Aleska Dems sue for vote data ...find it altered

Democrats say 2004 election data was altered

By MATT VOLZ, Associated Press Writer

Published: October 5, 2006
Last Modified: October 5, 2006 at 04:12 PM

JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) - Alaska Democratic Party officials say the 2004 election data they sued the state to get may have been changed this year, and they want to know why.

Party Chairman Jake Metcalfe says a review of the central tabulator file containing that year's raw election results by precinct showed activity on the database between July 12 and 13 of this year. In a letter to Alaska Division of Elections director Whitney Brewster, Metcalfe said he does not understand why the data would be changed after the party petitioned for its release.

"As a result of these modifications, data from the 2004 election appears to have been altered," Metcalfe wrote in his letter, dated Thursday.

In addition, the Democratic party's review showed 293 manual entries were made to the file in 2004 between Nov. 2 and Dec. 2. Manual entries are typically made when ballots are damaged and can't be scanned.

By comparison, only 17 manual entries were made in that year's primary election, party spokeswoman Kay Brown said.

The Democratic party filed a public records request for the division to release the same data before the July changes were made. Party officials also want any documents and files identifying the people who made the manual entries or modifications to the data.

"If the division cannot produce the correct copy that we thought we were getting, not modified after the fact, we could very well go back to court," Brown said.

The Alaska Democratic Party originally requested the information last December, with party leaders saying there were numerous errors and discrepancies in the results that were reported in the 2004 elections. When the Division of Elections refused the request, the party filed a lawsuit to force its release.

The division released the central tabulator file last month, less than a week before a scheduled court hearing in the case. Elections officials said a security audit of the data showed it could be released without compromising this year's election.

Brewster was not available for comment on Thursday. Annette Kreitzer, chief of staff for Lt. Gov. Loren Leman, said time will be needed to answer the Democratic party's detailed questions while at the same time preparing for the Nov. 7 general election.

"The division will be happy to provide the answers the Democratic party is seeking," Kreitzer said. "I think Alaskans have confidence and have every reason to have confidence in the Division of Elections and their ability to protect the election system."

Discrepancies in the 2004 election included a district-by-district count that added up 292,267 votes cast for George Bush in the presidential election, while the statewide summary showed 190,889 votes.

District-by-district totals gave U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski 226,992 votes, while her official total was 149,446 votes.

And in half the state House Districts, more ballots were cast than there are registered voters, with 200 percent voter turnout in 16 of those districts, the Democrats say.

Brown said the Democratic party's analysis of the central tabulator file has not yet revealed the cause of those discrepancies.

"We are continuing to try to get to the bottom of that," Brown said.
Democracy dont mean much around here huh?

I read the article and it sounds like they are providing what Alaska Dems are asking for.

As if you give a shit about democracy, 100% of your voting concerns have to do with trying to make Dems look cheated.
"If the division cannot produce the correct copy that we thought we were getting, not modified after the fact, we could very well go back to court," Brown said.

It is not the original untouched version, it was altered AFTER the election
"If the division cannot produce the correct copy that we thought we were getting, not modified after the fact, we could very well go back to court," Brown said.

It is not the original untouched version, it was altered AFTER the election

Ok, why would anyone want to alter it after the election was over? It's not like Dems were close to being elected in Alaska.
What would be the point of this?

Sounds to me like a mistake was possibly made, if that.

And if that is the best the brad blog and other hyperLiberals can spam you with trying to get you outraged, then our democracy must be in better shape than I thought.
Now court cases and actual vote documentation is NOT acceptable to you huh?

You really dont care much about democracy do you?

NO matter what the reason they give for altering voter Data dont you see the danger of someone being allowed to just get away with altering the records of the very thing that gives our politicians the authority to make decisions in our stead?

I just find it hard to believe even you dont care if people in our puplic trust are allowed to hide anything they want from puplic view for ANY reason.