand by my contention that she was not "murdered."
So you agree michael byrd (black cop) should have been charged with something? Maybe manslaughter!

Reverse the races and this would have been another george floyd story.
So you agree michael byrd (black cop) should have been charged with something? Maybe manslaughter!

He should have been charged with protecting the Capitol...which was his job.

He most certainly should not have been charged with murder, manslaughter, or any other crime.

Reverse the races and this would have been another george floyd story.
You are certainly free to think that. I do not.
I agree that less killing for any reason would be a net positive for our country.

I merely stand by my contention that she was not "murdered."

I buy that it may have been excessive, but nerves were frayed. One takes a huge chance doing what they were doing at that door...and she was the one who decided she was going to be the first into the chamber.

Not bright.
I agree all the unarmed people killed by police were "not bright". Nerves were frayed and one takes a huge chance doing what they were doing. And they were the ones who decided what steps they took.