Ahnuld has distanced himself from Bush.


Villified User
That ungrateful jerk ;)
I watched a bit of him on Letterman and he related linking himself to Bush about the same as linking his movies to an Oscar :)
If you actually look at his policy and stances they are pretty far from Bush. I think his analogy is about right. People in movies win Oscars, but that doesn't mean that his movies win Oscars.... So that link is about the same as Bush to Arnie.

Look at just the most obvious. He stressed paying for Stem Cell research and implemented it in his state.
Arnie is about in synch with my type of conservatism. Not quite, but getting there. Far, far closer than Bush is.
Arnold's gonna win - he's pretending that he's a Democrat now. He's been acting like a full fledged progressive for the last 12 months.
It is the only way he can survive in CA.


The dude has hired a Democratic chief of staff.

He's massively increased funding to education, stem cell research, and global warming initiatives. He's sucking up to teachers and nurses unions - acting like their buddy. And he's liberal on environmental policy.

In some ways, he's more "liberal" than Gray Davis was.

Basically, I think his Kennnedy wife is telling him what to do. I'm not complaining. ;)

No, he won't run for Prez. There's that constitution thing. And, he's too liberal for the wingnut GOP primary voters.