Al Jazeera America to Shut Down by April -


The cable news channel Al Jazeera America, which debuted in 2013 to great fanfare when it promised to cover American news soberly and seriously, is shutting down by the end of April. The move was announced at a companywide meeting on Wednesday.
In a memo to the staff, Al Jazeera America’s chief executive, Al Anstey, said the “decision by Al Jazeera America’s board is driven by the fact that our business model is simply not sustainable in light of the economic challenges in the U.S. media marketplace.”
“I know the closure of AJAM will be a massive disappointment for everyone here who has worked tirelessly for our long-term future,” he continued. “The decision that has been made is in no way because AJAM has done anything but a great job. Our commitment to great journalism is unrivaled.”

Al Jazeera America went on the air in August 2013 after it bought Al Gore’s Current TV for $500 million. It promised to be thoughtful and smart, free of the shouting arguments that have defined cable news in the United States over the last decade. But meaningful viewership never came, with prime-time ratings sometimes struggling to exceed 30,000 viewers.

To make matters worse, the newsroom was hit with turmoil last year when staff members complained bitterly of a culture of fear. There was an exodus of top executives, along with a pair of lawsuits from former employees that included complaints about sexism and anti-Semitism at the news channel.

In May, Ehab Al Shihabi, the chief executive of Al Jazeera America, was replaced by Mr. Anstey. Morale improved in the following months but ratings remained low.

And Al Jazeera America has not been free of controversy in recent months. In November, the news station’s general counsel, David W. Harleston, was suspended following a report in The New York Times that he did not appear to be licensed to practice law. In late December, Al Jazeera aired an hourlong documentary that linked some of the biggest stars in Major League Baseball and the National Football League to performance-enhancing drugs. The most prominent athlete mentioned in the report was the Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning, who angrily denied the report, calling it “complete garbage” and “totally made up.”

As part of Wednesday’s announcement, Mr. Anstey said that after the cable news network shuts down by April 30, Al Jazeera would expand its digital presence in the United States. The expansion “would bring new global content into America.”


I just don't understand how a pro muslim tv station did not work in the United States, especially with all the cum gurgling liberals we have around here defending them.
I assume that was tongue in cheek, she loves anyone who hates America

Al Jazeera doesn't hate America, and they are an award winning news service. I like the because they publish stories you don't see American news services report.
I just don't understand how a pro muslim tv station did not work in the United States...

Clearly, you've not bothered to check any of their coverage.

It's not pro-Muslim.

I've found Al Jazeera America to be one of the most objective news outlets around.

It also shows that you're entirely unaware of what being an American means, since being American means we follow the Constitution and its ideals of equality regardless of race, religion or national origin.

Failing to understand this simple concept tends to make one an unpatriotic, anti-American Constitution hater. :)
Clearly, you've not bothered to check any of their coverage.

It's not pro-Muslim.

I've found Al Jazeera America to be one of the most objective news outlets around.

It also shows that you're entirely unaware of what being an American means, since being American means we follow the Constitution and its ideals of equality regardless of race, religion or national origin.

Failing to understand this simple concept tends to make one an unpatriotic, anti-American Constitution hater. :)

Uh-oh Desh. You going to take this?
Aljazeera has done their job. by april, there will no longer be a need to propagandize the fools of this land or brainwash the damned. they will be engaged in caliphate building.

So you're saying that by April Fox News will be off the air?
During Desert Storm I often found Al Jazeera the only news source I could get that gave decent coverage on just who we were up against. Saddam Hussein was even then just the beginning of our difficulties in the middle east.
Al Jazeera doesn't hate America, and they are an award winning news service. I like the because they publish stories you don't see American news services report.

I guess you and MaliKhristiefan will have to learn how to read Arabic to get your daily fatwas now
The cable news channel Al Jazeera America, which debuted in 2013 to great fanfare when it promised to cover American news soberly and seriously, is shutting down by the end of April. The move was announced at a companywide meeting on Wednesday.
In a memo to the staff, Al Jazeera America’s chief executive, Al Anstey, said the “decision by Al Jazeera America’s board is driven by the fact that our business model is simply not sustainable in light of the economic challenges in the U.S. media marketplace.”
“I know the closure of AJAM will be a massive disappointment for everyone here who has worked tirelessly for our long-term future,” he continued. “The decision that has been made is in no way because AJAM has done anything but a great job. Our commitment to great journalism is unrivaled.”

Al Jazeera America went on the air in August 2013 after it bought Al Gore’s Current TV for $500 million. It promised to be thoughtful and smart, free of the shouting arguments that have defined cable news in the United States over the last decade. But meaningful viewership never came, with prime-time ratings sometimes struggling to exceed 30,000 viewers.

To make matters worse, the newsroom was hit with turmoil last year when staff members complained bitterly of a culture of fear. There was an exodus of top executives, along with a pair of lawsuits from former employees that included complaints about sexism and anti-Semitism at the news channel.

In May, Ehab Al Shihabi, the chief executive of Al Jazeera America, was replaced by Mr. Anstey. Morale improved in the following months but ratings remained low.

And Al Jazeera America has not been free of controversy in recent months. In November, the news station’s general counsel, David W. Harleston, was suspended following a report in The New York Times that he did not appear to be licensed to practice law. In late December, Al Jazeera aired an hourlong documentary that linked some of the biggest stars in Major League Baseball and the National Football League to performance-enhancing drugs. The most prominent athlete mentioned in the report was the Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning, who angrily denied the report, calling it “complete garbage” and “totally made up.”

As part of Wednesday’s announcement, Mr. Anstey said that after the cable news network shuts down by April 30, Al Jazeera would expand its digital presence in the United States. The expansion “would bring new global content into America.”


I just don't understand how a pro muslim tv station did not work in the United States, especially with all the cum gurgling liberals we have around here defending them.

Sounds like a repeat of SCAIR AMERICA
Clearly, you've not bothered to check any of their coverage.

It's not pro-Muslim.

I've found Al Jazeera America to be one of the most objective news outlets around.

It also shows that you're entirely unaware of what being an American means, since being American means we follow the Constitution and its ideals of equality regardless of race, religion or national origin.

Failing to understand this simple concept tends to make one an unpatriotic, anti-American Constitution hater. :)

I watch Al Jazeera Europe and it is without question very fair, indeed many of the journalists are British.
continued to win awards for its coverage. But in the end, the decision was an economic one.

too bad it was some good international news
Clearly, you've not bothered to check any of their coverage.

It's not pro-Muslim.

I've found Al Jazeera America to be one of the most objective news outlets around.

It also shows that you're entirely unaware of what being an American means, since being American means we follow the Constitution and its ideals of equality regardless of race, religion or national origin.

Failing to understand this simple concept tends to make one an unpatriotic, anti-American Constitution hater. :)

oh I'm going to like you