Air America Host Lionel to Left-Wing Nutroot Bloggers


Air America Host Lionel,to Left-Wing Nutroot Bloggers: Stop Giving Me a Daily Transcript of Glenn Beck

YouTube - Lionel

"And let me tell you something right now my friends - to all of my friends listening, to all of those individuals who are in the world of either left, progressive, liberal or counter-programming, blogging and the like - damn it, stop giving me a transcript every single day of what Rush Limbaugh and/or Glenn Beck say," Lionel said. "Why are you doing this? Don't you understand this is a work? He is laughing his way to the bank."

"Quit giving me a daily transcript of what Glenn Beck says every day," Lionel continued. "Somebody said to me the other day, ‘Do you listen to Glenn Beck?' I said, "No, I don't have to. I'll go on, name it - the Daily address - whatever. I'll read word-for-word what he says. What is the matter with you people? He doesn't care! He's a clown! He's a millionaire!"

He continued with his sarcastic criticism of his own side - that using the method of Twitter and blogging really isn't putting a dent in the obstacles liberals have to overcome cause by the message Beck is offering to his listeners and viewers.

"And do you know who makes him a millionaire?" Lionel said. "You do you insufferable putzes, schmucks, who every single day, word-for-word, give me a verbatim account of what he says. And you're so snarky in your self-righteousness. ‘Haha - I show him, look I'm tweeting! I'll show him! I got two pennies to rub together; he wipes his ass with $100-bills. But I'm tweeting! Hahaha."


He just described most of the liberals on this board. Word for word, every exact sentence they can tell you what Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Sean Hannity said on the radio any time of the day, week, month, and year.
that was funny and soooooo true....

"the number of corporate sponsors that have pulled their advertising dollars from The Glenn Beck Program grew to 20 on Tuesday. Walmart, Best Buy and Travelocity joined the list"

he is laughing all the way to the bank, the teabaggers will elevate him like the foul who yelled out.
What does this show? Democrats are wusses like Carter, can't fight their way out of a wet paper bag.
"the number of corporate sponsors that have pulled their advertising dollars from The Glenn Beck Program grew to 20 on Tuesday. Walmart, Best Buy and Travelocity joined the list"]

The campaign by to get companies to boycott Glenn Beck’s Fox News program has been going on for more than a month, and 62 companies have pledged their support and refused to advertise on the program. That is a victory on one level.

Yet, despite a press release yesterday saying the contrary, Fox News continues to be unaffected financially by the boycott.

The release was accompanied by a Huffington Post blog by the group’s founder, James Rucker. From the release:

The advertising boycott of Glenn Beck has cost the controversial host over half of his estimated advertising revenue since it was launched by a month ago. This according to data analyzed from industry sources.

Well FNC outright disputes this. A spokesperson tells Mediaite, “The Color of Change figures are wildly inaccurate on all fronts – revenue has not been negatively affected in any way.”

Two differing opinions – and Fox is very likely in the right. While companies are pledging to boycott Beck’s show, two simultaneous events are occurring. First, Beck’s show still has advertisers. They may be “Beachbody (creator of P90X Exercise Equipment), Egg Genie and Telebrands (creator of Jupiter Jack)” as Rucker points out in the press release, but they are still there. Beck’s program continues to draw enormous ratings, and advertisers must pay for the wide audience. And it’s not just a month-to-month comparison. When looking year-to-year, FNC at 5pmET is drawing well more than double the amount of viewers it was in 2008 (when the program was America’s Election HQ) – and at times nearly three times as many.

The other point is, Fox News is still not being boycotted as a network. These “industry sources” that estimated the loss figures for ColorOfChange very likely didn’t talk to the FNC ad sales department – because the loss for the network couldn’t possibly be anything close to the numbers estimated. While companies can request not to be included during Beck’s hour, by spreading their advertising over the rest of the FNC day and prime time, they are still paying a hefty premium.

It’s an admirable effort to get nearly 200,000 signatures of support, and continue to tally up companies refusing to touch Beck’s program and rhetoric. But to say it’s affecting Fox News is a mischaracterization. It’s just not…yet.

Color of Change is more like the Smell Of Failure.
It prob kills dems that teabag news gets ratings that top both real news networks combined, well msnbc is not real news either. Could they put the real name as air america tv and get it over with.