Airline Security


Junior Member
We are spending way to much time and money looking for weapons instead on focusing on looking for terrorist. Look for the person not the weapon. PROFILE!
A terrorist could pack his ass with explosives and get on a plane and take a window seat and blow the plane out the air. Will we then require cavity searches for all passangers?
I guess you are right, I just remembered my last flight and who was on board! But jokes aside. there is that threat and how can it be dealt with? We need to profile and use rational judgement instead of wasting time frisking grandma and the kids.
There are lots of profiles of what terrorist look like. These included behavior. Now it may not fit all terrrorist, and not all who fit the profiles are terrorist, but play the odds of inspection.
There are lots of profiles of what terrorist look like. These included behavior. Now it may not fit all terrrorist, and not all who fit the profiles are terrorist, but play the odds of inspection.
If you do this while also working on the more random view we use currently I think you've pretty much covered all your bases.
If you do this while also working on the more random view we use currently I think you've pretty much covered all your bases.
As well as can be done. It's important -- critically important -- that people understand there will never be zero risk. That total safety is impossible.

I'm sure that you understand that, Damo, but too many don't. And our politicians make things worse by trying to score points on every little supposed breach of security they can find.
NOW I should say before some fool comes on and says that I said we should not inspect bags that we should still inspect bags for security. Just be realist, fingernail clippers and lighters and not that big a hazard to worry about.
As well as can be done. It's important -- critically important -- that people understand there will never be zero risk. That total safety is impossible.

I'm sure that you understand that, Damo, but too many don't. And our politicians make things worse by trying to score points on every little supposed breach of security they can find.
I'm actually from the group that believes that any concession to the terrorist is a small defeat. I would prefer we stopped overreacting so consistently. Once they have figured out one attack type they are never able to use it again.

I mean, really, are you going to sit quietly while they make your body part of a missile for big buildings? They'll never be able to do that one again...
And what a 1oz bottle of perfume could contain enough explosive to bring down a plane? Give me a break!