All Optical Scanners with Paper Ballots for Colorado...


Staff member

Colorado Secretary of State Mike Coffman said today that he favors using paper ballots at polling places for the 2008 elections as a way to steer the state out of its voting-machine morass.

Coffman said he has more confidence in a traditional paper-ballot-and-polling-place system, as opposed to relying only on electronic voting machines.

Many of the machines were recently found not to meet state standards.

Coffman also rejected the proposal from the Colorado County Clerks Association asking legislators to allow counties to hold all mail-in ballot elections for 2008.

"I think that voters ought to have the choice whether they want to vote at the polls in the privacy of the voting booth or around the dining room table with their family," Coffman said today.

Coffman threw the 2008 elections into turmoil last week when he decertified several kinds of electronic voting machines for failing to meet state security and accuracy standards.


But a paper ballot election — as well as an all mail-in ballot election — would still require counties to use optical-scan machines to read the ballots. Coffman decertified two of the four brands of scanners used in the state.

Coffman said he is working on bringing all voting machines up to par for the 2008 election, in part because federal law requires polling places to have electronic voting machines for those with disabilities to use.


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