All African American Readers Must Read This


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This is a message for African Americans,

Many people love to complain about Donald Trump's racism but what some people may not know is that Hillary Clinton is racist as well. Hillary was a member of the Goldwater Girls. The Goldwater Girls organization opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. She was a member of an organization that opposed equal rights for African Americans, And she had the gall to say that she is proud to have been a Goldwater Girl.

Also, Margaret Sanger said these following words: "Colored people are like human weeds and need to be exterminated". These are the words that Hillary said about Sanger: "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision". Hillary admires a woman who said that you should be destroyed.

Before you vote this November, please think about what I've said. Hillary is racist. I believe that she's more racist than Trump. Hillary doesn't care about you. She wants your votes but she doesn't care about you. If she did care, she wouldn't admire a woman who said that you should be destroyed.
Actually, Barry Goldwater opposed only certain provisions in the Equal rights Legislation regarding private property rights as being unconstitutional. He would have supported the legislation if certain clauses were amended. Barry Goldwater was in no way a racist, he was a constitutionalist and partly Jewish. He perfectly understood discrimination, he was denied membership at Augusta National Golf Club because his father was a Jew.

Barry Goldwater joked he ask Augusta’s board if he could have a membership for just playing 9 holes because he was only half Jewish.
This is a message for African Americans,

Many people love to complain about Donald Trump's racism but what some people may not know is that Hillary Clinton is racist as well. Hillary was a member of the Goldwater Girls. The Goldwater Girls organization opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. She was a member of an organization that opposed equal rights for African Americans, And she had the gall to say that she is proud to have been a Goldwater Girl.


That's what we need, here......another clueless-Goober.

Actually, Barry Goldwater opposed only certain provisions in the Equal rights Legislation regarding private property rights as being unconstitutional. He would have supported the legislation if certain clauses were amended. Barry Goldwater was in no way a racist, he was a constitutionalist and partly Jewish. He perfectly understood discrimination, he was denied membership at Augusta National Golf Club because his father was a Jew.

Barry Goldwater joked he ask Augusta’s board if he could have a membership for just playing 9 holes because he was only half Jewish.

You forgot to mention he was crazy......

"Goldwater's provocative advocacy of aggressive tactics to prevent the spread of communism in Asia led to effective counterattacks from Lyndon B. Johnson and his supporters, who claimed that Goldwater's militancy would have dire consequences, possibly even nuclear war.

In a May 1964 speech, Goldwater suggested that nuclear weapons should be treated more like conventional weapons and used in Vietnam, specifically that they should have been used at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 to defoliate trees. Regarding Vietnam, Goldwater charged that Johnson's policy was devoid of "goal, course, or purpose", leaving "only sudden death in the jungles and the slow strangulation of freedom". Goldwater's rhetoric on nuclear war was viewed by many as quite uncompromising, a view buttressed by off-hand comments such as, "Let's lob one into the men's room at the Kremlin." He also advocated that field commanders in Vietnam and Europe should be given the authority to use tactical nuclear weapons (which he called "small conventional nuclear weapons") without presidential confirmation."

......So, Goldwater suggested the French were entitled to maintain their colonization, of 'Nam (like any good racist would).....only to see France get their collective-asses handed to themselves......

.....and, we all know what happened, AFTER THAT!!!!!

"Former Emperor Bao Dai had appointed Ngo Dinh Diem, a Vietnamese Catholic who had lived in the U.S. and Europe, Premier of South Vietnam. Though Vietnam was 95% Buddhist, the Catholic Diem was soon recognized as the future leader of Vietnam by the CIA and other U.S. interests. In 1956 the U.S. refused to go along with the promised nation-wide elections because, in the words of President Eisenhower, "Possibly 80 per cent of the population would have voted for the Communist Ho Chi Minh as their leader rather than Chief of State Bao Dai."

U.S. involvement continued and so did U.S. money and men. American presence rose to 500 under Eisenhower and grew to 15,000 under Kennedy. But Diem continued to be in trouble: former Viet Minh cadres helped to support a number of groups to oppose Diem and the French successor in Vietnam -- the U.S. The similarity between the French and the U.S. forces in Vietnam was, from the Vietnamese point of view, more than that both were foreign oppressors. Even our uniforms were similar, right down to the green berets. In fact, U.S. troops were known as "Frenchmen with money."

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This is a message for African Americans,

Many people love to complain about Donald Trump's racism but what some people may not know is that Hillary Clinton is racist as well. Hillary was a member of the Goldwater Girls. The Goldwater Girls organization opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. She was a member of an organization that opposed equal rights for African Americans, And she had the gall to say that she is proud to have been a Goldwater Girl.

Also, Margaret Sanger said these following words: "Colored people are like human weeds and need to be exterminated". These are the words that Hillary said about Sanger: "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision". Hillary admires a woman who said that you should be destroyed.

Before you vote this November, please think about what I've said. Hillary is racist. I believe that she's more racist than Trump. Hillary doesn't care about you. She wants your votes but she doesn't care about you. If she did care, she wouldn't admire a woman who said that you should be destroyed.

The Goldwater election occurred after the 1964 Civil Rights Act. I don't believe the Goldwater girls was a formal organization and in any case you have not demonstrated that it opposed the CRA of 64 or equal rights for African Americans, which Goldwater clearly supported.

There is no record that Margaret Sanger said what you claim. I think I have corrected you before on this. Are you just a leftist troll pretending to be an insane right winger?
This is a message for African Americans,

Many people love to complain about Donald Trump's racism but what some people may not know is that Hillary Clinton is racist as well. Hillary was a member of the Goldwater Girls. The Goldwater Girls organization opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. She was a member of an organization that opposed equal rights for African Americans, And she had the gall to say that she is proud to have been a Goldwater Girl.

Also, Margaret Sanger said these following words: "Colored people are like human weeds and need to be exterminated". These are the words that Hillary said about Sanger: "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision". Hillary admires a woman who said that you should be destroyed.

Before you vote this November, please think about what I've said. Hillary is racist. I believe that she's more racist than Trump. Hillary doesn't care about you. She wants your votes but she doesn't care about you. If she did care, she wouldn't admire a woman who said that you should be destroyed.

The Goldwater election occurred after the 1964 Civil Rights Act. I don't believe the Goldwater girls was a formal organization and in any case you have not demonstrated that it opposed the CRA of 64 or equal rights for African Americans, which Goldwater clearly supported.

There is no record that Margaret Sanger said what you claim. I think I have corrected you before on this.


